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《自然》:受体“爆破”可视化 精选

已有 4631 次阅读 2023-3-17 10:12 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:论文交流




Fig. 1 Appearance of adhesion GPCRs (left) and functional principle of the NRS technique (right). The fruit fly nervous system reveals when, where, and how an adhesion GPCR is separated (bottom). Photo: Scholz & Langenhan et....


Fig. 2 Professor Tobias Langenhan. Photo: Swen Reichhold, Leipzig University


Fig. 3 Dr Nicole Scholz. Photo: Martin Scholz

据德国莱比锡大学(Leipzig University)2023314日提供的消息,该校的研究人员与德国图宾根大学(University of Tübingen, Germany)的研究人员合作研究,使受体爆破可视化(Receptor ’blasting’ visualised)。

粘附GPCRsAdhesion G-protein-coupled receptors)是一组与许多身体功能和疾病相关的G蛋白偶联受体(G protein coupled receptors)的简称。然而,它们尚未得到充分研究以用于治疗。莱比锡大学医学院鲁道夫·肖恩海默生化研究所(Rudolf Schönheimer Institute of Biochemistry, Division of General Biochemistry, Medical Faculty, Leipzig University)的两个研究小组现在联合开发了一项技术来改变这一现状。新颖的NRSNTF Release Sensor)技术捕获了以前对研究人员隐藏的粘附GPCRs(Adhesion GPCRs简称aGPCRs)的独特分子开关事件。这些重要发现202338日已经在著名的科学期刊《自然》(Nature)杂志网站发表——Nicole ScholzAnne-Kristin DahseMarguerite KemkemerAnne BormannGenevieve M. AugerFernando Vieira ContrerasLucia F. ErnstHauke StaakeMarek B. KörnerMax BuhlanAmelie Meyer-MölckYin Kwan ChungBeatriz Blanco-RedondoFranziska KloseMohamed Ali JarbouiDmitrij LjaschenkoMarina BiglTobias Langenhan. Molecular sensing of mechano- and ligand-dependent adhesion GPCR dissociation. NaturePublished: 08 March 2023. DOI: 10.1038/s41586’023 -05802-5. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-05802-5

上述图1Fig. 1)是aGPCRs的外观(左)和NRS技术的功能原理(右)。果蝇神经系统揭示了aGPCR何时、何地以及如何分离(底部图示)。

大约40%的药物作用于GPCRs,可以缓解甚至治愈多种疾病。它们包括用于治疗帕金森病(Parkinson’s disease)、疼痛、高血压和过敏症的化合物。GPCRs很容易让药物到达,因为它们位于细胞表面。此外,身体及其器官中的每个细胞都具有非常特殊的GPCR模式,这意味着GPCR药物的副作用可以得到很好的限制。“然而,在拥有700多个成员的GPCR类的一个大家族中,即粘附GPCRs (aGPCRs),仍然是未知的药理学和制药领域。这些分子与多种疾病有关,从癌症到精神疾病(psychiatric disorders),”尼科尔·舒尔茨博士(Dr Nicole Scholz, Fig. 3)解释说。尼科尔·舒尔茨是鲁道夫·肖恩海默生化研究所普通生物化学的主席,也是这项新研究的两位领导者之一。

aGPCRs是一大类表面蛋白,可识别体内的化学和机械刺激。它们尚未被开发用于治疗药物。aGPCRs具有双组分结构和独特的激活机制。来自莱比锡大学的科学家现在提出了一种分子传感器系统,可用于活生物体和细胞培养皿中,以检测某种aGPCR何时何地因机械刺激而分裂,从而分离这两种成分。这种断裂可以激活受体,因此在生化信号的传递中起着至关重要的作用。尼科尔·舒尔茨博士和托拜厄斯·朗恩汉(Tobias Langenhan, Fig. 2)教授与莱比锡大学技术转让办公室(Technology Transfer Office of Leipzig University)密切合作,为这项技术申请了专利。其目的是为新发现提供法律保护,并帮助将目前可用的aGPCR药物鉴定方法推向实际应用。

重要的生物过程(Important biological process)



这项工作得到了德国研究基金会{Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through FOR2149, project numbers 265903901 (project P01) and 265996823 (project P03) and through CRC 1423, project number 421152132 (projects A06 and B06) ; and by a junior research grant from the Faculty of Medicine, Leipzig University}的资助。



Adhesion G-protein-coupled receptors (aGPCRs) bear notable similarity to Notch proteins1, a class of surface receptors poised for mechano-proteolytic activation2,3,4, including an evolutionarily conserved mechanism of cleavage5,6,7,8. However, so far there is no unifying explanation for why aGPCRs are autoproteolytically processed. Here we introduce a genetically encoded sensor system to detect the dissociation events of aGPCR heterodimers into their constituent N-terminal and C-terminal fragments (NTFs and CTFs, respectively). An NTF release sensor (NRS) of the neural latrophilin-type aGPCR Cirl (ADGRL)9,10,11, from Drosophila melanogaster, is stimulated by mechanical force. Cirl-NRS activation indicates that receptor dissociation occurs in neurons and cortex glial cells. The release of NTFs from cortex glial cells requires trans-interaction between Cirl and its ligand, the Toll-like receptor Tollo (Toll-8)12, on neural progenitor cells, whereas expressing Cirl and Tollo in cis suppresses dissociation of the aGPCR. This interaction is necessary to control the size of the neuroblast pool in the central nervous system. We conclude that receptor autoproteolysis enables non-cell-autonomous activities of aGPCRs, and that the dissociation of aGPCRs is controlled by their ligand expression profile and by mechanical force. The NRS system will be helpful in elucidating the physiological roles and signal modulators of aGPCRs, which constitute a large untapped reservoir of drug targets for cardiovascular, immune, neuropsychiatric and neoplastic diseases13.


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