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Yuhji Saitoh撤稿进展

已有 4843 次阅读 2018-8-23 18:16 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:人物纪事| Yuhji Saitoh, 撤稿, 麻醉

Yuhji Saitoh撤稿进展



2017年,JSA建议期刊收回9篇论文,因为这些论文是一位日本研究人员与一个臭名昭著的骗子(notorious fraudster)合作完成的。但是,期刊编辑部并没有将其全部收回,而截止2018年8月21日仅仅收回了两篇。

此研究人员就是日本八千代医学中心 (Yachiyo Medical Center)和东京女子医科大学(Tokyo Women’s Medical University)的Yuhji Saitoh。Yuhji Saitoh与日本麻醉学家藤井善隆(Yoshitaka Fujii)有多篇合著论文。但是,藤井善隆在2012年被发现至少在172篇科学论文中( at least 172 scientific papers)有数据造假,而且,在个人撤稿数量上是创纪录的[1]。Yuhji Saitoh已经收回了39篇论文,其中许多是与藤井善隆合作的。但事实证明Yuhji Saitoh并不是一个完全无辜的旁观者:收到不当行为的指控后,日本麻醉医师协会(Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists, JSA)调查了Yuhji Saitoh已经发表的大约40篇作品。JSA对Yuhji Saitoh论文的调查并非空穴来风,至少在某种程度上与2016年两名麻醉师——约翰·卡莱尔(John Carlisle)和约翰·劳兹曼(John Loadsman)对于Yuhji Saitoh数十篇论文的检查分析有关。《撤稿瞭望》对此也曾经有过报道(that we covered)。他们分析检查的论文中有23篇论文是与藤井善隆合作完成的。约翰·卡莱尔和约翰·劳兹曼他们确定了几个与藤井善隆合作的潜在问题,包括不太可能已经进行了随机抽样。

根据2017年9月 发布的报告审查委员会“确定10篇已经发表的作品涉嫌有明确的道德违规行为,其中一篇论文已经收回a committee “identified ten publications with clear ethics violations, one of which has already been retracted.”)”。另外的9篇论文中已经收回的只有2篇,即一篇是 2004年在《麻醉》(Anesthesia)杂志发表的论文,另外一篇是 2010年在《麻醉学报》(Journal of Anesthesia)发表的论文。

虽然将一篇被认为存在瑕疵的论文撤回看似一项简单的任务,但是,《撤稿瞭望》网站对于像藤井善隆(Fujii)和约阿希姆·博尔特(Joachim Boldt)这样臭名昭著的骗子的撤稿记录有很多,在《撤稿瞭望》排行榜中获得冠军和亚军(The Retraction Watch Leaderboard)。不同的期刊在几年时间期间已经收回他们的一些作品。即使直接要求撤稿——如来自大学等进行的调查结果,作为期刊而言,并非那么简单,可能需要数年的时间

Yuhji Saitoh的7篇论文依然在学术界有人引用:

(1)2005年发表于《加拿大麻醉杂志》(Canadian Journal of Anesthesia)的论文已经被引用11次——“Delayed recovery of vecuronium neuromuscular block in diabetic patients during sevoflurane anesthesia,” Canadian Journal of Anesthesia, published in 2005, has been cited 11 times, according to Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science.

(2)2003年在《加拿大麻醉杂志》(Canadian Journal of Anesthesia)发表的论文,已经被引用7次——“Neuromuscular blockade can be assessed accelerographically over the vastus medialis muscle in patients positioned prone,” Canadian Journal of Anesthesia, published in 2003, has been cited seven times.

(3)1997年在《加拿大麻醉杂志》(Canadian Journal of Anesthesia)发表的论文,已经被引用14次——“Train-of-four and double burst stimulation fade at the great toe and thumb,” Canadian Journal of Anesthesia, published in 1997, has been cited 14 times.

(4)1996年在《加拿大麻醉杂志》(Canadian Journal of Anesthesia)发表的论文,已经被引用7次——“Recovery of post-tetanic and train-of-four responses at the first dorsal interosseous and adductor pollicis muscles in patients receiving vecuronium,” Canadian Journal of Anesthesia, published in 1996, has been cited seven times.

(5)2003年在《英国麻醉学杂志》(British Journal of Anaesthesia)发表的论文,已经被引用16次——“Monitoring of neuromuscular block after administration of vecuronium in patients with diabetes mellitus,” British Journal of Anaesthesia, published in 2003, has been cited 16 times.

(6)1993年在《英国麻醉学杂志》(British Journal of Anaesthesia)发表的论文,已经被引用41次——“Recoveries of post-tetanic twitch and train-of-four responses after administration of vecuronium with different inhalation anaesthetics and neuroleptanaesthesia,” British Journal of Anaesthesia, published in 1993, has been cited 41 times.

(7)2009年在《福岛医学科学杂志》(Fukushima Journal of Medical Science)上发表的论文,因为未被Web of Science收录,被引用情况不详。但是,通过谷歌学术搜索结果显示,被引用一次。——“Reversal of vecuronium with neostigmine: a comparison between male and female patients,” Fukushima Journal of Medical Science, published 2009, has not yet been indexed.


A year ago, an academic society recommended nine papers be retracted. Journals have retracted only two.

Anesthesiology society bans co-author of researcher with record-number of retractions

The Retraction Watch Leaderboard

Who has the most retractions? Here’s our unofficial list (see notes on methodology), which we’ll update as more information comes to light:

  1. Yoshitaka Fujii (total retractions: 183) See also: Final report of investigating committee, our reporting, additional coverage

  2. Joachim Boldt (96) See also: Editors-in-chief statementour coverage

  3. Diederik Stapel (58) See also: our coverage

  4. Adrian Maxim (48) See also: our coverage

  5. Chen-Yuan (Peter) Chen (43) See also: SAGE, our coverage

  6. Yoshihiro Sato (42) See also: our coverage

  7. Hua Zhong (41) See also: journal notice

  8. Shigeaki Kato (39) See also: our coverage

  9. Yuhji Saitoh (39)  See also: our coverage

  10. Jun Iwamoto (38) See also: our coverage

  11. James Hunton (37) See also: our coverage

  12. Hyung-In Moon (35) See also: our coverage

  13. Naoki Mori (32) See also: our coverage

  14. Jan Hendrik Schön (32) See also: our coverage

  15. Soon-Gi Shin (30) See also: our coverage

  16. Tao Liu (29) See also: our coverage

  17. Cheng-Wu Chen (28) See also: our coverage

  18. A Salar Elahi (27) See also: our coverage

  19. Richard L E Barnett (26) See also: our coverage

  20. Scott Reuben (24) See also: our coverage

  21. Gilson Khang (22) See also: our coverage

  22. Noel Chia (21) See also: our coverage

  23. Friedhelm Herrmann (21) See also: our coverage

  24. Stanley Rapoport (21) See also: our coverage

  25. Fazlul Sarkar (21) See also: our coverage

  26. Dipak Das (20) See also: our coverage

  27. Khalid Zaman (20) See also: our coverage

  28. Bharat Aggarwal (19) See also: our coverage

  29. Jin Cheng (19) See also: our coverage

  30. Andrzej Jendryczko (19) See also: our coverage


上一篇:Nature: 新农药与被取代的一样可能伤害蜜蜂
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