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已有 5221 次阅读 2014-4-2 16:22 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:博客资讯| 干细胞, 造假, 小保方晴子, 日本理化学研究所



小保方晴子Obokata Haruko, born June 29, 19831983629日出生于日本千叶县松户市,目前居住在日本神户,2006年毕业于早稻田大学理工学部应用化学科,2008年在早稻田大学获得应用化学硕士学位,2011年在早稻田大学获得生命医学博士学位。现供职于日本理化学研究所,主要从事细胞工学研究,著名成就包括STAP细胞的制作等。2014130日,小保方晴子在《自然》(Nature)发表了世界首例有效制作STAP细胞的论文(见下),被传媒视为首位女性日本人诺贝尔奖得主的有力人选。

Haruko Obokata, Teruhiko Wakayama, YoshikiSasai, Koji Kojima, Martin P. Vacanti, Hitoshi Niwa, Masayuki Yamato, CharlesA. Vacanti. Stimulus-triggeredfate conversion of somatic cells into pluripotency. Nature, 505,641-647. (30 January 2014). doi:10.1038/nature12968.

Haruko Obokata, Yoshiki Sasai, Hitoshi Niwa,Mitsutaka Kadota, Munazah Andrabi, Nozomu Takata, Mikiko Tokoro, YukariTerashita, Shigenobu Yonemura, Charles A. VacantiTeruhiko Wakayama. Bidirectional developmental potential in reprogrammed cells with acquired pluripotency. Nature,505, 676–680. (30 January 2014). doi:10.1038/nature12969.

小保方晴子于2014130发表在《自然(Nature)STAP细胞的论文,引来了加州大学戴维斯分校教授Paul Knoepfler等美国学者的攻击,他们声称论文中有2张照片疑似造假。现阶段,小保方论文中的实验方法,也无法被其他学者成功重现[1]2月下旬,理化学研究所为此组成了独立调查团,早稻田大学也对小保方的博士论文展开调查[2]。但是《朝日新闻219报道,上述质疑只是“误植照片”所致,理化学研究所认为“不影响实验结果的有效性”[3]山梨大学University of Yamanashi)教授若山照彦表示,自己曾在小保方的指导下“独立重复”了成功的实验。此外,小保方团队将尽速公开实验细节[4]。这样的辟谣结果对于挽回“疑似造假”并未奏效。而且局势出现了180度的转折,曾经声称自己在小保方的指导下“独立重复”了成功的实验的若山照彦教授,2014310向小保方等人提议撤回论文[5]。在314,日本理化学研究所理事长野依良治Noyori Ryōji 1938-,2001诺贝尔化学奖得主)等人在东京召开记者会,称论文撰写过程中存在重大错误。并且理化学研究所调查委员会称,弄清该错误是蓄意还是失误需要进一步调查,因此暂不做判断[6]。同日,执笔人小保方晴子有意撤回STAP细胞论文[7],且在书面声明中小保方晴子表示“很抱歉造成这么大的混乱。我们正在商讨撤回论文的可能性。”[8]但是,201441,日本理化学研究所公布了对论文的最终调查报告,确认小保方晴子存在不正行为。论文中使用的图片曾出现在其他论文中和被加工过。对于理化学研究所的调查报告,小保方晴子表示“无法接受”[9]。最新消息请浏览

Japan lab says stem cell research falsified (Update 3)

April 1, 2014 by Elaine Kurtenbach

Japan lab says stem cell research falsified (Update)

In this Jan. 28, 2014 photo, Japanese government-funded laboratory Riken Center for Development Biology researcher Haruko Obokata, the lead author of a widely heralded stem-cell research paper, speaks about her research results on stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency (STAP) cells during a press conference in Kobe, western Japan. Scientists at the institute said Tuesday, April 1, that discrepancies in research published in January in scientific journal Nature stemmed from image manipulation and data fabrication. They said Obokata had manipulated or falsified images of DNA fragments used in the research. (AP Photo/Kyodo News)

Japan lab says stem cell research falsified (Update)

Japan's research institute RIKEN President Ryoji Noyori, center, RIKEN Executive Directors, Maki Kawai, left, and Minoru Yonekura, bow during a press conference in Tokyo Tuesday, April 1, 2014. Scientists at the institute said Tuesday that discrepancies in research published in January in scientific journal Nature stemmed from image manipulation and data fabrication. They said researcher Haruko Obokata, the lead author of the paper in Nature, had manipulated or falsified images of DNA fragments used in the research. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)

Japan lab says stem cell research falsified (Update)

Shunsuke Ishii, the head of the committee set up to investigate allegations a widely heralded stem-cell research paper was fraudulent, speaks at a press conference on their findings in Tokyo Tuesday, April 1, 2014. Japanese government-funded laboratory Riken Center for Development Biology said Tuesday it found that data in the stem-cell research paper was falsified, holding the lead researcher responsible for the fabrication. They said researcher Haruko Obokata, the lead author of the paper in Nature, had manipulated or falsified images of DNA fragments used in the research. (AP Photo/Kyodo News)

Japan lab says stem cell research falsified (Update)

This Jan. 28, 2014 photo shows Haruko Obokata, a researcher of Japanese government-funded laboratory Riken Center for Development Biology in Kobe, western Japan. Scientists at the institute said Tuesday, April 1, that discrepancies in research published in January in scientific journal Nature stemmed from image manipulation and data fabrication. They said Obokata, the lead author of a widely heralded stem-cell research paper, had manipulated or falsified images of DNA fragments used in the research. (AP Photo/Kyodo News)

Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2014-04-japan-lab-stem-cell-falsified.html#jCp

Stem-Cell Scientist Found Guilty of Misconduct


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