走进平常分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/cosismine 40岁,追求卓越,却走进平常


go forward hand in hand

已有 3789 次阅读 2012-1-12 15:47 |系统分类:教学心得| office, class, forward

Let me react this glory with a story of my son.


One day, in the summer of 2008, after final exam of that term, my son and I walked in the neighborhood for a relax. My son said to me peacefully: I wined an award in the mathematical competition.


What? Are you kidding me? The result of the competition had come out a month ago! And you never mentioned it. I hence thought you lost.


I just have to hide my tail. I don’t want to wag it in the air and get stuck up. In that situation, I will not achieve more progress in the final examination.


He answered and walked side by side with me. At that time, he was just eleven years old, but he tried his best to show he deserved this honor. He was not mature at all, through deliberated peace in his appearance, I saw how exciting he is, how he expect I can give him some credit.


About the tail, he knew the tragic consequence of the tail of wolf in the story of the rabbit and the wolf. The wolf showed his tail to the rabbit and the rabbit slamed the door, the tail of wolf was pinched…… and the strong wolf was hurt by the weak rabbit. He always thought there were truth hiding in the tail. When he got into troubles he felt he was as weak as the rabbit, and then he said to me: please show me your tail and let me see what on earth you are.

We human being has no tail any more.  It is said we all human being were evolved from monkey. Money has tail and the tail play very well to keep monkey balance……we can keep balance even if we have no tail, anything will be internalized as a part of ourselves……


however, we always forget who we are and make tails in our hip and wag it in the air when the great glory comes. But we are just ourselves, even if sometimes we find rules that hide in the observations make us as strong as a wolf, even if sometimes we meet troubles that frustrate us as weak as a rabbit, we are still ourselves, still have to solve the problem we face and go ahead to find more and more rules and make a progress step by step.


Let us internalize all and go forward hand in hand.


上一篇:刘玉仙:2011 Emerald/EFMD信息科学类最佳博士论文奖获得者
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