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已有 1258 次阅读 2024-9-24 20:12 |个人分类:健康生活|系统分类:科普集锦




(Jack Atkinson/Unsplash)


(Science Photo Library/Canva Pro)

据《科学警报》ScienceAlert)网站2024919日报道,科学家计算出我们需要多少运动来“抵消”一天的久坐(Scientists Calculated How Much Exercise We Need to 'Offset' a Day of Sitting)。

我们都知道长时间坐着对身体不好isn't good for us),但到底需要多少运动才能抵消整天坐着对健康的负面影响呢?

研究表明,每天锻炼30-40 min就可以出汗了。每天40 min的“中等到高强度的体育活动”大约是平衡10 h静坐的适当量,尽管任何运动量的运动甚至只是站起来(just standing up)在某种程度上都有帮助。

这是基于2020年发表的一项荟萃分析研究(meta-analysis study),该研究分析了之前的九项研究,涉及4个不同国家的44370人,他们都戴着某种形式的健身追踪器。


研究人员在他们的论文(their paper)中解释说:“在进行大约30~40 min中等到高强度体育活动的活跃个体中,久坐时间与死亡风险之间的关联与久坐时间较短的人没有显著差异。”



当时,该研究与世界卫生组织《2020年全球体育活动和久坐行为指南》(World Health Organization 2020 Global Guidelines on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour)一起发表,该指南由六大洲的40名科学家共同撰写。

《英国运动医学杂志》(British Journal of Sports Medicine简称BHSM)也出版了一期特别版(special edition),刊登了这项研究和修订后的指南。

澳大利亚悉尼大学(University of Sydney in Australia)的体育活动和人口健康研究者伊曼纽尔·斯塔玛塔基斯(Emmanuel Stamatakis)说:“正如这些指导方针所强调的那样,所有的体育活动都很重要,任何程度的体育活动都比没有好。人们仍然可以保护自己的健康,抵消缺乏运动带来的有害影响。”

这项基于健身追踪器的研究大致符合世卫组织2020年指南(2020 WHO guidelines),该指南建议每周进行150~300 min的中等强度或75~150 min的高强度体育活动,以对抗久坐行为。

走楼梯而不是乘电梯,和孩子和宠物一起玩,参加瑜伽或跳舞,做家务,散步和骑自行车都是人们可以更积极的活动方式,如果你不能马上做到30~40 min,研究人员说,那就从小事开始。

尽管40 min的运动时间框架与之前的研究(previous research相符,但对所有年龄和体型的人提出建议并不容易。随着越来越多的数据公布,我们应该更多地了解如何保持健康,即使我们不得不长时间坐在办公桌前。

伊曼纽尔·斯塔玛塔基斯说said Stamatakis:“尽管新的指南反映了现有的最佳科学,但我们的知识中仍然存在一些差距。例如,我们仍然不清楚‘久坐’的标准到底在哪里。但这是一个快节奏的研究领域,我们有望在几年内找到答案。”

这项研究发表在这里here),2020年的指导方针可以在《英国运动医学杂志》上找到(here),WHO更多关于运动有益健康的信息请点击相关链接(available here)。



Objectives To examine the joint associations of accelerometer-measured physical activity and sedentary time with all-cause mortality.

Methods We conducted a harmonised meta-analysis including nine prospective cohort studies from four countries. 44 370 men and women were followed for 4.0 to 14.5 years during which 3451 participants died (7.8% mortality rate). Associations between different combinations of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity (MVPA) and sedentary time were analysed at study level using Cox proportional hazards regression analysis and summarised using random effects meta-analysis.

Results Across cohorts, the average time spent sedentary ranged from 8.5 hours/day to 10.5 hours/day and 8 min/day to 35 min/day for MVPA. Compared with the referent group (highest physical activity/lowest sedentary time), the risk of death increased with lower levels of MVPA and greater amounts of sedentary time. Among those in the highest third of MVPA, the risk of death was not statistically different from the referent for those in the middle (16%; 95% CI 0.87% to 1.54%) and highest (40%; 95% CI 0.87% to 2.26%) thirds of sedentary time. Those in the lowest third of MVPA had a greater risk of death in all combinations with sedentary time; 65% (95% CI 1.25% to 2.19%), 65% (95% CI 1.24% to 2.21%) and 263% (95% CI 1.93% to 3.57%), respectively.

Conclusion Higher sedentary time is associated with higher mortality in less active individuals when measured by accelerometry. About 30–40 min of MVPA per day attenuate the association between sedentary time and risk of death, which is lower than previous estimates from self-reported data.


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