


已有 6710 次阅读 2018-3-1 11:24 |系统分类:论文交流| 小麦, 花药

 明确和准确判断小麦花药发育的不同时期对研究小麦花药或花粉发育至关重要。今天和大家一块分享一篇刚发表在Frontiers in Plant Science上的文章:Anther Morphological Development and Stage Determination in Triticum aestivum (doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00228)      该文章将小麦花药发育的整个过程分为15个时期,并且研究了叶环距、穗长、小花长度、花药长度和宽度与花药发育不同时期的相关性。研究发现叶环距和和穗长可以作为不同花药发育时期的快速鉴定指标,而花药长度可进一步对不同的发育时期进行精准鉴定。另外,小麦花药发育到四分体末期和小孢子产生的早期(第8-9期),绒毡层开始出现PCD(programmed cell death),并一致持续到第11期( vacuolate pollen stage)。小麦绒毡层细胞的PCD与水稻相比开始稍晚,但比拟南芥要早两个时期。

StageStage   nameDescription
1Stamen    primordia stageAnther    is round or oval, with epidermis clear. Inner tissue comprised of   primordial  cells with little or no differentiation.
2Archesporial   stageAnther    becomes oval in shape. Archesporial tissue begins to form the   connective  tissue to separate the theca of the anther.
3Sporogenous    tissue stageFour    independent lobes begin to form, with parietal and sporogenous tissue   present  at corners of anther. Vascular region begins to form.
4Lobe    formation stageFour    lobes are separate and clearly defined, each containing an endothecium   and  middle layer. Sporogenous tissue is still present. Vascular tissue   is more  highly developed.
5Pre-callose    stageTapetal    layer is present around the locules. Upper and lower locules separate   at the  stomium region and maintain distinct epidermal layers.
6Central    callose stageTapetal    cells grow larger as tapetum becomes complete and uniform. Microspore   Mother  Cells form from sporogenous tissue. Callose is visible in the   center of the  locules, encasing the MMCs.
7Meiotic    stageMMCs    begin to undergo meiosis as the tapetum continues to grow and   vacuolate.  Anther size increases and meiotic microspores move to wall   of tapetum,  leaving a hollow region in the center of the locules.   Meiotic cells exhibit  globular shape as they move toward tapetal wall.
8Tetrad    stageMeiotic    cells break apart to form tetrads. Middle layer begins to be crushed   between  tapetum and outer layers.
9Young    microspore stageCallose    wall surrounding tetrads degrades and tetrads are released as young    microspores. Middle layer is barely present and tapetum is at its   largest and  most swollen size. Young microspores are loose within the   locules.
10Vacuolate    microspore stageMicrospores    become vacuolate and press into tapetal wall. An exine layer begins to    develop on the now vacuolate microspores. Orbicules are visible between    tapetum and microspores at high magnification. Tapetum begins to reduce   in  size as anther grows larger.
11Vacuolate    pollen stageMicrospores    grow larger and more spherical, becoming multi-nucleate. Two nuclei are    visible in microspores. Tapetal layer is thinner and uneven as tapetal    degeneration is at its peak.
123-nucleate    pollen stagePollen   grains become round and starch filled. Gametes develop  within pollen   grains. Tapetum is very minimal or completely gone. The anther  is at   its largest point.
13Bilocular   stagePollen    grains dehydrate and contract. The septal region separating the upper   and  lower locules degrades, causing the anther to become bilocular.
14DehiscenceEpidermal    cells at stomium region degrade, causing locules to open and the now   mature  pollen grains to be released.
15SenescencePollen    continues to be released as the anther becomes brittle and degrades.    Eventually the senescing anther will release from the filament and fall   from  the flower.

      作者同时研究了叶环距(auricle distance)、穗长(spike length)、小花长度(spikelet length)、花药长度(anther length)和宽度(anther width)五个指标与花药发育时期之间的相关性。每个指标的定义可参见下图:







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