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[读论文]-KDD15-041 组织结构图的推断

已有 2039 次阅读 2016-2-29 09:30 |个人分类:读论文|系统分类:科研笔记

Organizational  Chart Inference


Nowadays, to  facilitate the communication and cooperation among employees, a new family of  online social networks has been adopted in many companies, which are called  the enterprise social networks" (ESNs). ESNs can provide employees with  various professional services to help them deal with daily work issues.  Meanwhile, employees in companies are usually organized into different  hierarchies according to the relative ranks of their positions. The company  internal management structure can be outlined with the organizational chart  visually, which is normally confidential to the public out of the privacy and  security concerns. In this paper, we want to study the IOC (Inference of  Organizational Chart) problem to identify company internal organizational  chart based on the heterogeneous online ESN launched in it. IOC is very  challenging to address as, to guarantee smooth operations, the internal  organizational charts of companies need to meet certain structural  requirements (about its depth and width). To solve the IOC problem, a novel  unsupervised method Create (ChArT REcovEr) is proposed in this paper, which  consists of 3 steps: (1) social stratification of ESN users into different  social classes, (2) supervision link inference from managers to subordinates,  and (3) consecutive social classes matching to prune the redundant supervision  links. Extensive experiments conducted on real-world online ESN dataset  demonstrate that Create can perform very well in addressing the IOC problem.


这是一篇典型的KDD的应用类型的文章。首先介绍问题背景(ESN),引出IOC问题。然后提出问题的Challenge,然后提出具体解决方法和步骤,最后说明一下实验。显然,这里的Contribution有以下三点(1)提出了IOC problem. (2)提出了解决的方法Create 3)大量实验验证了这个方法。


上一篇:[读论文]-KDD15-040 一个为预测推文流行性自励点处理模型
下一篇:[读论文]-KDD15-042 推断多个异构社交网络之间的锚链接
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