Fig. 2 Credit: Nirthieca Suthakaran
据“生物工程师”(BIOENGINEER)2022年8月23日报道,美国研究人员首次将除草剂农达(Roundup®)与动物抽搐联系起来(Study first to link weed killer Roundup® to convulsions in animals)
美国疾病控制和预防中心(United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)最近的一份报告发现,美国超过 80%的儿童和成人尿液样本中含有除草剂草甘膦(glyphosate)。美国佛罗里达大西洋大学(Florida Atlantic University简称FAU)和诺瓦东南大学(Nova Southeastern University)的一项研究使这项研究更进一步,首次将广泛使用的除草剂农达的使用与动物抽搐联系起来。相关研究结果于2022年8月23日已经在《科学报告》(Scientific Reports)杂志网站发表——Akshay S. Naraine, Rebecca Aker, Isis Sweeney, Meghan Kalvey, Alexis Surtel, Venkatesh Shanbhag, Ken Dawson-Scully. Roundup and glyphosate’s impact on GABA to elicit extended proconvulsant behavior in Caenorhabditis elegans. Scientific Reports, 2022, 12, Article number: 13655. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-17537-w. Published: 23 August 2022. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-17537-w
参与此项研究的除了来自美国佛罗里达大西洋大学(FAU)和诺瓦东南大学的研究人员之外,还有来自马克斯·普朗克佛罗里达神经科学研究所(Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience, Jupiter, USA)的研究人员。
该项目的负责人、FAU和国际马克斯普朗克突触和电路研究学院(International Max Planck Research School for Synapses and Circuits)的博士生阿克夏·纳瑞恩(Akshay S. Naraine)说:“这与我们对草甘膦对神经系统的影响知之甚少有关。越来越多的证据表明草甘膦暴露的普遍程度,因此这项工作有望推动其他研究人员扩展这些发现并巩固我们应该关注的问题。”
发表在《科学报告》上的结果表明,草甘膦和农达增加了土壤线虫(soil-dwelling roundworms)的癫痫样行为,并提供了草甘膦靶向GABA-A受体(GABA-A receptors)的重要证据。这些交流点(communication points)对于运动至关重要,并且在很大程度上参与调节人类的睡眠和情绪。真正使这项研究与众不同的是,它的水平远低于美国环保署(EPA)推荐的水平和过去研究中使用的水平。
阿克夏·纳瑞恩说:“农达超浓液(Roundup® Super Concentrate)标签上列出的最佳效果浓度为0.98%草甘膦,即1加仑水中约5汤匙农达。我们研究的一项重要发现表明,仅0.002% 的草甘膦(比建议消费者使用的最低浓度低约300倍的除草剂)对神经系统产生了令人担忧的影响。”
研究人员使用一种土壤栖息的蛔虫——秀丽隐杆线虫(C. elegans)首先单独测试草甘膦,然后在两个不同的时间段测试美国和英国的农达配方——在英国2016年禁止聚乙氧基化牛油胺 (polyethoxylated tallowamine简称POEAs) 之前和之后。选择这些条件是为了确定活性成分草甘膦、一般的农达配方、POEAs表面活性剂或这些的任何组合所特有的效果。
诺瓦东南大学研究与经济发展部(Division of Research and Economic Development, Nova Southeastern University)实验室负责人、教授、高级副部长兼副教务长肯恩·道森-斯库利(Ken Dawson-Scully)博士说:“鉴于这些产品的广泛使用,我们必须尽可能多地了解可能存在的潜在负面影响。过去进行的研究显示了潜在的危险,我们的研究更进一步,取得了一些非常引人注目的结果。”
这项研究为进一步研究草甘膦和农达等其它除草剂慢性暴露和积累如何导致帕金森病等神经退行性疾病(neurodegenerative diseases)提供了证据。更重要的是,还有一个亚神经退行性阈值(sub-neurodegenerative threshold)可能会显著影响神经传递的失调。
As 3 billion pounds of herbicides are sprayed over farmlands every year, it is essential to advance our understanding how pesticides may influence neurological health and physiology of both humans and other animals. Studies are often one-dimensional as the majority examine glyphosate by itself. Farmers and the public use commercial products, like Roundup, containing a myriad of chemicals in addition to glyphosate. Currently, there are no neurological targets proposed for glyphosate and little comparison to Roundup. To investigate this, we compared how glyphosate and Roundup affect convulsant behavior in C. elegans and found that glyphosate and Roundup increased seizure-like behavior. Key to our initial hypothesis, we found that treatment with an antiepileptic drug rescued the prolonged convulsions. We also discovered over a third of nematodes exposed to Roundup did not recover from their convulsions, but drug treatment resulted in full recovery. Notably, these effects were found at concentrations that are 1,000-fold dilutions of previous findings of neurotoxicity, using over 300-fold less herbicide than the lowest concentration recommended for consumer use. Exploring mechanisms behind our observations, we found significant evidence that glyphosate targets GABA-A receptors. Pharmacological experiments which paired subeffective dosages of glyphosate and a GABA-A antagonist yielded a 24% increase in non-recovery compared to the antagonist alone. GABA mutant strain experiments showed no effect in a GABA-A depleted strain, but a significant, increased effect in a glutamic acid decarboxylase depleted strain. Our findings characterize glyphosate’s exacerbation of convulsions and propose the GABA-A receptor as a neurological target for the observed physiological changes. It also highlights glyphosate’s potential to dysregulate inhibitory neurological circuits.
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