2008年4月19日出版的《自然》杂志发表了英国里丁大学生物科学学院Mark Pagel(他也是美国复杂性研究重镇――圣菲研究所的成员)的文章,Rise of digital machine(数字机器的崛起)。文章说:
Excerpts: Genomes and language suggest that biological and social complexity emerge from how information is used, (...) not from how much of it there is. (...) Similarly, the emergence of digital regulation derived from unused stretches of junk DNA may have precipitated the transition from single cells to complex multicellular organisms. Long runs of the four chemical bases that make up DNA can easily act like binary strings. How these stretches bind to a gene can regulate exquisitely the degree and timing of that gene's expression. Tellingly, bacteria and some other single-celled organisms have negligible amounts of junk DNA. (http://comdig.unam.mx/index.php?id_issue=2008.16#29977)
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