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文章在这里: Bound states in the one-dimensional two-particle Hubbard model with an impurity, 投的是pra



Report of the Referee -- AX******/Zhang

I have read with much interest the manuscript. This manuscript follows
Ref. 11 by the same authors but contains a longer introduction and
some new results. Namely, the study of bound states in the
one-dimensional two-particle Bose-Hubbard model is motivated by the
problem of the hydrogen negative ion problem and related problems in
optical lattices for cold atoms. As in Ref. 11 three continuum bands
in the model are identified and quantities numerically calculated for
the identification of bound and extended states are discussed.

Then the stability of the localized ground state for a sufficiently
large negative $U$ and that of the repulsion-aided bound state between
the "first" (two bosons are neither captured by the impurity nor bound
together) and the "third" (delocalized molecule state) for positive
values of $U$ are discussed in some detail.

In Sec. VI, which is the longest section of the manuscript, the Bethe
ansatz solutions of the model and analytically solvable odd-parity
bound states are discussed by essentially repeating the discussion in
Ref. 11, with the contents of the Supplementary Material of Ref. 11
incorporated into the main text. Here we also find some new discussion
in terms of scattering theory (Sec. VI B) on why the odd-parity
eigenstates have the Bethe form and discussion on the level spacing
statistics of the odd parity (integrable) and even parity
(nonintegrable) subspaces. In Sec. VII the two even-parity bound
states accompanying the two odd-parity bound states are studied.

I believe that the manuscript can be made somewhat shorter by
adequately removing, or maybe rewriting in a more concise way, the
repetitions from Ref. 11, so that the interesting new results not on
Ref. 11 stand out. A significant portion of the main text, especially
between pages 9 and 14, comes almost without any change from either
Ref. 11 or its Supplementary Material.

Also, Fig. 1 is essentially the same as Fig. 1 of Ref. 11 with a
slight change of the parameter $U$, Fig. 11 is the same as Fig. 2 of
Ref. 11, and Figs. 13 and 14 (a) - (c) are also essentially the same
as Figs. 3 and 4 (a) - (c). While it could be argued that the
Supplementary Material associated with a Physical Review Letters
article is not something which has already been printed, it does not
seem quite worthwhile to me to repeat almost everything.

Therefore I think that this manuscript could only be published in
Physical Review A as a regular article after the authors have answered
the criticism above and also considered the following points.

- At the end of Page 1: "The attractive defect potential plays the
role of ..." I believe that the change from the long-ranged Coulomb
interaction to the short-ranged (on-site) interaction is crucial in
obtaining some part of the main results, which are summarized in the
following paragraphs. The short-ranged character of the interaction
could be emphasized at this stage.

- Pages 3 and 4: The list of the three continuum bands as well as the
list of the six parameter regimes could be more easily understood if
there is a table summarizing the contents for each list.

- Figure 3 in Page 5: At least one state with $E_n ~ U$ has a larger
value of $\langle D \rangle$ compared to $L$ (~ 30 for M = M_1 = 51
and ~ 50 for M = M_2 = 71). It seems to have the largest energy in the
third band when $U < 0$ and the smallest energy in the third band when
$U > 0$. The authors might want to comment on this (or these)
maximally delocalized state. For example, is it a part of the third
band, or a special state? If it is a part of the third band, does
$\langle D \rangle$ converge to $L$ in the limit of large $L$? Is this
state described exactly by Bethe ansatz? What is the symmetry of its
wavefunction? (这里审稿人注意到了我们数据中我们自己都没注意到的特征!这导致我们对我们的系统的认识进了一步

- At the beginning of Page 6: I believe that the units for $\alpha$
and $\beta$ should be given.

- Figure 7, Page 7: The difference in color between the sites
$(0,\pm1)$ and $(\pm1,\pm1)$ in Fig. 7(c) is rather tiny when the
manuscript is printed out. The authors could consider applying the
same color coding for (a), (b) and (c), which would change rapidly for
$f_{mol}^2 \lesssim 0.2$ but more slowly for $f_{mol}^2 \gtrsim 0.2$,
to emphasize the difference in its values.

- Close to the end of Page 9: "eight different plane waves." => do the
authors mean the eight $\exp[i(-)^{\sigma_1}k_1 x_{1+\sigma_0} +
i(-)^{\sigma_2}k_2 x_{2-\sigma_0}]$ for $\sigma_0,\sigma_1,\sigma_2 =

- Page 13, right column: It could be explicitly stated around eq. (34)
that for the odd-parity bound states in Sec. VI C $k_1$ and $k_2$ are
purely imaginary, so that if we define real $\kappa_j = i k_j$, $i
\sin k_j = \sinh \kappa_j$ ($j = 1, 2$), and so on.

Also I have noticed the following minor points:

- Abstract: Please define $U$, which is the on-site interaction
parameter of the Bose-Hubbard model.

- Page 3, 6th line from the bottom of the paragraph after the list of
the three continuum band: "for the second and third band" => ""for the
second and third bands"?

- Close to the end of Page 3: "$dim(M_1) = M_1(2M_1 + 1)" => the
dimension could not be over $M_1^2$ for $M_1$-site lattice. I think
that the dimension is $M_1(M_1 + 1)/2 = M_1(L_1 + 1)$. (In Fig. 12,
the authors say that each (odd and even) subspace contains roughly
10000 levels for $L_1 = 100$ and $M_1 = 200$) Also, the manuscript
says "$M_1$-sited lattice" (also in Page 6, at the beginning of the
last paragraph of the left column) but I would say that "$M_1$-site
lattice" would be more appropriate.

- The first paragraph in Page 9: "\textit{discontinuous on an infinite
lattice This behavior is" => a period (".") is missing.

- The beginning of the right column in Page 9: "It is always present
whenever $-V < U < 0$, though not necessarily inside the continuum."
if the state is outside the continuum, by definition it could not be
called a "bound state in the continuum (BIC)".

- Just before Sec. VI B. in Page 11: "of which one shows no
diffraction" => what/who is "one" here?

- Around eq. (21) in Page 11: I believe that a $\hat$ is missing on
$S$ in the equation just before eq. (21), and a "[" is missing in the
third side of eq. (21). Also, the order of rows (and columns) in the
$4 \times 4$ matrix, which seems to be $(\sigma_1, \sigma_2) = (+, +),
(-, +), (+, -), (-, -)$, could be given for clarity.

- After eq. (42) in Page 14: "The condition for this state to be a BIC
is $E_b > -4$. => $E_{b1} > -4$?

- Page 16: "As for the second even-parity bound state,..." =>
Referring to Fig. 18(b) explicitly from the main text would make it
easier for the reader to understand this part.


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