


已有 3674 次阅读 2018-2-11 12:11 |系统分类:论文交流| 小麦, 基因组


本期作者 麦萌





1 Analysis of the Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Austrian and Belgian Wheat Germplasm within a Regional Context Based on DArT Markers

Analysis of crop genetic diversity and structure provides valuable information needed to broaden the narrow genetic base as well as to enhance the breeding and conservation strategies of crops. In this study, 95 Austrian and Belgian wheat cultivars maintained at the Centre for Genetic Resources (CGN) in the Netherlands were characterised using 1052 diversity array technology (DArT) markers to evaluate their genetic diversity, relationships and population structure. The rarefacted allelic richness recorded in the Austrian and Belgian breeding pools (A25 = 1.396 and 1.341, respectively) indicated that the Austrian germplasm contained a higher genetic diversity than the Belgian pool. The expected heterozygosity (HE) values of the Austrian and Belgian pools were 0.411 and 0.375, respectively. Moreover, the values of the polymorphic information content (PIC) of the Austrian and Belgian pools were 0.337 and 0.298, respectively. Neighbour-joining tree divided each of the Austrian and Belgian germplasm pools into two genetically distinct groups. The structure analyses of the Austrian and Belgian pools were in a complete concordance with their neighbour-joining trees. Furthermore, the 95 cultivars were compared to 618 wheat genotypes from nine European countries based on a total of 141 common DArT markers in order to place the Austrian and Belgian wheat germplasm in a wider European context. The rarefacted allelic richness (A10) varied from 1.224 (Denmark) to 1.397 (Austria). Cluster and principal coordinates (PCoA) analyses divided the wheat genotypes of the nine European countries into two main clusters. The first cluster comprised the Northern and Western European wheat genotypes, whereas the second included the Central European cultivars. The structure analysis of the 618 European wheat genotypes was in a complete concordance with the results of cluster and PCoA analyses. Interestingly, a highly significant difference was recorded between regions (26.53%). In conclusion, this is the first study to reveal the high diversity levels and structure of the uncharacterised Austrian and Belgian wheat germplasm maintained at the CGN as well as place them in a wider European context. The results should help plant breeders to utilise the most promising wheat genotypes of this study in future breeding programmes for enhancing wheat cultivars.

2 Fast modification on wheat straw outer surface by water vapor plasma and its application on composite material

The presence of non-poplar extracts, cutin, and wax layer in the wheat straw outer surface (WOS) greatly limit its application in bio-composite preparation. In this study, a dielectric-barrier-discharge plasma using water vapor as feeding gas was used to fast modify the WOS. The morphology, free radical concentrations, surface chemical components, and contact angles of WOS before and after plasma modification were investigated. Wheat straw was further prepared into wheat straw-based composites (WSC) and its bonding strength was evaluated by a paper tension meter. The results showed that water vapor plasma leads to the appearance of surface roughness, the generation of massive free radicals, and the introduction of oxygen-containing groups. In addition, both initial and equilibrium contact angle and the surface total free energy were significantly increased after plasma modification. These results synergistically facilitate the spread and permeation of adhesive onto the WOS and thus improve the bonding strength of all prepared WSCs. A good linear relationship between bonding strength and surface roughness parameters, contact angles, and total free energy were observed. In general, this study provided a time-saving and cost-effective modification method to realize WSC manufacture.

4 Genetic mapping of a novel recessive allele for non-glaucousness in wild diploid wheat Aegilops tauschii: implications for the evolution of common wheat

Cuticular wax on the aerial surface of plants has a protective function against many environmental stresses. The bluish–whitish appearance of wheat leaves and stems is called glaucousness. Most modern cultivars of polyploid wheat species exhibit the glaucous phenotype, while in a wild wheat progenitor, Ae. tauschii, both glaucous and non-glaucous accessions exist. Iw2, a wax inhibitor locus on the short arm of chromosome 2D, is the main contributor to this phenotypic variation in Ae. tauschii, and the glaucous/non-glaucous phenotype of Ae. tauschiiis usually inherited by synthetic hexaploid wheat. However, a few synthetic lines show the glaucous phenotype although the parental Ae. tauschii accessions are non-glaucous. Molecular marker genotypes indicate that the exceptional non-glaucous Ae. tauschii accessions share the same genotype in the Iw2 chromosomal region as glaucous accessions, suggesting that these accessions have a different causal locus for their phenotype. This locus was assigned to the long arm of chromosome 3D using an F2 mapping population and designated W4, a novel glaucous locus in Ae. tauschii. The dominant W4 allele confers glaucousness, consistent with phenotypic observation of Ae. tauschiiaccessions and the derived synthetic lines. These results implied that glaucous accessions of Ae. tauschii with the W2W2iw2iw2W4W4genotype could have been the D-genome donor of common wheat.

5 Comparison of a one- and two-stage mixed model analysis of Australia’s National Variety Trial Southern Region wheat data

A one-stage analysis of a series of variety trials involves a combined analysis of the individual plot data across trials. Together with prudent modelling of the genetic effects across trials, this is considered to be the gold standard analysis of multi-environment field trial data. An alternative is a two-stage approach in which the variety means from an analysis of the individual trials in stage one are combined into a weighted mixed model analysis in stage two to give the full set of predicted variety by environment effects and an estimate of their associated variance structure. The two-stage analysis will exactly reproduce the one-stage analysis if the full variance-covariance matrix of the means from stage one is known and is utilised in stage two. Typically the full matrix is not stored and a diagonal approximation is used. This introduces a compromise to the full analysis. The impacts of a diagonal approximation are greater in the presence of sophisticated models for the genetic effects. A second compromise is through a loss of information in estimating the non-genetic variance parameters using the two-stage approach. In this paper we draw a direct link between the one and two-stage analysis approaches for crop variety evaluation data in Australia. We now have the computing power to analyse large and complex multi-environment variety trial data sets using the one-stage approach without the need for a two-stage approximation. This should motivate a move away from the two-stage approach in a range of contexts.

6 Genetic Dissection of Wheat Kernel Hardness Using Conditional QTL Mapping of Kernel Size and Protein-Related Traits

Kernel hardness (KH) is one of the primary quality parameters for common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and has a major impact on milling, flour quality, and end-product properties. In addition to Puroindoline (Pin) mutations and differences in Pin expression, other factors, such as kernel size and protein-related traits, play noticeable roles in determining hardness, but at the quantitative trait locus (QTL) level, the influence of these factors remains unclear. In this study, genetic relationships between KH and kernel size traits and between KH and protein-related traits were demonstrated by unconditional and conditional mapping using a wheat 90K genotyping assay with a segregating population of 173 recombinant inbred lines in four environments. Eight additive QTL for KH were detected using unconditional QTL mapping analysis; these QTL were primarily distributed on chromosomes 4B, 5A, 5B, and 6D, with phenotypic variation that ranged from 0.2 to 17.7%. In addition, one pair of epistatic QTL (QKH3B.4-65/QKH4B.6-2) was identified by unconditional mapping, and this pair accounted for 1.6% of the phenotypic variation. Through conditional mapping, after excluding the influences of kernel size and protein-related traits, 14 QTL were discovered and accounted for 0.6–18.5% of the phenotypic variation. Of them, the stable QTL QKH4B.4-17 made the largest contribution, which was partially contributed by the kernel length (KL), kernel thickness (KT), and dry gluten content (DGC). Furthermore, QKH4B.4-17was crucially contributed by the kernel width (KW), kernel diameter (KD), kernel protein content (KPC), and wet gluten content (WGC) and was independent of the sedimentation volume (SV) and gluten index (GI). Another major QTL, QKH5B.10-63, was independent of the KW and KT; partly due to the variations in KL, KD, DGC, and WGC; and conclusively contributed by the KPC, SV, and GI. Seven additional QTL were only detected in the conditional analysis and were crucially contributed by kernel size or protein-related traits. These results demonstrated that kernel size and protein-related traits play significant roles in determining KH. The present study increases the understanding of the relationships between KH and kernel size and between KH and protein-related traits at the QTL level.

7 Introgression of Aegilops mutica genes into common wheat genome

Introgression of genetic material from wheat wild relatives into the common wheat genome remains important. This is a natural and inexhaustible source of enrichment of the wheat gene pool with genes that improve wheat’s adaptive potential. Hexaploid lines F4–F5 of wheat type were developed via hybridization of common wheat Aurora (AABBDD) and genome-substituted amphidiploid Aurotica (AABBTT). The hexaploid genome of the latter includes the diploid genome TT from wheat relative Aegilops mutica instead of subgenome DD of common wheat. F1–F3 hybrids had limited self-fertility, which had substantially increased for some derivatives in F4–F5. For all generations, development of the lines was accompanied by cytogenetic control of the chromosome numbers. The chromosome numbers varied in general from 33 to 46 depending upon generation. In most descendants, that number was 42 chromosomes in F4when plants with chromosome numbers 40–44 were selected in each generation. F5 lines originate from nine selffertile F2 plants, differ from Aurora according to some morphological characters, and have alien DNA in their genome as was demonstrated by DNA dot-blot hybridization with genomic DNA of Aegilops mutica as a probe.

8 GABA Shunt in Durum Wheat

Plant responses to salinity are complex, especially when combined with other stresses, and involve many changes in gene expression and metabolic fluxes. Until now, plant stress studies have been mainly dealt only with a single stress approach. However, plants exposed to multiple stresses at the same time, a combinatorial approach reflecting real-world scenarios, show tailored responses completely different from the response to the individual stresses, due to the stress-related plasticity of plant genome and to specific metabolic modifications. In this view, recently it has been found that γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) but not glycine betaine (GB) is accumulated in durum wheat plants under salinity only when it is combined with high nitrate and high light. In these conditions, plants show lower reactive oxygen species levels and higher photosynthetic efficiency than plants under salinity at low light. This is certainly relevant because the most of drought or salinity studies performed on cereal seedlings have been done in growth chambers under controlled culture conditions and artificial lighting set at low light. However, it is very difficult to interpret these data. To unravel the reason of GABA accumulation and its possible mode of action, in this review, all possible roles for GABA shunt under stress are considered, and an additional mechanism of action triggered by salinity and high light suggested.

9 Simultaneous Transfer of Leaf Rust and Powdery Mildew Resistance Genes from Hexaploid Triticale Cultivar Sorento into Bread Wheat

Wheat powdery mildew, caused by Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici, and wheat leaf rust, caused by Puccinia triticina Eriks, are two important diseases that severely threaten wheat production. Sorento, a hexaploid triticale cultivar from Poland, shows high resistance to the wheat powdery mildew isolate E09 and the leaf rust isolate PHT in Beijing, China. To introduce resistance genes into common wheat, Sorento was crossed with wheat line Xuezao, which is susceptible to both diseases, and the F1 hybrids were then backcrossed with Xuezao as the recurrent male parent. By marker analysis, we demonstrate that the long arm of the 2R (2RL) chromosome confers resistance to both the leaf rust and powdery mildew isolates at adult-plant and seedling stages, while the long arm of 4R (4RL) confers resistance only to powdery mildew at both stages. The chromosomal composition of BC2F3 plants containing 2R or 2RL and 4R or 4RL in the form of substitution and translocation were confirmed by GISH (genomic in situhybridization) and FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization). Monosomic and disomic substitutions of a wheat chromosome with chromosome 2R or 4R, as well as one 4RS-4DL/4DS-4RL reciprocal translocation homozigote and one 2RL-1DL translocation hemizigote, were recovered. Such germplasms are of great value in wheat improvement.

10 Chromosome-scale comparative sequence analysis unravels molecular mechanisms of genome evolution between two wheat cultivars


Background: Recent improvements in DNA sequencing and genome scaffolding have paved the way to generate high-quality de novo assemblies of pseudomolecules representing complete chromosomes of wheat and its wild relatives. These assemblies form the basis to compare the evolutionary dynamics of wheat genomes on a megabase-scale. Results: Here, we provide a comparative sequence analysis of the 700-megabase chromosome 2D between two bread wheat genotypes, the old landrace Chinese Spring and the elite Swiss spring wheat line CH Campala Lr22a. Both chromosomes were assembled into megabase-sized scaffolds. There was a high degree of sequence conservation between the two chromosomes. Analysis of large structural variations revealed four large insertions/deletions (InDels) of >100 kb. Based on the molecular signatures at the breakpoints, unequal crossing over and double-strand break repair were identified as the evolutionary mechanisms that caused these InDels. Three of the large InDels affected copy number of NLRs, a gene family involved in plant immunity. Analysis of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) density revealed three haploblocks of 8 Mb, 9 Mb and 48 Mb with a 35-fold increased SNP density compared to the rest of the chromosome. Gene content across the two chromosomes was highly conserved. Ninety-nine percent of the genic sequences were present in both genotypes and the fraction of unique genes ranged from 0.36 to 0.63%. Conclusions: This comparative analysis of two high-quality chromosome assemblies enabled a comprehensive assessment of large structural variations and gene content. The insight obtained from this analysis will form the basis of future wheat pan-genome studies.

11 Characterization of gluten proteins and celiac disease-related immunogenic epitopes in the Triticeae: cereal domestication and breeding contributed to decrease the content of gliadins and gluten

Wheat proteins are important for the physico-chemical properties of bread-dough and contribute to the protein intake in the human diet. In certain individuals, an immunological reactivity of the gluten protein family is strongly implicated in the etiology of celiac disease (CD) and non-celiac wheat sensitivity (NCWS). There is evidence that gluten-related disorders have increased in frequency in recent years. Gluten proteins were characterized and quantified by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) while the occurrence of CD immunogenic epitopes was searched in the gliadin sequences of Triticeae within the NCBI database. We have observed a tendency toward low content of gliadins in cultivated species compared to that of the wild ancestors in all Triticeae members. Regarding the glutenin subunits, there was no clear trend, but levels tended to be higher in cultivated species. Thousand-kernel weight is higher for domesticated and cultivated species. Quantification of DQ2- and DQ8-restricted epitopes in gliadin sequences showed a great variability in the number of CD epitopes per species and genome. A higher frequency of immunnogenic epitopes was found to be associated with genomes of the DD, BBAADD, and RR type. Durum wheats tend to have a lower content of gluten and CD immunogenic epitopes. Cultivated barley could be an alternative cereal with low immunogenic epitopes and low gluten. The results reported in this study suggest that domestication and breeding have contributed to a decrease in the content of gliadins and total gluten in the Triticeae species over time.

12 Development and Applications of a High Throughput Genotyping Tool for Polyploid Crops: Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Array

Polypoid species play significant roles in agriculture and food production. Many crop species are polyploid, such as potato, wheat, strawberry, and sugarcane. Genotyping has been a daunting task for genetic studies of polyploid crops, which lags far behind the diploid crop species. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array is considered to be one of, high-throughput, relatively cost-efficient and automated genotyping approaches. However, there are significant challenges for SNP identification in complex, polyploid genomes, which has seriously slowed SNP discovery and array development in polyploid species. Ploidy is a significant factor impacting SNP qualities and validation rates of SNP markers in SNP arrays, which has been proven to be a very important tool for genetic studies and molecular breeding. In this review, we (1) discussed the pros and cons of SNP array in general for high throughput genotyping, (2) presented the challenges of and solutions to SNP calling in polyploid species, (3) summarized the SNP selection criteria and considerations of SNP array design for polyploid species, (4) illustrated SNP array applications in several different polyploid crop species, then (5) discussed challenges, available software, and their accuracy comparisons for genotype calling based on SNP array data in polyploids, and finally (6) provided a series of SNP array design and genotype calling recommendations. This review presents a complete overview of SNP array development and applications in polypoid crops, which will benefit the research in molecular breeding and genetics of crops with complex genomes.

13 Decomposing Additive Genetic Variance Revealed Novel Insights into Trait Evolution in Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat

Whole genome duplication (WGD) is an evolutionary phenomenon, which causes significant changes to genomic structure and trait architecture. In recent years, a number of studies decomposed the additive genetic variance explained by different sets of variants. However, they investigated diploid populations only and none of the studies examined any polyploid organism. In this research, we extended the application of this approach to polyploids, to differentiate the additive variance explained by the three subgenomes and seven sets of homoeologous chromosomes in synthetic allohexaploid wheat (SHW) to gain a better understanding of trait evolution after WGD. Our SHW population was generated by crossing improved durum parents (Triticum turgidum; 2n = 4x = 28, AABB subgenomes) with the progenitor species Aegilops tauschii (syn Ae. squarrosa, T. tauschii; 2n = 2x = 14, DD subgenome). The population was phenotyped for 10 fungal/nematode resistance traits as well as two abiotic stresses. We showed that the wild D subgenome dominated the additive effect and this dominance affected the A more than the B subgenome. We provide evidence that this dominance was not inflated by population structure, relatedness among individuals or by longer linkage disequilibrium blocks observed in the D subgenome within the population used for this study. The cumulative size of the three homoeologs of the seven chromosomal groups showed a weak but significant positive correlation with their cumulative explained additive variance. Furthermore, an average of 69% for each chromosomal group's cumulative additive variance came from one homoeolog that had the highest explained variance within the group across all 12 traits. We hypothesize that structural and functional changes during diploidization may explain chromosomal group relations as allopolyploids keep balanced dosage for many genes. Our results contribute to a better understanding of trait evolution mechanisms in polyploidy, which will facilitate the effective utilization of wheat wild relatives in breeding.

14 The Effect of Grain Position on Genetic Improvement of Grain Number and Thousand Grain Weight in Winter Wheat in North China

Genetic improvements have significantly contributed to wheat production. Five wheat cultivars—widely grown in north China in the 1950s, 1990s, or 2010s—were grown in field experiments conducted in the 2014–2015 and 2015–2016 growing seasons. This study evaluated the genetic progress in wheat grain yield and its related traits in north China and explored how breeding and selection have influenced grain numbers and weights within spikelets in the past 60 years. The results showed that the significant increases in grain yield in the past 60 years were mainly due to increases in grain number per spike and grain weight, while spike number per m2 has not changed significantly. Improvements in thousand grain weight (TGW) from the 1950s to 2010s have occurred at four grain positions (G1 to G4). The relative contribution of G4 to TGW increased over time, but was much less than the contributions of G1, G2, and G3. Indeed, the average grain weight at G4 was much less than that of 1000 grains. The increase in grain number per spike since the 1950s was mainly due to an increase in grain number at G1, G2 and G3, with the relative contribution of grain position to grain number being G1 > G2 > G3 > G4. Dwarfing genes increased grain number per spike and grain number at G3 and G4, but not TGW. In future, yields could be boosted by enhancing grain weight at G4 and grain number at G3 and G4, while maintaining those at G1 and G2.

15 Inheritance and Linkage of Virulence Genes in Chinese Predominant Race CYR32 of the Wheat Stripe Rust Pathogen Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici

Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici (Pst) is the causal agent of stripe (yellow) rust on wheat. It seriously threatens wheat production worldwide. The obligate biotrophic fungus is highly capable of producing new virulent races that can overcome resistance. Studying the inheritance of Pstvirulence using the classical genetic approach was not possible until the recent discovery of its sexual stage on barberry plants. In the present study, 127 progeny isolates were obtained by selfing a representative Chinese Yellow Rust (CYR) race, CYR32, on Berberis aggregate. The parental isolate and progeny isolates were characterized by testing them on 25 wheat lines with different Yr genes for resistance and 10 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. The 127 progeny isolates were classified into 27 virulence phenotypes (VPs), and 65 multi-locus genotypes (MLGs). All progeny isolates and the parental isolate were avirulent to Yr5, Yr8, Yr10, Yr15, Yr24, Yr26, Yr32, and YrTr1; but virulent to Yr1, Yr2, Yr3, Yr4, Yr25, Yr44, and Yr76. The VPs of the parental isolate to nine Yr genes (Yr6, Yr7, Yr9, Yr17, Yr27, Yr28, Yr43, YrA, and YrExp2) and the avirulence phenotype to YrSP were found to be heterozygous. Based on the segregation of the virulence/avirulence phenotypes, we found that the VPs to Yr7, Yr28, Yr43, and YrExp2 were controlled by a dominant gene; those to Yr6, Yr9, and YrA(Yr73, Yr74) by two dominant genes; those to Yr17 and Yr27 by one dominant and one recessive gene; and the avirulence phenotype to YrSP by two complementary dominant genes. Molecular mapping revealed the linkage of 10 virulence/avirulence genes. Comparison of the inheritance modes of the virulence/avirulence genes in this study with previous studies indicated complex interactions between virulence genes in the pathogen and resistance genes in wheat lines. The results are useful for understanding the plant-pathogen interactions and developing wheat cultivars with effective and durable resistance.

16 Genome-Wide Association Analyses Identify QTL Hotspots for Yield and Component Traits in Durum Wheat Grown under Yield Potential, Drought, and Heat Stress Environments

Understanding the genetic bases of economically important traits is fundamentally important in enhancing genetic gains in durum wheat. In this study, a durum panel of 208 lines (comprised of elite materials and exotics from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center gene bank) were subjected to genome wide association study (GWAS) using 6,211 DArTseq single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The panel was phenotyped under yield potential (YP), drought stress (DT), and heat stress (HT) conditions for 2 years. Mean yield of the panel was reduced by 72% (to 1.64 t/ha) under HT and by 60% (to 2.33 t/ha) under DT, compared to YP (5.79 t/ha). Whereas, the mean yield of the panel under HT was 30% less than under DT. GWAS identified the largest number of significant marker-trait associations on chromosomes 2A and 2B with p-values 10−06 to 10−03 and the markers from the whole study explained 7–25% variation in the traits. Common markers were identified for stress tolerance indices: stress susceptibility index, stress tolerance, and stress tolerance index estimated for the traits under DT (82 cM on 2B) and HT (68 and 83 cM on 3B; 25 cM on 7A). GWAS of irrigated (YP and HT combined), stressed (DT and HT combined), combined analysis of three environments (YP + DT + HT), and its comparison with trait per se and stress indices identified QTL hotspots on chromosomes 2A (54–70 cM) and 2B (75–82 cM). This study enhances our knowledge about the molecular markers associated with grain yield and its components under different stress conditions. It identifies several marker-trait associations for further exploration and validation for marker-assisted breeding.

17 Intercropping with wheat lowers nutrient uptake and biomass accumulation of maize, but increases photosynthetic rate of the ear leaf

Intercropping is an ancient agricultural practice that provides a possible pathway for sustainable increases in crop yields. Here, we determine how competition with wheat affects nutrient uptake (nitrogen and phosphorus) and leaf traits, such as photosynthetic rate, in maize. In a field experiment, maize was planted as a sole crop, in three different intercrop configurations with wheat (a replacement intercrop and two add-row intercrops), and as a skip-row system with one out of each three maize rows omitted. Nitrogen and phosphorus uptake were determined at flowering and maturity. Specific leaf area, leaf nitrogen concentration, chlorophyll content, and photosynthetic rate of the ear leaf were determined at flowering. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations were significantly lower in intercropped maize than in sole maize and skip-row maize at flowering, but these differences were smaller at maturity. At flowering, specific leaf area was significantly greater in intercrops than in skip-row maize. Leaf nitrogen concentration was significantly lower in add-row intercrops than in sole maize, skip-row maize or maize in the replacement intercrop. Leaf chlorophyll content was highest in sole and skip-row maize, intermediate in maize in the replacement intercrop, and lowest in maize grown in add-row intercrops. On the contrary, photosynthetic rate was significantly higher in the replacement intercrop than in sole maize, skip-row maize and the intercrop with an additional maize row. The findings indicate that competition with intercropped wheat severely constrained nutrient uptake in maize, while photosynthetic rate of the ear leaf was not negatively affected. Possible mechanisms for higher photosynthesis rate at lower leaf nitrogen content in intercropped maize are discussed.

18 Durum Wheat Landraces from East and West Regions of the Mediterranean Basin Are Genetically Distinct for Yield Components and Phenology

Genetic diversity of durum wheat landraces is a powerful tool for the introgression of new alleles of commercial interest in breeding programs. In a previous study, our team structured a collection of 172 durum wheat landraces from 21 Mediterranean countries in four genetic populations related to their geographical origin: east Mediterranean (17), east Balkan and Turkey (23), west Balkan and Egypt (25), and West Mediterranean (73), leaving 34 genotypes as admixed, and association mapping was carried out for important agronomic traits. Using a subset of this collection, the current study identified 23 marker alleles with a differential frequency in landraces from east and west regions of the Mediterranean Basin, which affected important agronomic traits. Eastern landraces had higher frequencies than the western ones of alleles increasing the number of spikes (wPt-5385 on chromosome 1B), grains per m2 (wPt-0841 on chromosome 7B), and grain filling duration (7 significant marker trait associations). Eastern landraces had higher frequencies of marker alleles located on chromosomes 4A, 5B, and 6B associated with reduced cycle length, and lighter grains than the western ones. Also for lower kernel weight, four marker alleles were located on chromosome 1A. Breeders may use the molecular markers identified in the current study for improving yield under specific Mediterranean environments.

19 Influence of cadmium and phosphorus enhance absorption and membrane damage in wheat seedlings grown in nutrient medium

The effects of cadmium (Cd) and their amelioration with phosphorus (P) on plant growth, antioxidative components, and accumulation of Cd, iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn) were studied in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings. Reduced biomass and chlorophyll contents under the influence of Cd were observed to be increased on P application. As compared to control, the content of NP-SH, proline, and cysteine were observed to be increased in Cd treated seedlings which was also comparatively higher in Cd with P exposed seedlings. The activities of CAT, POX, SOD, APX, and GR were increased both in root and shoot at lower dose of Cd but reduced at higher dose, while P application enhanced the activity of these enzymes even at higher dose. Application of P, reduced the uptake of Cd but enhanced the accumulation of Fe and Zn both in root and shoot tissue. A close relationship existed between lipid peroxidation and tissue metal concentration.

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