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已有 3016 次阅读 2020-2-17 11:04 |个人分类:健康生活|系统分类:科普集锦| 绿茶提取物, 运动, 脂肪肝




Fig. 1 The results of the experiment are shown clearly in these slides showing liver tissues. Mice that consumed green tea extract and exercised regularly had just a quarter of the lipid deposits in their livers compared to those seen in the livers of a control group of mice. Mice that were treated with green tea extract alone or exercise alone had roughly half as much fat in their livers as the control group. Credit: Joshua Lambert research group/Penn

据美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学Pennsylvania State University 杰夫·穆霍尔姆(Jeff Mulhollem2020214日报道,宾夕法尼亚州立大学的研究人员说,绿茶提取物和运动(Green Tea Extract and Exercise)相结合,使高脂饮食小鼠肥胖相关的脂肪肝疾病的严重程度降低了75%,此项最新研究可能为人们提供了一种潜在的健康策略。来自宾夕法尼亚州立大学约书亚·兰伯特研究小组的图片(图1),清楚地显示了肝脏组织的实验结果。与对照(Control)组小鼠的肝脏相比,食用绿茶提取物并定期运动的小鼠的肝脏中脂质沉积只有1/4。单独用绿茶提取物(Green Tea Extract)治疗或单独运动(Exercise)的小鼠肝脏中的脂肪大约是对照组的一半。

食品科学副教授约书亚·兰伯特(Joshua Lambert)解释说,结果很重要,因为非酒精性脂肪肝是全球性的重大健康问题,预计将恶化。由于肥胖和2型糖尿病等危险因素的普遍存在,到2030年,脂肪肝疾病的患病人数预计将超过1亿。目前,尚无针对该疾病的有效疗法。

在该研究中,发现喂食高脂饮食 16周的老鼠消耗了绿茶提取物,并通过在轮子上跑步定期进行运动,而相比之下,在老鼠的肝脏中相当于对照组只有1/4的脂质沉积;而单独用绿茶提取物治疗或单独运动的小鼠肝脏中的脂肪沉积大约是对照组的一半。相关研究结果于20191027日在《营养生物化学杂志》( Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry)网站上发表,刊登在20202月出版的第76卷杂志上——Weslie Y. Khoo, Benjamin J.Chrisfield, Sudathip Sae-tan, Joshua D.Lambert. Mitigation of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in high-fat-fed mice by the combination of decaffeinated green tea extract and voluntary exercise. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry Available online 27 October 2019Volume 76, February 2020, 108262. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnutbio.2019.108262


约书亚·兰伯特说:通过在研究结束后检查这些小鼠的肝脏,并在研究过程中筛选它们的粪便,我们发现食用绿茶提取物并实际上锻炼过的小鼠在营养加工上有所不同,它们的身体在处理食物方面也有所不同。兰伯特补充说:我们认为绿茶中的多酚与小肠中分泌的消化酶相互作用,并部分抑制食物中碳水化合物、脂肪和蛋白质的分解。” “因此,如果小鼠不消化饮食中的脂肪,那么脂肪和与之相关的卡路里就会通过小鼠的消化系统传递,一定数量的脂肪最终会从粪便中排出。


约书亚·兰伯特说:我们测量了与能量代谢有关的基因的表达,这些基因在能量利用中起着重要作用。” “在接受联合治疗的小鼠中,我们看到了在消耗绿茶提取物并进行锻炼之前不存在的基因表达的增加。

约书亚·兰伯特指出,还需要更多的研究来观察绿茶提取物和运动共同产生的协同作用,以减少肝脏中沉积的脂肪,或者这些作用是否只是累加的。约书亚·兰伯特的研究小组在农学院(College of Agricultural Sciences)有12年的研究经历,曾经研究过绿茶、可可、鳄梨(avocados)和其他来源的多酚(通常称为抗氧化剂)化合物对健康益处。

在先前的相关研究中,约书亚·兰伯特及其同事证明了绿茶提取物和运动一起可以显着减少高脂饮食小鼠的体重并改善其心血管健康。但是,由于尚未进行评估绿茶与运动相结合的健康益处和风险的人体试验,因此他敦促对于决定自己尝试健康策略的人们要保持谨慎。他说:我相信人们应该多运动,用不含卡路里的低咖啡因饮食绿茶代替高热量的饮料是明智之举。” “将两者结合起来可能对人们的健康有益,但是我们还没有临床数据。更多信息请注意浏览原文或者相关报道。

Research suggests that green tea, exercise boost weight loss, health


We have shown that combination treatment with decaffeinated green tea extract (GTE) and voluntary exercise (Ex) reduces obesity and insulin resistance in high-fat (HF)-fed mice to a greater extent than either treatment alone. Here, we investigated the effects of GTE-, Ex- or the combination on the development of obesity-related NAFLD. Male C57BL/6 J mice were treated for 16 weeks with HF diet (60% energy from fat), HF supplemented with 7.7 g GTE/kg, HF plus access to a voluntary running wheel, or the combination. We found that treatment of mice with the combination mitigated the development of HF-induced NAFLD to a greater extent than either treatment alone. Combination-treated mice had lower plasma alanine aminotransferase (92% lower) and hepatic lipid accumulation (80% lower) than HF-fed controls: the effect of the single treatments was less significant. Mitigation of NAFLD was associated with higher fecal lipid and nitrogen levels. Combination treated, but not singly treated mice, had higher hepatic expression of genes related to mitochondrial biogenesis (sirtuin 1 [59%]; peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator 1α [42%]; nuclear respiratory factor 1 [38%]; and transcription factor B1, mitochondrial [89%]) compared to the HF-fed controls. GTE-, Ex-, and the combination-treatment groups also had higher hepatic expression of genes related to cholesterol synthesis and uptake, but the combination was not better than the single treatments. Our results suggest the combination of GTE and Ex can effectively mitigate NAFLD. Future studies should determine if the combination is additive or synergistic compared to the single treatments.


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