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已有 4846 次阅读 2012-8-20 10:53 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:博客资讯| 青年科学家, 生物分析, 候选人投票

    Bioanalysis Zone杂志网站2012年8月16日发布了2012年生物分析青年科学家奖(2012 Bioanalysis Young Investigator Award)候选人投票推荐的消息,被专家推荐提名的10位参加决赛者的研究成果以及该研究在未来的发展和应用前景,已经在“Bioanalysis”杂志陆续进行了报道,其中几位在博文“几位获2012年生物分析青年科学家奖提名的研究者”中也有介绍,10名决赛者除了美国4名之外、加拿大、中国、德国、埃及、新西兰以及比利时各一名。详细投票以及同行评议详见: 2012 Bioanalysis Young Investigator Award: Vote for your favourite!(Publication Date:16/08/2012)或者点击下面10位决赛者的相关链接,即可看到相应的投票评议结果(注意如果无法浏览,可能需要进行免费注册后方可浏览和评议投票)。

Welcome to the 2012 Bioanalysis Young Investigator Award voting page! We are delighted to announce that following the publication of the profiles of our ten Young Investigator Award finalists – Gene, Michael, Pan, Sathya, Dajana, Maria, Omnia, Raphael, Lorna and Matt – voting for your favourite on the Zone is now open! To find out more about the selected nominees for this year’s award, please see their profile pages below:

Just to remind you that the winner of this year’s Bioanalysis Young Investigator Award will be given the opportunity to present their research in front of leading-industry experts at the EBF's 5th Open Symposium: 'Old Battles, New Horizon' in November, alongside a US$1,000 prize from Waters Corporation, as well as an annual subscription to Bioanalysis journal.

Please cast your vote below now!


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