文章是美国ASCE学会期刊编辑部负责人AngelaCochran写的。这是Angela的介绍“I am the Director of Journals for theAmerican Society of Civil Engineers, publisher of 35 technical journals.Prior to that, I was the Production Director at ASCE overseeing all productionaspects of journals, a monthly member magazine, and book products. I wasManaging Editor of Cancer and Cancer Cytopathology at the American CancerSociety and was Production Manager for Journals at ASCE. I am currently thePresident Elect of the Council of Science Editors. My views on ScholarlyKitchen are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.”
在她的文章中,给出了一个指控,而指控的对象是来自中国“伪学术机构”。说是有人以她们学会期刊的名义接受稿件。她提供了一封邮件的截图:同样的期刊名称、同样的学术期刊ISSN号码,同样的期刊学术主编,然而,伪造的邮箱地址以及主编签名。“Almosteverything about this letter is fake. The ISSN and journal title are real. Theeditor’s name is real; but, the email and his signature are not.”
Angela指出这是一家中国学术机构帮助人们想ASCE学会期刊投稿,并承诺在15-20天内给出是否接收的答复。她认为,根据她的推断,作者应该是向这家学术机构缴纳费用的。“It was in Chinese so I had it translated. The memobasically offered a service to help authors get papers into our Journal of Structural Engineering andanother society’s journal on a related topic. The memo instructed authors tosubmit only original papers in English to a specific email address. Thisservice agency, which claimed to have a very longstanding relationship withASCE, would submit the paper on the author’s behalf and would return a decisionletter within 15-20 days.Additionally, if the paper is accepted, the author will receive a copy of thepaper as it appears in the journal. I can only assume that the author paid upfront for thisservice as I cannot fathom any other motivation. The author, likelyembarrassed by being taken advantage of, is no longer responding to queries onthe matter.”
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