


已有 4832 次阅读 2015-3-17 08:06 |个人分类:学习笔记|系统分类:科研笔记| 人类, 自然环境

地球科学进展 民勤县经济发展与生态环境的定量关系研究 关键词: 环境压力; STIRPAT模型; 耦合协调; 内陆河流域 Studies on the Quantitative Relation Between Economic Development and Ecological Environment of Minqin CountyO网页链接 
农业机械化与美国历史上的大沙暴 分析造成美国大沙暴的原因,并不完全是连年的气候干燥多风暴。这个地区历史上并不是沙漠,而是农牧场。...因此,人为的因素,可能更为重要,也更值得人们注意和研究 O网页链接  
生词 grazing[ˈgreɪzɪŋ] 放牧; savanna [səˈvænə](美国东南部的)无树平原;(亚)热带的稀树大草原. maquis 美[mɑ:'ki:]地中海沿岸的灌木地带.prairie ˈpreəri(尤指北美的)大草原,大牧场;草原地带; erosion,侵蚀 腐蚀 albedo [æl'bɪdoʊ](星体)反照率
 proliferation 激增 susceptibility英[səˌseptəˈbɪləti]易受影响或损害的状态,感受性; Dryland 旱地 salinity 盐分盐度 lateritization [lætərɪtaɪ'zeɪʃən] 红土化作用 podzolization [pɒdzɒlaɪ'zeɪʃən]灰壤化作用,土壤灰化作用。 /灰烬土(或火山灰土,Andisols。
  Geoengineering 地质工程 stratospheric ozone depletion平流层臭氧耗竭 /ozone depletion 空洞。steric effect 位阻效应 ,空间效应。 Domestication驯养 Dispersal 散布传播 habitat ˈhæbɪˌtæt(动物的)栖息地,住处;产地。 /drainage ˈdrenɪdʒ]排水;排水系统;废水;


The Human Impact on the Natural Environment: Past, Present, and Future, 7th Edition Part II: The Future 长微博#O网页链接 全部目录 O网页链接 
书籍 The Human Impact on the Natural Environment –Past, Present, and Future, 7th Edition Andrew S. Goudie 2013 O网页链接,wiki O网页链接 
panview:《人类活动对自然环境的影响》(Andrew Goudie, “The Human Impact on the Natural Environment” The MIT Press,1986)一书,我才领悟到像我这样学农业工程的人,应当特别重视这件事情。
IPCC Intergovernmental panel on climate change O网页链接 
书籍 The Human Impact on the Natural Environment –Past, Present, and Future, 7th Edition Andrew S. Goudie 2013 O网页链接,wiki O网页链接 

人类 自然环境的影响  7 edition

The Human Impact on the Natural Environment: Past, Present, and Future, 7th Edition
  In Chapter One there will be a new section on recent ideas about Global Change, relating to such matters as Kyoto, Copenhagen, the Stern report, etc. There is also a need to review a large corpus of new ideas on the human evolution, domestication and current demographic trends.?
  In Chapter Two, the section on fire needs to say more about fire histories, the section on desertification is very dated and so needs a complete re-write, and the same is true of the section on pollution effects on vegetation.
  Chapter Three may require rather less change, though the section on habitat change and animal decline is dated and too UK centred.
  Chapter Four needs to see an expanded section on soil carbon, and also needs to synthesise a great deal of recent work on the history of soil erosion and current trends in the Mediterranean lands and elsewhere. The section on soil conservation is also very dated.
   Chapter Five has many outdated examples, and in particular needs to see a new treatment of the nitrate issue. The section on marine pollution is rather brief and needs a good deal more on oil pollution effects and also on plastics in the worlds oceans.
    Chapter Six needs more material to be included on historical trends in human influences on rates of landscape change. Nearly all the material in the first half of Chapter Seven needs revision and expansion.?
   Chapter Eight needs to be revised in the light of the IPCC report of 2007.
   Chapter Nine and subsequent chapters, were new in the sixth edition, and so do not suffer to the same degree from being out of date, but, on the other hand, there have been many detailed changes in knowledge that need to be incorporated, not least on the importance of such issues as Ocean Acidification and the potential effects of ice cap retreat on tectonic and volcanic activity.
  The final chapter can remain largely unchanged, except that some evaluation is needed, by way of conclusion, as to the relative importance of the various environmental issues that face mankind.?New edition of the classic text
Title page
Copyright page
Preface to the Seventh Edition
About the Companion Website
Part I: The Past and Present
1: Introduction
The development of ideas
The development of human population and stages of cultural development
Hunting and gathering
Humans as cultivators, keepers and metal workers
Modern industrial and urban civilizations
2: The Human Impact on Vegetation
The use of fire
Fires: natural and anthropogenic
Some consequences of fire suppression
Some effects of fire on vegetation
The role of grazing
Secondary rain forest
The human role in the creation and maintenance of savanna
The spread of desert vegetation on desert margins
The maquis of the Mediterranean lands
The prairies and other mid-latitude and high-altitude grasslands
Post-glacial vegetational change in Britain and Europe
Lowland heaths
Introduction, invasion and explosion
Air pollution and its effects on plants
Forest decline
Miscellaneous causes of plant decline
The change in genetic and species diversity
Conclusion: threats to plant life
3: Human Influence on Animals
Domestication of animals
Dispersal and invasions of animals
Human influence on the expansion of animal populations
Causes of animal contractions and decline: pollution
Habitat change and animal decline
Other causes of animal decline
Animal extinctions in prehistoric times
Modern-day extinctions
4: The Human Impact on the Soil
Salinity: natural sources
Human agency and increased salinity
Irrigation salinity
Dryland salinity
Urban salinity
Interbasin water transfers
Coastal zone salinity
Consequences of salinity
Reclamation of salt-affected lands
Accelerated podzolization and acidification
Some anthrosols resulting from agriculture and urbanization
Soil carbon
Soil structure alteration
Soil drainage and its impact
Soil fertilization
Fires and soil quality
Soil erosion: general considerations
Soil erosion associated with deforestation and agriculture
Accelerated wind erosion
Soil erosion produced by fire
Soil erosion associated with construction and urbanization
Soil conservation
5: The Human Impact on the Waters
Deliberate modification of rivers
Urbanization and its effects on river flow
Vegetation modification and its effect on river flow
The human impact on lake levels
Changes in groundwater conditions
Water pollution
Chemical pollution by agriculture and other activities
Deforestation and its effects on water quality
Thermal pollution
Pollution with suspended sediments
Marine pollution
6: Human Agency in Geomorphology
Landforms produced by excavation
Landforms produced by construction and dumping
Sediment transport by rivers
Accelerated sedimentation
Ground subsidence
Arroyo trenching, gullies and peat haggs
Accelerated weathering and the tufa decline
Accelerated mass movements
Deliberate modification of channels
Non-deliberate river-channel changes
Reactivation and stabilization of sand dunes
Accelerated coastal erosion
Changing rates of salt marsh accretion
The human impact on seismicity and volcanoes
7: The Human Impact on Climate and the Atmosphere
World climates
The greenhouse gases – carbon dioxide
Other gases
Ozone depletion and climate change
Global dimming and global brightening
Vegetation and albedo change
Forests, irrigation and climate
The possible effects of water diversion schemes
Urban climates
Deliberate climatic modification
Urban air pollution
Air pollution: some further effects
Stratospheric ozone depletion
Part II: The Future
8: The Future: Introduction
Changes in the biosphere
Climate and geomorphology
9: The Future: Coastal Environments
The steric effect
Anthropogenic contribution to sea-level change
Permafrost degradation
Melting of glaciers and sea-level rise
Ice sheets and sea-level rise
How fast are sea levels rising?
The amount of sea-level rise by 2100
Land subsidence
Coral reefs
Salt marshes and mangrove swamps
River deltas
Cliffed coasts
Sandy beaches
The role of sediment starvation
10: The Future: Hydrological and Geomorphological Impacts


Rainfall Intensity

Changes in tropical cyclones

Runoff response

Cold regions

Changes in runoff in the UK


Other examples

Geomorphological consequences of hydrological and other changes


11: The Future: The Cryosphere

The nature of the cryosphere

The polar ice sheets and ice caps

Valley glaciers and small ice caps

Predicted rates of glacier retreat and some environmental consequences

Sea ice in the Arctic and Antarctic

Permafrost regions

12: The Future: Drylands


Climate changes in the past

Future changes in climate in drylands

Wind erosivity and erodibility

Future dust storm activity

Rainfall and runoff

Lake levels

Sea-level rise and arid zone coastlines

Salt weathering

13: Conclusion

The power of non-industrial and pre-industrial civilizations

The proliferation of impacts

Human impacts on the environment in China

Are changes reversible?

The susceptibility to change

Human influence or nature?

Global warming and other pressures

Into the unknown

Glossary   References  

Land subsidence     Coral reefs

Salt marshes and mangrove swamps

River deltas   Estuaries

Cliffed coasts   Sandy beaches

The role of sediment starvation


人类 自然环境6 edition

Part II: The Future



Changes in the biosphere

Climate and geomorphology

Guide to reading


Introduction: rising sea levels

The steric effect

Anthropogenic contributions to sea-level change

Permafrost degradation

Melting of glaciers and sea-level rise

Ice sheets and sea-level rise

The amount of change by 2100

Land subsidence

How fast are sea levels rising?

Coral reefs

Salt marshes and mangrove swamps

River deltas   Estuaries    Cliffed coasts   Sandy beaches

The role of sediment starvation

Conclusions   Guide to reading



Rainfall intensity

Changes in tropical cyclones

Runoff response

Cold regions

Changes in runoff in the UK


Other examples

Geomorphologic consequences of hydrologic change


Guide to reading


The nature of the cryosphere

The polar ice sheets

Valley glaciers and small ice caps

Predicted rates of glacier retreat

Sea ice

Permafrost regions

Guide to reading



Climate changes in the past

Wind erosion of soils

Dust-storm activity

Sand dunes

Rainfall and runoff

River channels

Lake levels

Sea-level rise and arid-zone coastlines

Salt weathering

Guide to reading


The power of nonindustrial and pre-industrial civilizations

The proliferation of impacts

Are changes reversible?

The susceptibility to change

Human influence or nature?

Into the unknown

Guide to reading



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