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已有 3555 次阅读 2007-8-3 13:52 |个人分类:闲聊






Dear colleagues:

In our graduate admission process, we become aware that a Chinese applicant drafted his own recommendation letter. The Professor modified the letter and signed it. This may not be illegal, but is regarded as cheating by US standard. As a result, we stop recommending the student for admission. Some professors in China may not understand how professors in US view the recommendation letters. So here I would like to offer some explanations.

Recommendation letter is a very important part of the academic system in US. Admission, job offering, promotions, and awards, are all mainly based on the recommendation letters. People here do not count how many Science or Nature papers. The real important work are appreciated by too few people at beginning to be published on Science or Nature. So people make decisions based on letters, which reflect the opinions of the experts or the leaders of a field. (In contrast, the citation count ainly reflect the opinions of average researchers in the fields.) So an environment and a habit of writing honest recommendation letter is very important for the long term health of scientific community. This is why people in US treat recommendation letter as a very serious matter.

Regarding the letter for students, it is OK for the letter writer to ask information, such as CV, grades, publications list, awards, etc, from student. However, it is not OK to let student to write or draft the recommendation letter by himself/herself. This is very serious. If people in US get an impression that Chinese applicants write or draft their own recommendation letters (which may not be the case for most Chinese applicants), then no Chinese students can enter graduate school in US (which may be a good news for Chinese professors). Students writing or drafting their own recommendation letter is also regarded as a shameful act in US.

I hope the above information is helpful. Establishing an environment and a habit of writing effective, useful, and honest recommendation letters is very important for the future of Chinese science.

Sincerely yours

Xiao-Gang Wen


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