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After the club 34 reunion(June1-8, 2014 see the previous blog), we travelled to Swiss land to visit our younger daughter who has been workings for the International Rescue Committee (IRC), a nonprofit worldwide relief organization, for the past several years. She is based in Geneva and travels to Africa and other under developed countries for various public health projects the IRC sponsors. We were in Swiss land some 40 years ago with our two older children in the 1970s.
40 years ago our children followed us. Now, the roles are reversed. We follow what our children lead us to do. This time our daughter organized a tri-city trip in the Swiss Alps via the Glacier Express (known as the Bernina Express) of trains and buses among the cities of Zurich-Tirano-Lugano. The scenery of majestic peaks, waterfalls, lakes, and glacier of ice and snow were spectacular. 40 years ago, we were a start-up family short on resources but long on adventure. We travelled cheap. Nowadays,we can afford convenience and comfort. In fact during this 12 day European trip, we ate so well that we did not think of Chinese food at any time until the last day. It is truly a blessing of old age to be able to do so. Once again, it is one of my seven life lessons - happiness is a positive Derivative.http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1565-5844.html
Some photos taken in Swiss land are shown in my album of the same title.
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