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With the advent of the breaking of the human genome code, personal DNA analysis has come of age. Nowadays you can get your own DNA tested for less than $90.00 in the US. A Chinese friend of mine recently told me that he was surprised to find that he is only 75% Chinese when tested. This aroused my own curiosity. So I spend the money to have my own DNA tested. When the result came back, I found that I was 96.8% Chinese, 2.3% Korean, and 0.1% European. In addition I had none of the markers for all kinds of known genetic induced diseases which may explain my relative health at my advanced age. My 0.1% European heritage can be explained that during the Yuan dynasty, one legion of the Genghis Khan army was actually stationed in the Jiekiang 淅江 province (which is where my Father was born) and settle there. The Korean linkage also was not totally surprising since Jiekiang 淅江 is only two provinces away from Shaotong 山東 province which had a great deal of inter-migration with the Korean peninsula. So much for my ancestry and heritage.
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