

Word Bank 2009: a comparative study of energy demand models

已有 2678 次阅读 2011-5-25 08:09 |系统分类:科研笔记

it is divided into 7 parts, 1-introduction, 2-energy demand modeling issues from developing countries' perspecive, 3-understanding energy demand, 4-energy demand modeling in practive, 5-features of specific energy demand forecasting models, 6-policy implications for developing countries, 7-concluding remarks. the study finds that two types of approaches, econometric and end-use accounting, are used in the existing energy demand models.
5.25 上午:
part 3中3.1 economic foundation of energy demand. 由于不同产业部门的能源需求驱动力不同,所以分household, industry and commercial, transport 3个部门进行讨论。household部门受到consumers' utility maximization priciples 效用最大化的限制;工业和商业要使产品成本最小化。
3.2 demand forecasting models。主要介绍两种:simple approaches and sophisticated approaches. simple法是利用趋势分析来进行预测,优点是简单;缺点是假设条件是主观拟定,无法进行长期预测。
sophisticated 法可以分为top-down and bottom-up models, 还可以根据建模理论分为economic model, engineering-economy model (or end-use model), hybrid model. 此外还有一些的方法:system dynamics model, scenario approach, decomposition model, process model, input-output model, artificial neural networks(人工神经网络).
先去上课,下午继续sophisticated法。 心里要有底,然后竭尽全力去做好。模型还是得思考,多总结多思考。我一定可以弄出来的。
下午迷迷瞪瞪的,后来知道妈妈今天生日,遂给自己特赦,17:30左右回家电话做饭玩。今天周三怎么有点懈怠了? no vacation till paper published.

上一篇:5.24 看一篇文献,思路必须明确
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