Common prosperity
2. 一盘散沙
A heap of loose sand
3. 英国人Martin Clarks早在80年代就编过一句话:
Socialism with Chinese characteristics gives the best economic statistics.
博主: 我估计他是讽刺我们的统计数据有水分。不过,这个句子很有意思,请注意characteristics和statistics是押韵的。
4. 标准曲目
Standard repertoire
5. 向钱看
Money hunger
6. 他正在打电话(告知电话找人的另一方)。
He is on the line.
7. 饱学之士
Men of vast scholarship
8. 他的动机(意图)是好的。
He is well-intentioned.
9. 不切合实际
Be out of line with reality
10. 提高(大众的)音乐鉴赏力
Spread musical appreciation
11. 给人的热情泼冷水
Dampen one’s enthusiasm
12. 我反复强调过……
I reiterated time and again that …
Take swigs out of a bottle
14. 有人裤腰有点松,裤子老往下滑,就双手揪着裤腰往上提。这样的意思怎么表达?请看以下一段话:
He seemed to be having some trouble with his belt or his underwear because every so often he would take hold of his waist and give it a big yank.
15. aware being
Disguise one’s problem from inquisitive and gossipy world
17. 时光在他的眼窝处刻下了痕迹。
Time seized upon his eye sockets.
18. 他的目光是畏畏缩缩的。
His gaze is hangdog.
19. 抽水马桶的水箱坏了,要想冲水,只能掀开水箱盖,将手伸进水里去拽封水阀。这样的意思如何表达?请看以下一段话:
If you wanted to flush the toilet you had to lift the lid off the water tank, roll up a sleeve, and reach deep into the cold water to manipulate the valves.
Hard sleeping berth
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