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The 5th birthday reunion of club 34

已有 7959 次阅读 2014-6-6 22:30 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:海外观察

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The 5th Reunion of the Club 34

I have previously written about the origin of Club 34 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=1565&do=blog&id=245790 . Since 1994 we had our 60th, 65th, 70th, and 75th birthday reunions in different parts of the world. In 2014, we have or will have attained our 80th birthday. Thus, a grand reunion (probably our last organized one) is called for.

THE PARTIES INVOLVED: Professor and Mrs Karl Astrom, Professor and Mrs. Petar Kokotovic, Professor Sanjoy Mitter, my wife and I.

THE VENUE: our local expert, Professor Mitter found a delightful small inn, La Saracina, near the city of Pienza, Italy, located on a 1-sq.km hill top with six apartment suite/rooms. It is a renovated old farm house but with all the modern conveniences. The ground is beautifully landscaped with gardens and swimming pool overlooking the lush, verdant, and panoramic Tuscan countryside. With our four parties, we literally took over the entire inn and have the facilities to ourselves.

THE TUSCAN COUNTRYSIDE: the land is basically a rolling plain heavily dotted with low rise hills. It is full of orchards, vineyards, and farmlands. The medival towns are all situated on hill tops ( for defensive purposes. Remember Italy was not united into one country until 1848). Nowadays most of these towns have become tourist spots with cathedrals, old forts, museums, historical sites, and local flavored restaurants serving delicious unique cuisine ( what might be called as 農家菜 in Chinese). Of course cheeses and wines locally produced and fresh are everywhere.

THE ACTIVITIES: We followed the old retiree's dictate: we do what we damn well please. There are no planned event. Everyday we simply do what our spirits move us. In the morning we have a sumptuous breakfast furnished by the Inn. By the time we finish around 10am, we lazy around, take short walks, and drive to a near by town for a late lunch at about 2 pm. In the afternoon witha short nap or not we visit local tourist sites. Evening meals are often wine, fruits, bread, and cheeses locally produced or another restaurant meal during which We reminisce about the good old times, personalities, and history. By the time we finsih it would be about 10pm+ and now time to return to bed and check our e-mails. All in all, it was a most relaxing and enjoyable reunion vacation.

Currently I don't know how to download all my photos from my camera to the tablet which is the only device I carry on a trip. Thus, one have to wait until June 13th when we return home before you can visit my photo album. There are limit as to what gadgets a technological dinosaur like me possess and can do. If I owned a smart phone, then there will not be a problem.

Here are photos taken during the holiday reunion:

The club 34 group picture

The La Grotta Restaurant

Inside the restaurant

Looking out from the outside dinning table of the Inn

More scene from the same table

The swimming pool of the Inn

The landscape garden of the Inn

Outdoor dining

More outdoor dining

Vineyard of the Inn

Panoramic view from the Inn


上一篇:The Aspirations of the Chinese Public
下一篇:Swiss Holidays
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