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已有 3746 次阅读 2013-2-28 23:44 |个人分类:乱七八糟|系统分类:观点评述| 马甲, chaohukeji

【说明】以下是网友“巢湖科技”(应该是这个汉字名吧?)在我的留言板上的留言。我考虑再三,觉得直接删除不好,还是拷贝了发表为正式博文,以示对这位网友的尊重。     但是,我也要说说我的态度。     在科学网,不管是来娱乐,来吵架,来科普,来学习,我想大家起码是希望能正常的交流思想、感悟和观点。     在生活中,我们会因为各种原因,与人产生分歧,由于种种顾忌,不能放开自我,缺乏宣泄渠道,这些在网络上似乎就不存在了。尤其是使用“马甲”的情况下,可以信马由缰,信口开河,也不用负责。     但是,久而久之,这些不受控制的“马甲”一定会使网络暴力化和庸俗化,使得稍带理性和科学的态度的交流也变为不可能。我想,这会使我们失去科学网这个家园。     所以,我希望,网友“巢湖科技”有话好好说。
 删除 回复 举报[1]chaohukeji 2013-2-28 23:05 正教授因为新华字典对猪马牛羊的定义而写了一篇狗屁不通的奇文,请看看英文三大权威词典对“猪”和“羊”的解释,指责新华字典的前提还存在么?有什么理由指责中国的文化呢?

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

an animal with pink, black or brown skin, short legs, a broad nose and a short tail which curls round itself. Pigs are kept on farms for their meat (called pork ) or live in the wild

An animal with a thick coat, kept on farms for its meat (called mutton or lamb)

Collins COBUILD Dictionary 2006

A pig is a pink or black animal with short legs and not much hair on its skin. Pigs are often kept on farms for their meat, which is called pork, ham, bacon, or gammon.

A sheep is a farm animal which is covered with thick curly hair called wool. Sheep are kept for their wool or for their meat.

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary - 3rd Edition

a large pink, brown or black farm animal with short legs and a curved tail, kept for its meat

a farm animal with thick wool, that eats grass and is kept for its wool, skin and meat


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