芙洛拉(Flora by Ambroise Dubois 1543-1614)文艺复兴时期佛兰德画派,具有动态而有巴洛克的端倪
亚历山大大帝归还阿卜杜洛米诺被剥夺的王位(Alexander the Great Restoring the Throne Usurped from Abdolomino by Bernardo Strozzi 1581-1644),巴洛克风格,有卡拉瓦乔的强烈明暗对比
赫拉克勒斯和翁法勒(Hercules and Omphale by Theodoor van Thulden),巴洛克风格
维纳斯的诞生(Birth of Venus by Noël Nicolas Coypel 1690-1734),洛可可风格
夏(Summer by Jakob de Wit 1695-1754)
朱庇特和忒提斯(Jupiter and Thetis by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres 1780-1867)
朱迪斯(Judith by Jean Baptiste Camille Corot 1797-1875),写实主义,这个不看标题不知道是《圣经·外传》的故事,没有拿刀也没有人头
里纳尔多和阿尔米达(Rinaldo and Armida by Nicolas Mignard 1606-1668),典出塔索的叙事史诗《被解放的耶路撒冷》,女妖爱上十字军骑士,建造魔幻花园迷惑不成改信基督教一起东征
男孩和仆从(A Boy and a Page by Paolo Veronese and his workshop),威尼斯画派,鲜亮色彩,现世生活
10汉尼拔的一生:布匿战争前激励士兵(The Life of Hannibal: Hannibal Inspires a Soldier before the Battle of Saguntum, Promising him a Reward by Claudio Francesco Beaumont 1694-1766)
阿玛利亚·冯·索尔穆斯·布朗菲尔斯肖像(Portrait of Amalia von Solms-Braunfels by Anthony van Dyck 1599-1641),巴洛克风格
詹姆斯二世肖像(Portrait of James II by Peter Lely 1618-1680)
安博堡侯爵夫人肖像(Portrait of the Marquise de la Ferte-Imbault by Jean-Marc Nattier 1685-1766)
路易十六的妹妹法国公主伊丽莎白肖像(Portrait of Princess Elisabeth of France, Sister of Louis XVI by Elisabeth-Louise Vigee-Le Brun 1755-1842),新古典主义风格
法国王后玛丽·安托瓦内特肖像(Portrait of Mare-Antoinette, Queen of France),据专家分析,该画像是Vigee-Le Brun丈夫的侄女根据她原作临摹
罗马国王肖像(Portrait of the King of Rome by Marie Francoise Constance Mayer La Martiniere 1775-1821),小孩是拿破仑二世、罗马王刚出生不久的儿子
卡罗琳·波拿巴·穆拉特肖像(Portrait of Caroline Bonaparte Murat by Robert Lefevre 1755-1830),她是拿破仑一世的妹妹,嫁给其手下将军穆拉特,在穆拉特被拿破仑封为那不勒斯国王后成为王后,一度成为摄政王,但后来穆拉特战败被处决后,卡罗琳带着孩子流亡到奥地利
拿破仑在烛光和月光下读信(Napoleon Reading a Letter by Candle and Moonlight by Pietro Benventi 1769-1844),新古典主义
拿破仑越过圣贝尔纳山(Bonaparte Crossing the Great St. Bernard by Workshop of Jacques-Liuis David 1748-1825),新古典主义
着加冕长袍的拿破仑肖像(Portrait of Napoleon in His Coronation Robes by Workshio fo Anne Louis Biredet de Boussy Triesen 1757-1824),古典主义和浪漫主义间
拿破仑一世画像(Portrait of Napoleon I by Workshop of Franceis Gerard 1770-1837),新古典主义
女孩和狗(A Young Girl and Her Dog by Joshua Reynolds 1723-1729),新古典主义
年轻女子画像(Portrait of a Young Woman by Workshop of Jean-Baptiste Greuze 1725-1805)
女子画像(Portrait of a Lady by Louise Amelie Legrand de Saint-Aubin 1798-?)
拿着曼陀林的女人(A Woman with a Mandolin by Eugenio Eduardo Zampighi 1859-1944)
两位女子(Two Women by Marie Laurencin 1883-1956),“野兽派”和“立体派”
哈罗德·威尔逊夫人肖像(Portrait of Mrs. Harold Wilson by John Singer Sargent 1856-1925)
一位衣着时髦的女士肖像(Portrait of a Lady in Fashionable Attire by Francois-Henri Mulard 1769-1850)
丝绸沙发(The Silk Divan by Micheie Gordigian 1830-1909)
田园音乐会(The Pastoral Concert by Pierre Bergaigne 1652-1708)
小屋前的人物(Figures before a Cottage by Thomas Gafnsborough 1727-1788),用画圣母圣子的笔法画凡人
乡村的乐趣(Pleasures of the Country by Francios Boucher 1703-1770),洛可可风格,平民的田园理想
田园乐章(Pastoral Music by Boucher)
占卜师(The Fortune Teller by Jean-Baptiste Pater 1695-1736)
女子与孩子们(Woman and Children by Edouard Vuillard 1868-1940)
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