前些天收到群发邮件,第二届国际非线性动力学会议(NODYCON 2021)将于2021年7月14日在罗马举行。单页摘要投稿截止是4月10日。该邮件及其相关链接附在后面。
学术活动包括论文出版仍然按NODYCON 2019的前例进行。主要区别只是会议的观光活动。第一届是组织参观卡比托利欧博物馆,第二届将参观梵蒂冈博物馆。我在前链介绍卡比托利欧博物馆的博文中就说过,“作为综合博物馆,无疑比可列入世界十大博物馆的梵蒂冈博物馆逊色。” 梵蒂冈博物馆的艺术品收藏也是举世无双,特别是米开朗基罗和拉斐尔的画。2018年我从开馆看到快闭馆,仍未尽兴。希望今年有机会再去。然后在NODYCON 2021上第三次去。
Dear Collegue,
we are very pleased to announce the Second International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (NODYCON 2021) to be held February 14-17, 2020 in Rome Italy. NODYCON was launched to foster the tradition of the illustrious conference series that was originally started by Prof. Ali H. Nayfeh in 1986 at Virginia Tech as the Nonlinear Vibrations, Stability and Dynamics of Structures Conference. NODYCON aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to present, discuss and disseminate recent advances in nonlinear dynamics research reflecting the rich spectrum of topics covered by the Springer journal NONLINEAR DYNAMICS.
As part of the Conference program, the Springer sponsored ALI H. NAYFEH PRIZES will be awarded for the best papers presented by graduate students. Referees will decide on the awards based on the quality of the written papers using the criteria of novelty, achievement, potential impact.
The Conference will be hosted by the Faculty of Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, a few steps away from the Colosseum and the Forum sites, and in a walking distance from the main railway station. Trains from Fiumicino airport to downtown Rome run every 15 minutes and take only 32 minutes. The social program will feature a guided tour of the Vatican Museums followed by a banquet in the magnificent Chiostro del Bramante downtown Rome.
The one-page abstracts to be submitted online using the Conference website before April 10, 2020 will be included in the Conference Book of Abstracts. Authors will have the option of submitting full-length papers for publication consideration as Springer Conference Proceedings. The papers will be made available to the following main indexing services: Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar and others (e.g., WoS Conference Proceedings Citation Index, MathSciNet, Zentralblatt MATH). The Springer Conference Proceedings papers will be made available during NODYCON 2021. A short list of papers will be invited to the NODYCON 2021 Special Issue of NONLINEAR DYNAMICS.
In this regard, we are very glad to inform you that the NODYCON 2019 Special Issue of NONLINEAR DYNAMICS (Guest Editors: A. Luongo, H. Hu, J. H. Park, S. Shaw) has been just published and the linked Special Issue In Memory of Prof. Ali H. Nayfeh (Guest Editors: G. Rega, A. Bajaj, M. Daqaq, M. Hajj) is also forthcoming in a few days as Volume 99 Issue 1. The NODYCON 2019 Springer Conference Proceedings (Editors: B. Balachandran, J. Ma, J. T. Machado, G. Stepan and myself) will be published in a few days (January 2020) as volume 1, volume 2 and volume 3.
We hope to see you in Rome in 2021 for an exciting scientific meeting and immersive cultural experience. For comments or queries, please contact us.
With best wishes for the New Year,
Walter Lacarbonara
NODYCON 2021 Chair
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