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已有 3588 次阅读 2011-3-13 16:50 |个人分类:娱乐休闲|系统分类:人文社科

    有首诗“Lydia (Stilma 1985: 39),描写一位被剥夺了唯一孩子的母亲每个黄昏都坐在房子的门廊呼喊女儿的名字。然而,这个城市已经习惯晚风携带发疯的Lydia的喊叫,人们几乎不再认识到她的声音。

    The poem called ‘Lydia’ (Stilma 1985: 39), describes a mother, who has been deprived of her only child. The mother sits at the porch of her house calling out her daughter’s name, every evening at twilight. The city people however, have become so used to the evening breeze bringing crazy Lydia’s calling into their homes, that they hardly recognize her voice anymore.





No one heard the despair in her voice any longer.

No one felt pity anymore.

Lydia had been crying her evening cries for so many years!

It had become as insignificant as the yapping of a farmyard dog. 


事实上市民们听到了Lydia每晚的叫声,但不加理会,他们不再辨别听到的含义。像我们一样,某种意义上会对犬吠充耳不闻,邻居们随着时间的推移,开始无视Lydia的呼喊。她的存在已经变成,一个失其所在的灵魂,她衰微得如人影,更加混入了人们的各种传说,使得人们不能把她的声音与无意义噪声和混乱的嗡嗡声相区别,而开始时并非如此(Bachelard 1958/1994: 217)

    The city people do in fact hear Lydia’s crying every evening but they take no notice of their hearing. They no more discern the meaning of what they hear. Like we, in a certain sense become deaf to the repeated yapping of a dog, the neighbours have in the course of time, become inaccessible to the meaning of Lydia’s calling. Her being has become, a spirit that has lost its “being there,” one that has so declined as to fall from the being of its shade and mingle with the rumours of being, in the form of meaningless noise, of a confused hum that cannot be located. It once was. (Bachelard 1958/1994: 217).




    Her crying is merely an echo, which is heard, but not noticed. The echo of meaning has become meaningless, useless, a shade of noise not reverberating in the hearts of the listeners. Lydia’s being has become nothingness to the city people.


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