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已有 2922 次阅读 2011-5-24 13:03 |个人分类:杂谈|系统分类:观点评述| style, 纽约, 新概念

《纽约科学会年报》(Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,NYAS)的主任及执行主编Douglas Braaten博士(2005-2009曾任Nature Immunology的编辑)认为,好的科学写作是成功的阶梯(Good scientific writing: a means to an end)。关于科学写作,他提出了如下见解,也算是些“新概念”吧。

一、关于好的写作的几点事实(Some truths about ‘good writing’

·    Not all great papers are written well

·    Some of the best written papers are not the best scientific works

·    A lot depends onwhat you have to say

·    Good writing matters most to most of us

·    After all, science is about facts in the world.

·    ‘Good’ writing is an aesthetic value.

·    People—living, breathing people—have to read and evaluate your work.

·    For manuscript publishing and obtaining grants, this means you have to please your readers!


三、好的杂志是什么样的(What do good journals look for?

·    Experimentally sound; well-controlled; formal demonstration of thesis

·    Significant step forward

·    Impact on the field

·    New direction for further research

四、超牛稿件的基本要素(Elements of a strong manuscript

·    Clear presentation

·    Convey why the reader should care

·    Well-controlled data

·    Rule out alternative explanations

·    Hypothesis testing

·    Do not over-interpret the data

·    Discussion puts paper in perspective

·    Data are a significant step forward,

·    With implications beyond immediate question

 五、准备稿件时需要重视的事情(Important things to consider when preparing a manuscript

·    Consult guidelines of the journal/grant agency!

·    Be succinct but informative

ü         Story is logically conveyed

ü         One concept per paragraph

ü         Write with the novice and the expert in mind

·    Represent your data realistically; do not over-interpret

ü         Place study and results in context

ü         Develop implications and discuss possible future experiments

六、严格遵循指南(Adhere strictly to guidelines!


(1) Reports

Word Limit: 2,000 words excluding references, tables, and figures

Abstract: no abstract required, however, manuscript should include an introduction not to exceed 75 words

References: 30 maximum, Figures/Tables: 3 maximum

Substantial novel research

(2) Communications

Word Limit: 1,500 words excluding references, tables, and figures

Abstract: no abstract required, however, manuscript should include an introduction not to exceed 75 words

References: 20 maximum, Figures/Tables: 3 maximum

Substantial novel research

(3) Articles

Word Limit: 4,000 words excluding abstract, references, tables, and figures

Abstract: 150 words maximum

References: 50 maximum, Figures/Tables: 10 maximum

Substantial novel research

七、制作清楚而简单的图(Prepare clear and simple figures!!

The classic book on statistical graphics, charts, tables. Theory and practice in the design of data graphics, 250 illustrations of the best (and a few of the worst) statistical graphics, with detailed analysis of how to display data for precise, effective, quick analysis. Design of the high-resolution displays, small multiples. Editing and improving graphics. The data-ink ratio. Time-series, relational graphics, data maps, multivariate designs. Detection of graphical deception: design variation vs. data variation. Sources of deception. Aesthetics and data graphical displays.

 八、稿件中常见的问题(Problems encountered in manuscripts

l           Conclusions are drawn without experimental support

l           Appropriate controls are absent

l           Great hypothesis; but data show correlations only; no formal proof of hypothesis is provided

l           Alternative hypotheses are not experimentally ruled out

九、要记牢的几件事情(General points to keep in mind

l         There’s too much information out there for people to keep track of; make your writing count.

l           Less is more, but only if what’s provided is clear and informative.

l           People—frequently tired and over-worked—read and evaluate your work.  Make it easy on them.

l           Have more than one colleague read your work.

l           Be prepared to re-write and revise: don’t fall victim to thinking “my writing is clear enough”.

l           Be true to yourself; pursue what you’re passionate about!


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