


已有 2565 次阅读 2017-12-31 10:24 |个人分类:文献推荐|系统分类:论文交流| 小麦, 基因组, 白粉病, 锈病, 转录组






1 Interspecific and intergeneric hybridization as a source of variation for wheat grain quality improvement

Wheat quality and its end-uses are mainly based on variation in three traits: grain hardness, gluten quality and starch. In recent times, the importance of nutritional quality and health-related aspects has increased the range of these traits with the inclusion of other grain components such as vitamins, fibre and micronutrients. One option to enlarge the genetic variability in wheat for all these components has been the use of wild relatives, together with underutilised or neglected wheat varieties or species. In the current review, we summarise the role of each grain component in relation to grain quality, their variation in modern wheat and the alternative sources in which wheat breeders have found novel variation.

2 Functional and DNA–protein binding studies of WRKY transcription factors and their expression analysis in response to biotic and abiotic stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

WRKY, a plant-specific transcription factor family, plays vital roles in pathogen defense, abiotic stress, and phytohormone signalling. Little is known about the roles and function of WRKY transcription factors in response to rust diseases in wheat. In the present study, three TaWRKY genes encoding complete protein sequences were cloned. They belonged to class II and III WRKY based on the number of WRKY domains and the pattern of zinc finger structures. Twenty-two DNA–protein binding docking complexes predicted stable interactions of WRKY domain with W-box. Quantitative real-time-PCR using wheat near-isogenic lines with or without Lr28 gene revealed differential up- or down-regulation in response to biotic and abiotic stress treatments which could be responsible for their functional divergence in wheat. TaWRKY62 was found to be induced upon treatment with JA, MJ, and SA and reduced after ABA treatments. Maximum induction of six out of seven genes occurred at 48 h post inoculation due to pathogen inoculation. Hence, TaWRKY (49, 50, 52, 55, 57, and 62) can be considered as potential candidate genes for further functional validation as well as for crop improvement programs for stress resistance. The results of the present study will enhance knowledge towards understanding the molecular basis of mode of action of WRKY transcription factor genes in wheat and their role during leaf rust pathogenesis in particular.

3 Durum wheat diversity for heat stress tolerance during inflorescence emergence is correlated to TdHSP101C expression in early developmental stages

The predicted world population increase along with climate changes threatens sustainable agricultural supply in the coming decades. It is therefore vital to understand crops diversity associated to abiotic stress response. Heat stress is considered one of the major constrains on crops productivity thus it is essential to develop new approaches for a precocious and rigorous evaluation of varietal diversity regarding heat tolerance. Plant cell membrane thermostability (CMS) is a widely used method for wheat thermotolerance assessment although its limitations require complementary solutions. In this work we used CMS assay and explored TdHSP101Cgenes as an additional tool for durum wheat screening. Genomic and transcriptomic analyses of TdHSP101C genes were performed in varieties with contrasting CMS results and further correlated with heat stress tolerance during fertilization and seed development. Although the durum wheat varieties studied presented a very high homology on TdHSP101C genes (>99%) the transcriptomic assessment allowed the discrimination between varieties with good CMS results and its correlation with differential impacts of heat treatment during inflorescence emergence and seed development on grain yield. The evidences here reported indicate that TdHSP101C transcription levels induced by heat stress in fully expanded leaves may be a promising complementary screening tool to discriminate between durum wheat varieties identified as thermotolerant through CMS.

4 Virulence of some Puccinia triticina races to the effective wheat leaf rust resistant genes Lr 9 and Lr 19 under Egyptian field conditions

Leaf rust (Puccinia triticina Eriks.) is the most widespread disease of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Egypt and worldwide. The two leaf rust resistance genes i.e. Lr 9 and Lr19 were previously highly effective against the predominant Puccinia triticina races in Egypt. In 2015/2016 growing season, susceptible field reaction was recorded on these two genes, where rust severity reached to 40% (S) for Lr 9 and 5% (S) for Lr 19 under Egyptian field conditions at four locations i.e. El-Behira, El-Minufiya, El-Qalubiya and El-Fayom governorates. In this study, 39 leaf rust monogenic lines and 16 commercial wheat cultivars were tested at seedling stage. While, 12 leaf rust monogenic lines and the same 16 wheat cultivars were evaluated at adult plant stage. Eight leaf rust field samples were collected from these governorates (four from each of Lr 9 and Lr 19). Forty single isolates were derived from the collected samples of Lr 9 and Lr 19 (each with 20 isolates). Eight pathotypes were identified from Lr 9, while only two pathotypes were identified from Lr 19. The most frequent pathotype (virulent to Lr 9) was KTSPT (30% frequency), followed by TTTMS (25% frequency). The other pathotypes ranged from only 5%–10% frequency. Whereas, the most frequent pathotype (virulent to Lr 19) was CTTTT (85% frequency), while the lowest frequent one was PKTST (15% frequency). Pathotypes i.e. PRSTT, NTKTS and TTTMS (identified from Lr 9) were more aggressiveness on the most of the tested leaf rust monogenic lines than others, as they were virulent to 36, 35 and 35 lines from a total of 39 monogenic lines, respectively. Also, the two pathotypes; PKTST and CTTTT (identified from Lr 19) were virulent to 36 and 35 monogenic lines, respectively. Moreover, leaf rust pathotypes i.e. NPTNK and PRSTT (from Lr 9) and PKTST (from Lr 19) were the most aggressive on the tested wheat cultivars at seedling stage. Lr 2a was the most effective leaf rust resistance gene against the tested pathotypes at adult plant stage. On the other hand, the three wheat cultivars Misr 1, Misr 2 and Nubariya 1 proved to be the highly resistant cultivars against all the tested leaf rust pathotypes at adult plant stage.

5 Resistance of Aegilops longissima to the rusts of wheat | Plant Disease

Stem rust (caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici), leaf rust (P. triticina), and stripe rust (P. striiformis f. sp. tritici) rank among the most important diseases of wheat worldwide. The development of resistant cultivars is the preferred method of controlling rust diseases because it is environmentally benign and also cost-effective. However, new virulence types often arise in pathogen populations, rendering such cultivars vulnerable to losses. The identification of new sources of resistance is key to providing long-lasting disease control against the rapidly evolving rust pathogens. Thus, the objective of this research was to evaluate the wheat wild relative Aegilops longissima for resistance to stem rust, leaf rust, and stripe rust at the seedling stage in the greenhouse. A diverse collection of 394 accessions of the species, mostly from Israel, was assembled for the study, but the total number included in any one rust evaluation ranged from 308 to 379. With respect to stem rust resistance, 18.2% and 80.8% of accessions were resistant to the widely virulent U.S. and Kenyan P. graminis f. sp. tritici races of TTTTF and TTKSK, respectively. The percentage of accessions exhibiting resistance to the U.S. P. triticina races of THBJ and BBBD was 65.9% and 52.2%, respectively. Over half (50.1%) of the Ae. longissima accessions were resistant to the U.S. P. striiformis f. sp. tritici race PSTv-37. Ten accessions (AEG-683-23, AEG-725-15, AEG-803-49, AEG-1274-20, AEG-1276-22, AEG-1471-15, AEG-1475-19, AEG-2974-0, AEG-4005-20, and AEG-8705-10) were resistant to all races of the three rust pathogens used in this study. Distinct differences in the geographic distribution of resistance and susceptibility were found in Ae. longissima accessions from Israel in response to some rust races. To P. graminis f. sp. tritici race TTKSK, populations with a very high frequency of resistance were concentrated in the central and northern part of Israel, whereas populations with a comparatively higher frequency of susceptibility were concentrated in the southern part of the country. The reverse trend was observed with respect to P. striiformis f. sp. tritici race PSTv-37. The results from this study demonstrate that Ae. longissima is a rich source of rust resistance genes for wheat improvement.

6 Genes WHEAT FRIZZY PANICLE and SHAM RAMIFICATION 2 independently regulate differentiation of floral meristems in wheat

Here we characterized diploid and tetraploid wheat lines of various non-standard spike morphotypes, which allowed for identification of a new mutant allele of the WHEAT FRIZZY PANICLE (WFZP) gene that determines spike branching in diploid wheat Ttiticum monococcum L. Moreover, we found that the development of SSs and spike branching in wheat T. durum Desf. was a result of a wfzp-A/TtBH-A1 mutation that originated from spontaneous hybridization with T. turgidum convar. сompositum (L.f.) Filat. Detailed characterization of the false-true ramification phenotype controlled by the recessive sham ramification 2 (shr2) gene in tetraploid wheat T. turgidum L. allowed us to suggest putative functions of the SHR2 gene that may be involved in the regulation of spikelet meristem fate and in specification of floret meristems. The results of a gene interaction test suggested that genes WFZP and SHR2 function independently in different processes during spikelet development, whereas another spike ramification gene(s) interact(s) with SHR2 and share(s) common functions.

7 Allelic composition and associated quality traits of the Glu-1 and Glu-3 loci in selected modern Ethiopian durum wheat varieties

Gluten protein determines the processing quality of both durum wheat and bread wheat. The glutenin subunits compositions and associated quality traits of 20 Ethiopian durum wheat varieties were systematically analyzed using SDS-PAGE and Payne numbers. A total of 16 glutenin patterns were identified. At the Glu-A1 locus, all varieties scored the null allele. The predominant glutenin alleles at the Glu-B1 locus were Glu-B1b (7+8) and Glu-B1e (20). In Glu-3, the most abundant glutenin subunits were Glu-A3a and Glu-B3c. Based on the Payne scores, the varieties Yerer, Ginchi, Candate, and Foka were identified to have allelic composition suitable for pasta making. The cluster analysis using agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) method classified the varieties into four similarity classes. Based on the findings of this experiment, suggestions were made for allelic composition improvement through introgression of superior alleles from known Glu-1 and Glu-3 sources.

8 The NB-LRR gene Pm60 confers powdery mildew resistance in wheat


Powdery mildew is one of the most devastating diseases of wheat. To date, few powdery mildew resistance genes have been cloned from wheat due to the size and complexity of the wheat genome. Triticum urartu is the progenitor of the A genome of wheat and is an important source for powdery mildew resistance genes. Using molecular markers designed from scaffolds of the sequenced T. urartu accession and standard map-based cloning,
a powdery mildew resistance locus was mapped to a 356-kb region, which contains two nucleotide-binding and leucine-rich repeat domain (NB-LRR) protein-encoding genes. Virus-induced gene silencing, single-cell transient expression, and stable transformation assays demonstrated that one of these two genes, designated Pm60, confers resistance to powdery mildew. Overexpression of full-length Pm60 and two allelic variants in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves induced hypersensitive cell death response, but expression of the coiled-coil domain alone was insufficient to induce hypersensitive response. Yeast two-hybrid, bimolecular fluorescence complementation and luciferase complementation imaging assays showed that Pm60 protein interacts with its neighboring NB-containing protein, suggesting that they might be functionally related. The identification and cloning of this novel wheat powdery mildew resistance gene will facilitate breeding for disease resistance in wheat.

9 Identification of QTL for flag leaf length in common wheat and their pleiotropic effects

Leaf size is an important factor contributing to the photosynthetic capability of wheat plants. It also significantly affects various agronomic traits. In particular, the flag leaves contribute significantly to grain yield in wheat. A recombinant inbred line (RIL) population developed between varieties with significant differences in flag leaf traits was used to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) of flag leaf length (FLL) and to evaluate its pleiotropic effects on five yield-related traits, including spike length (SL), spikelet number per spike (SPN), kernel number per spike (KN), kernel length (KL), and thousand-kernel weight (TKW). Two additional RIL populations were used to validate the detected QTL and reveal the relationships in different genetic backgrounds. Using the diversity arrays technology (DArT) genetic linkage map, three major QTL for FLL were detected, with single QTL in different environments explaining 8.6–23.3% of the phenotypic variation. All the QTL were detected in at least four environments, and validated in two related populations based on the designed primers. These QTL and the newly developed primers are expected to be valuable for fine mapping and marker-assisted selection in wheat breeding programs.

10 The repetitive landscape of the 5100 Mbp barley genome

Here, we present an analysis of the repetitive fraction of the 5100 Mb barley genome, the largest angiosperm genome to have a near-complete sequence assembly. Genes make only about 2% of the genome, while over 80% is derived from TEs. The TE fraction is composed of at least 350 different families. However, 50% of the genome is comprised of only 15 high-copy TE families, while all other TE families are present in moderate or low copy numbers. We found that the barley genome is highly compartmentalized with different types of TEs occupying different chromosomal “niches”, such as distal, interstitial, or proximal regions of chromosome arms. Furthermore, gene space represents its own distinct genomic compartment that is enriched in small non-autonomous DNA transposons, suggesting that these TEs specifically target promoters and downstream regions. Furthermore, their presence in gene promoters is associated with decreased methylation levels.

11 TaNTF2, a contributor for wheat resistance to the stripe rust pathogen

Nuclear Transport Factor 2 (NTF2) functions as a critical regulator in balancing the GTP-and GDP-bound forms of Ran, a class of evolutionarily conserved small GTP-binding protein. During the incompatible interaction between wheat-Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), a cDNA fragment encoding a putative wheat NTF2 gene was found to be significantly induced, suggesting a potential role in wheat resistance to Pst. In this work, the full length of TaNTF2 was obtained, with three copies located on 7A, 7B and 7D chromosomes, respectively. QRT-PCR further verified the up-regulated expression of TaNTF2 in response to avirulent Pst. In addition, TaNTF2 was also induced by exogenous hormone applications, especially JA treatment. Transient expression of TaNTF2 in tobacco cells confirmed its subcellular localization in the cytoplasm, perinuclear area and nucleus. And virus induced gene silencing (VIGS) was used to identify the function of TaNTF2 during an incompatible wheat-Pst interaction. When TaNTF2 was knocked down, resistance of wheat to avirulentPst was decreased, with a bigger necrotic spots, and higher numbers of hyphal branches and haustorial mother cells. Our results demonstrated that TaNTF2 was a contributor for wheat resistance to the stripe rust pathogen, which will help to comprehensively understand the NTF2/Ran modulating mechanism in wheat-Pst interaction.

12 Loss of AvrSr50 by somatic exchangein stem rust leads to virulence forSr50 resistance in wheat

13 Variation in the AvrSr35 genedetermines Sr35 resistance againstwheat stem rust race Ug99

14 ZmCCT9 enhances maize adaptation to higher latitudes





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