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已有 3612 次阅读 2014-1-27 11:26 |个人分类:国家时事|系统分类:人物纪事| 国情咨文, 个人看法




前两天接连收到白宫的两份电邮。第一份是担任白宫演说拟稿主任的Cody Keenan发来的.因为忙和其他事情,没有及时回复。 昨天又收到担任总统高级顾问的ValerieJarrett 的来电。他们的电邮内容几乎相同,就是通知我奥巴马总统将在下周二晚上进行每年一次的例行国情咨文演说,希望我们关注这场重要的演说, 并尽量提供一些相关信息,也就是说,我们希望总统谈论那些重要的话题和社会问题。

看到第二份电邮,本来有点赖堕的心情,也被打动。 所以,也就老实不客气地给他们回了一个电邮,提出一点个人的希望。

我在回电中说,我觉得当今世界比以往更加分化。这些分化体现在国与国之间的争端,在全世界范围内存在着严重的代沟,贫富差异更加扩大,种族不平等仍然非常严重,政治党派没有统一的价值观。这种分化趋势对整个人类都是危险和不利的。我们生存在同一个地球上, 应该联合起来,共同行动,相互关照,对别人的公平也是对自己有利的。


Dear Cody and Valerie:

Thank you for sending me this message and congratulate you on such an important role in this important event. State of the Union is a very important factor in American life. It usually provides the courage and vision to American people. It also sets up the mission of our country. I believe that the President and his team will continue doing so. Since you are an important member of this team, I would like to provide my personal opinion in this important speech to you. Today, world has changed a lot and continues to change quickly. As the leadership, it should fit into this change and then direct this change. From my personal view, today's worldbecomes more divided than before. From bigger scale to smaller scale,there is conflicts between nations, there is generation gaps in each country all over the world, there is wealth inequality all over the world, there is inequality among different races, there is differentvalue view between political groups. These devisions make the world unsafe and dangerous. It is not good for most people and therefore is not good for the whole world. We live on the Earth, which is only one we can stand on. I hope that State of the Union will stress this issue and call for all the people on the earth to unite together, to work together, to take care of each other, to understand each other. We are not living along and treating other people fairly is good for self.

I am sure that you will do an excellent job for thePresident and the American people. I will pay my attention to thespeech.

Best regards and have a nice weekend.


今天写在这里, 看看奥巴马团队是否会对我的看法给予认同。 让我们28日晚上来见证吧。


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