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海珊瑚被发现是一种难以捉摸的“抗癌”化合物的来源 精选

已有 12007 次阅读 2022-7-2 15:42 |个人分类:药物动态|系统分类:海外观察







Fig. 1 Researchers   proved that sea corals are a source of eleutherobin, a chemical with   anti-cancer properties.

Fig. 2 Eric   W. Schmidt, Ph.D., Professor, Medicinal Chemistry, University of Utah.   Credit: Kristan Jacobsen for University of Utah Health




Fig. 3 Soft   corals are thought to make thousands of drug-like compounds that could work   as anti-inflammatory agents, antibiotics, anti-cancer therapeutics, and other   drug leads. Credit: Bailey Miller.

Fig. 4 Paul   Scesa, Ph.D., dives for soft corals off the Florida coast. He studies the   potential of soft coral chemicals as drug leads. Credit: Paul Scesa





Fig. 5 Eric   Schmidt, Ph.D., and Paul Scesa, Ph.D., working through the steps to make the   potential anti-cancer compound, eleutherobin. Credit: Kristan Jacobsen for   University of Utah Health

Fig. 6   Paul Scesa uses a bioreactor to produce large amounts of chemicals that are   found in small amounts in nature. Credit: Kristan Jacobsen for University of   Utah Health

据美国犹他大学(University Of Utah2022629日提供的消息,海珊瑚被发现是一种难以捉摸的“抗癌”化合物的来源(Sea Corals Found To Be a Source of an Elusive “Anti-Cancer” Compound)。研究人员证明,海珊瑚(sea corals)是五加素(eleutherobin)的来源,五加素是一种具有抗癌特性的化学物质(Fig. 1)。

海底充满了谜团,但科学家们刚刚发现了其中一个保存最完好的秘密。在过去的25年中,研究人员一直在寻找一种天然化学物质的来源,这种化学物质在治疗癌症的初步研究中显示出良好前景。现在,犹他大学医疗集团(University of Utah Health)的研究人员报告说,容易找到的软珊瑚(soft corals)——类似于水下植物的灵活珊瑚——制造了这种难以捉摸的化合物。


“这是我们第一次能够用地球上的任何药物先导来做到这一点,”犹他大学医疗集团药物化学教授埃里克·施密特 Eric W. SchmidtFig. 2)博士说。他与博士后科学家和第一作者保罗·塞萨(Paul Scesa)博士以及助理研究教授林振建(Zhenjian Lin音译)博士一起领导了这项研究。


由加州大学圣地亚哥分校(University of California San Diego)斯克里普斯海洋学研究所(Scripps Institution of Oceanography)的布拉德利·摩尔(Bradley S. Moore)博士领导的第二个研究小组独立地表明,珊瑚可以制造相关分子。这两项研究均于2022523日在《自然化学生物学》(Nature Chemical Biology)杂志网站发表。详见:

Paul D. ScesaZhenjian LinEric W. Schmidt. Ancient defensive terpene biosynthetic gene clusters in the soft corals. Nature Chemical Biology, 2022, 18(6): 659–663. Published: 23 May 2022. DOI: 10.1038/s41589-022-01027-1. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41589-022-01027-1

Immo BurkhardtTristan de RondPercival Yang-Ting ChenBradley S. Moore. Ancient plant-like terpene biosynthesis in corals. Nature Chemical Biology, 2022, 18(6): 664–669. DOI: 10.1038/s41589-022-01026-2. Published: 23 May 2022. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41589-022-01026-2

充满可能性的世界(A World of Possibilities

软珊瑚含有数千种类似药物的化合物,可用作抗炎药、抗生素和其他药物(Fig. 3)。然而,获得足够的这些化合物已成为将它们转化为临床有用药物的一大障碍。根据埃里克·施密特的说法,这些其他化合物现在应该可以使用这种新方法获得。

软海珊瑚(Soft Sea Corals)




寻找源头(Hunting for the Source


在之后的几十年里,科学家们搜索但无法找到药物开发所需数量的传说中的“圣杯”化学物质(“holy grail” chemical),并且在不了解化学物质是如何制造的情况下无法解决问题。教条认为,与其他种类的海洋生物类似,这种化学物质是由生活在动物体内的共生生物(symbiotic organisms)合成的。

保罗·塞萨说:“这没有任何意义,我们知道珊瑚必须制造五加素。” 虽然如此,他和埃里克·施密特推断,一些软珊瑚物种没有共生生物,但它们的身体却含有相同类别的化学物质。

保罗·塞萨潜水寻找软珊瑚(Paul Scesa dives for soft corals

保罗·塞萨博士在佛罗里达海岸潜水寻找软珊瑚(Fig. 4)。他研究软珊瑚化学物质作为药物先导的潜力。


后来,他加入了天然产物科学家埃里克·施密特的实验室,任务是追查先导药物(drug lead)的来源。保罗·塞萨怀疑他熟悉的珊瑚物种可能找到了答案,于是将小型活体样本从佛罗里达州带到了犹他州,真正的追踪从此开始了。

解码配方(Decoding the Recipe


埃里克·施密特和保罗·塞萨(Eric Schmidt and Paul Scesa

埃里克·施密特博士和保罗·塞萨博士正在通过这些步骤来制造潜在的抗癌化合物五加素(eleutherobin, Fig. 5)。





生物反应器的应用(Using a bioreactor to produce the compound

保罗·塞萨使用生物反应器生产大量的化学物质,这些化学物质被发现在自然界中存在量很少(Fig. 6)。


该研究得到了美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)和 ALSAM 基金会(ALSAM Foundation)的支持。


Abstract (DOI: 10.1038/s41589-022-01027-1)

Diterpenes are major defensive small molecules that enable soft corals to survive without a tough exterior skeleton, and, until now, their biosynthetic origin has remained intractable. Furthermore, biomedical application of these molecules has been hampered by lack of supply. Here, we identify and characterize coral-encoded terpene cyclase genes that produce the eunicellane precursor of eleutherobin and cembrene, representative precursors for the >2,500 terpenes found in octocorals. Related genes are found in all sequenced octocorals and form their own clade, indicating a potential ancient origin concomitant with the split between the hard and soft corals. Eleutherobin biosynthetic genes are colocalized in a single chromosomal region. This demonstrates that, like plants and microbes, animals also harbor defensive biosynthetic gene clusters, supporting a recombinational model to explain why specialized or defensive metabolites are adjacently encoded in the genome.


Abstract (DOI: 10.1038/s41589-022-01026-2)

Octocorals are major contributors of terpenoid chemical diversity in the ocean. Natural products from other sessile marine animals are primarily biosynthesized by symbiotic microbes rather than by the host. Here, we challenge this long-standing paradigm by describing a monophyletic lineage of animal-encoded terpene cyclases (TCs) ubiquitous in octocorals. We characterized 15 TC enzymes from nine genera, several of which produce precursors of iconic coral-specific terpenoids, such as pseudopterosin, lophotoxin and eleutherobin. X-ray crystallography revealed that coral TCs share conserved active site residues and structural features with bacterial TCs. The identification of coral TCs enabled the targeted identification of the enzyme that constructs the coral-exclusive capnellane scaffold. Several TC genes are colocalized with genes that encode enzymes known to modify terpenes. This work presents an example of biosynthetic capacity in the kingdom Animalia that rivals the chemical complexity generated by plants, unlocking the biotechnological potential of octocorals for biomedical applications.



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