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已有 4978 次阅读 2014-9-13 16:21 |个人分类:论文简介|系统分类:论文交流| 网络, 水稻纹枯病, 蛋白互作

Global Protein–Protein Interaction Network ofRice Sheath Blight Pathogen

Rhizoctonia solani is the major pathogenic fungi of rice sheath blight. It isresponsible for the most serious disease of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and causes significant yieldlosses in rice-growing countries. Identifying the protein–protein interaction(PPI) maps of R. solani canprovide insights into the potential pathogenic mechanisms and assign putativefunctions to unknown genes. Here, we exploited a PPI map of R. solani anastomosis group 1 IA (AG-1 IA)based on the interolog and domain–domain interaction methods. We constructed acore subset of high-confidence protein networks consisting of 6705 interactionsamong 1773 proteins. The high quality of the network was revealed bycomprehensive methods, including yeast two-hybrid experiments. Pathogenicinteraction subnetwork, secreted proteins subnetwork, and mitogen-activatedprotein kinase (MAPK) cascade subnetwork and their interacting partners wereconstructed and analyzed. Moreover, to exactly predict the pathogenic factors,the expression levels of the interaction proteins were investigated byanalyzing RNA sequences that consisted of samples from the entire infectionprogress. The PPIs offer an exceptionally rich source of data that can be usedto understand the gene functions and biological processes of this seriousdisease at the system level.

论文主要结论:1、使用同源映射法和结构域相互作用的方法预测水稻纹枯病菌的蛋白质互作网络图。运用果蝇、线虫、人类、酵母蛋白实验互作网络数据,通过整合两种预测方法的重叠数据(同源映射中Inparanoid算法的可信度分值大于0.5) 构建含1773个蛋白的6705对互作蛋白网络。2. 通过GO注释、基因共表达和酵母双杂交方法评估纹枯病菌蛋白质互作网络具有较高可信度。3. PHI、分泌蛋白、水解酶、信号传导网络中Core基因进行互作分析,预测到互作致病功能候选基因。4. 比较Necrotroph Biotroph 病原菌的互作模式,发现与致病相关的差异互作调控。5. 从网络中验证到与致病密切相关的预测转录因子。

Res. http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021%2Fpr500069r


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