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已有 4335 次阅读 2012-1-2 11:16 |个人分类:怀旧|系统分类:人物纪事| 科学家, 大腕

    《The Scientist 》杂志最近汇总了2011年过世的世界顶级科学奖得主和大腕级科学家。他们分别是:

一、2011年顶级科学奖得主(Top Science Awards of 2011

1)诺贝尔奖主角(Nobel Drama

Winners for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (from left to right): Bruce Beutler, Jules Hoffmann, and Ralph Steinman.Nobelprize.org

2)蛋白质折叠研究先驱(Protein Folding Pioneers

Franz-Ulrich Hartl (left) of the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry and Arthur L. Horwich of Yale University School of Medicine took home the 2011 Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award for their work on protein folding.The Lasker Foundation


3麦克阿瑟五星上将The MacArthur Five

William Seeley, Sarah Otto, Kevin Guskiewicz, Elodie Ghedin, Yukiko Yamashita.Courtesy the John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

  • Elodie Ghedin, University of Pittsburgh, for her studies of parasites and diseases endemic to tropical climates, such as leishmaniasis, river blindness, Chagas disease and elephantiasis
  • Kevin Guskiewicz, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, for his research on sports-related concussions and the long-term neurological effects of such injuries.
  • Sarah Otto, University of British Columbia, for her work on gene copy number variation and sexual reproduction
  • William Seeley, University of California, San Francisco, for his clinical fMRI and microscopic studies of neurodegenerative diseases like frontotemporal dementia.
  • Yukiko Yamashita, University of Michigan Medical School won the fellowship for her studies on the asymmetric division of stem cells

二、2011年过世的大腕级科学家(Top Scientists that Passed Away in 2011

1)病毒克星(Viral Victor

Blumberg celebrating the news of his Nobel Prize in 1976 with his wife Jean.Courtesy of the Fox Chase Cancer Center

Baruch “Barry” Blumberg was a renowned virologist, travelling around the world in the 1960s collecting blood samples from different ethnic groups to eventually identify the hepatitis B virus (HBV). He went on to help develop diagnostic tests and a vaccine for the virus, which can cause debilitating liver disease and even liver cancer. He shared the 1976 Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology for his work on this and other infectious diseases.

2)MHC殉道者(MHC Martyr

Baruj BenacerrafNational Library of Medicine

Baruj Benacerraf was a geneticist and immunologist who took home a 1980 Nobel Prize for his discovery of the gene that governs the immune system’s reaction to foreign bodies, later recognized to be the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule.

3)DNA解码家(DNA Decipherer

A 1968 Nobel Laureate for his contributions towards decoding the language of DNA and RNA, Har Gobind Khorana, professor emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was renowned in the molecular biology world. He went on to identify the start and stop codons that marked the beginnings and ends of proteins, and even constructed a gene from raw nucleic acids.

4)共栖物种?(Symbiotic Speciation?

Lynn Margulis(Wikimedia commons

In the late 1960s, she proposed that new species were likely derived from parasitic or symbiotic relationships that became permanently inter-dependent over time—a theory called endosymbiosis. Though it was highly controversial at the time—it took her 15 tries before a journal (the Journal of Theoretical Biology) finally accepted her manuscript on the topic—serial symbiosis is widely accepted today.

5)癌症免疫学倡导者(Cancer Immunity Advocate

Lloyd Old and Steven RosenbergCourtesy: Cancer Research Institute

Among his many achievements, Old discovered tumor necrosis factor (TNF), an immune factor that can kill cancer cells almost instantly. Because the immune system will attack only foreign substances, Old believed it could be used to target cancer without the side effects associated with most cancer drugs and therapies.




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