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美国查普曼大学理论物理学家Yakir Aharonov的论著被引用情况

已有 5242 次阅读 2010-10-18 15:18 |个人分类:引证分析|系统分类:论文交流| 引证分析, 美国查普曼大学, 理论物理学家, Yakir, Aharonov




Y Aharonov, D Bohm - Physical Review, 1959 - APS
In this paper, we discuss some interesting properties of the electromagnetic potentials in the
quantum domain. We shall show that, contrary to the conclusions of classical mechanics, there
exist effects of potentials on charged particles, even in the region where all the fields (and ...
Cited by 2678 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions


[PDF] from ucla.eduY Aharonov, J Anandan - Physical Review Letters, 1987 - APS
A new geometric phase factor is defined for any cyclic evolution of a quantum system. This is
independent of the phase factor relating the initial and final state vectors and the
Hamiltonian, for a given projection of the evolution on the projective space of rays of the ...
Cited by 862 - Related articles - All 18 versions


Y Aharonov, A Casher - Physical Review Letters, 1984 - APS
We derive the effective Lagrangian which describes the interaction between a charged particle
and a magnetic moment in the nonrelativistic limit. It is shown that neutral particles with a magnetic
moment will exhibit the Aharonov-Bohm effect in certain circumstances. We suggest ...
Cited by 422 - Related articles - All 3 versions


D Bohm, Y Aharonov - Physical Review, 1957 - APS
A brief review of the physical significance of the paradox of Einstein, Rosen, and Podolsky is
given, and it is shown that it involves a kind of correlation of the properties of distant noninteracting
systems, which is quite different from previously known kinds of correlation. An illustrative ...
Cited by 254 - Related articles - All 2 versions


[PDF] from princeton.eduY Aharonov, DZ Albert, L Vaidman - Physical review letters, 1988 - APS
We have found that the usual measuring procedure for preselected and postselected ensembles
of quantum systems gives unusual results. Under some natural conditions of weakness of the
measurement, its result consistently defines a new kind of value for a quantum variable, ...
Cited by 196 - Related articles - All 16 versions


[PDF] from ufrj.brY Aharonov, L Davidovich, N Zagury - Physical Review A, 1993 - APS
We introduce the concept of quantum random walk, and show that due to quantum interference
effects the average path length can be much larger than the maximum allowed path in the corresponding
classical random walk. A quantum-optics application is described.
Cited by 193 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions


[PDF] from princeton.eduY Aharonov, D Bohm - Physical Review, 1961 - APS
Because time does not appear in Schrödinger's equation as an operator but only as a
parameter, the time-energy uncertainty relation must be formulated in a special way. This problem
has in fact been studied by many authors and we give a summary of their treatments. We ...
Cited by 212 - Related articles - All 17 versions


[PDF] from princeton.eduA Stern, Y Aharonov, Y Imry - Physical Review A, 1990 - APS
The problem of quantum interference in the presence of an environment is considered by two
approaches. One treats the problem from the point of view of the trace left by the interfering particle
on its environment. The other regards the phase accumulation of the interfering waves as ...
Cited by 209 - Related articles - All 16 versions


J Anandan, Y Aharonov - Physical review letters, 1990 - APS
For an arbitrary quantum evolution, it is shown that the integral of the uncertainty of energy with
respect to time is independent of the particular Hamiltonian used to transport the quantum system
along a given curve in the projective Hilbert space. It is the distance along this curve ...
Cited by 173 - Related articles - All 5 versions


Y Aharonov, A Casher - Physical Review A, 1979 - adsabs.harvard.edu
We prove that a spin- 1/2 charged particle moving in a plane under the influence of a perpendicular
magnetic field has (N-1) zero-energy states, where N is the closest integer to the total flux in units
of the flux quantum. The (N-1) independent wave functions are calculated explicitly. The ...
Cited by 197 - Related articles
[PDF] from princeton.eduY Aharonov, PG Bergmann, JL Lebowitz - Phys. Rev, 1964 - APS
We examine the assertion that the "reduction of the wave packet," implicit in the quantum theory
of measurement introduces into the foundations of quantum physics a time-asymmetric
element, which in turn leads to irreversibility. We argue that this time assymmetry is ...
Cited by 176 - Related articles - All 21 versions


[PDF] from Aharonov, DZ Albert - Physical Review D, 1981 - APS
We study the instantaneity of the state-reduction process in relativistic quantum mechanics. The
conclusion of various authors that this instantaneity will restrict the set of relativistic observables
to purely local ones (ie, that the measurement of any nonlocal property of a system at a ...
Cited by 147 - Related articles - All 18 versions


[PDF] from bu.eduY Aharonov, L Vaidman - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical …, 1991 - iopscience.iop.org
... Page 3. 2316 Y Aharonov and L Vaidman To avoid possible misinterpretations we want to stress
from the outset that our work neither contradicts ordinary quantum theory nor extends it in the
sense of new physical laws. ... Y Aharonov and L Vaidman 1 N+I IJrl(td)=m ;=, Eli). (11) ...
Cited by 128 - Related articles - All 10 versions


L Vaidman, Y Aharonov, DZ Albert - Physical review letters, 1987 - APS
A procedure is described whereby the result of the measurement of any of the three Cartesian
components of the spin of a single spin-(1/2) particle at a single time can be inferred with certainty
from the result of two other measurements, one of which is carried out before, and the ...
Cited by 74 - Related articles - All 6 versions


[PDF] from princeton.eduY Aharonov, L Vaidman - Physical Review A, 1990 - APS
A description of quantum systems at the time interval between two successive measurements
is presented. Two wave functions, the first preselected by the initial measurement and the second
postselected by the final measurement, describe quantum systems at a single time. It is ...
Cited by 109 - Related articles - All 16 versions


[PDF] from princeton.eduJ Anandan, Y Aharonov - Physical Review D, 1988 - APS
The geometric phase in quantum mechanics is formulated for charged particles in a
gauge-invariant, geometric manner. It is then extended to an evolution resulting from a sequence
of measurements as in the work of Pancharatnam and Aharonov and Vardi. Its close ...
Cited by 96 - Related articles - All 16 versions


[PDF] from princeton.eduY Aharonov, J Anandan, L Vaidman - Physical Review A, 1993 - APS
So far, the wave function has been interpreted as a probability amplitude, which is given physical
meaning by ensemble averages of a large number of identical systems at a given time. We give
an alternative interpretation of the wave function for a single system by means of a ...
Cited by 102 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 14 versions


[PDF] from psu.eduY Aharonov, A Casher, S Nussinov - Physics Letters B, 1987 - Elsevier
We suggest that the ultimate remnant of an evaporating black hole is an infinitely degenerate
particle at the Planck mass. Arguments are presented for the stability of these objects and their
cosmological and theoretical implications are briefly discussed. ... 1. SW Hawking Nature ...
Cited by 88 - Related articles - All 8 versions


Y Aharonov, D Rohrlich - 2005 - Wiley Online Library
Page 1. Y. Aharonov and D. Rohrlich Quantum Paradoxes ... Quantum Paradoxes: Quantum Theory
for the Perplexed. Y. Aharonov and D. Rohrlich Copyright c 2005 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &
Co. KGaA, Weinheim ISBN 3-527-40391-4 Page 5. Contents 1 The Uses of Paradox 1 ...
Cited by 84 - Related articles - Find in ChinaCat - All 8 versions


[PDF] from arxiv.orgY Aharonov, J Oppenheim, S Popescu, B Reznik, WG … - Physical Review A, 1998 - APS
It is argued that the time of arrival cannot be precisely defined and measured in quantum
mechanics. By constructing explicit toy models of a measurement, we show that for a free particle
it cannot be measured more accurately then Δt A ∼1/E k , where E k is the initial kinetic ...
Cited by 78 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 21 versions

Y Aharonov, L Vaidman - Physics Letters A, 1993 - Elsevier
We show that it is possible to measure the Schrödinger wave of a single quantum system. This
provides a strong argument for associating physical reality with the quantum state of a single
system, and challenges the usual assumption that the quantum state has physical ...
Cited by 74 - Related articles - All 10 versions


Y Aharonov, L Susskind - Physical Review, 1967 - APS
We consider the observability of the sign change of spinors under 2π rotations. We show that
in certain circumstances there are observable consequences of such rotations, contrary to the
classical case. We suggest experiments which can in principle be done to demonstrate ...
Cited by 71 - Related articles - All 3 versions


I Goldman, Y Aharonov, G Alexander, S Nussinov - Physical Review Letters, 1988 - APS
The neutrino events from the supernova SN1987A observed by the Kamiokande II and
Irvine-Michigan-Brookhaven detectors are used to suggest constraints on neutrino physics. In
particular, bounds on the value of the electron neutrino magnetic moment μ ve ?(10 -12 ...
Cited by 75 - Related articles - All 7 versions


[PDF] from princeton.eduY Aharonov, D Bohm - Physical Review, 1961 - APS
In this article, we discuss in further detail the significance of potentials in the quantum theory,
and in so doing, we answer a number of arguments that have been raised against the conclusions
of our first paper on the same subject. We then proceed to extend our treatment to include ...
Cited by 71 - Related articles - All 13 versions


[PDF] from cumt.edu.cnY Aharonov, DZ Albert - Physical Review D, 1980 - APS
We discuss two related issues pertaining to the foundations of relativistic quantum field
theories. First: the question of observables; more particularly the question of what
constraints, if any, are imposed upon the set of observables by the requirement of ...
Cited by 67 - Related articles - All 17 versions


[PDF] from princeton.eduY Aharonov, P Pearle, L Vaidman - Physical Review A, 1988 - APS
A classical model of a neutron as a current loop is examined. The importance of the mechanical
structure (which was overlooked by Boyer) for the dynamical equations is elaborated. It is shown
that the current loop has the same behavior in an external static electric field as was ...
Cited by 52 - Related articles - All 23 versions


[PDF] from princeton.eduY Aharonov, M Vardi - Physical Review D, 1980 - APS
In this article we give an operational meaning to an individual "Feynman path." In other
words, we describe a process of dense measurements, made in temporal sequence, which check
whether the particle moves along any given trajectory in space-time. We show that in this ...
Cited by 54 - Related articles - All 12 versions


[PDF] from princeton.eduY Aharonov, DZ Albert, A Casher, L Vaidman - Physics Letters A, 1987 - Elsevier
We consider circumstances wherein a quantum-mechanical system is subjected to a varied sequence
of measurements, some of which are substantially more precise than others. Such systems are
shown to exhibit paradoxical behavior. The resolution of this paradox turns out to involve ...
Cited by 58 - Related articles - All 15 versions


Y Aharonov, L Susskind - Physical Review, 1967 - APS
Questions concerning superselection rules are considered. Two experiments are discussed.
In the first, coherent superpositions of different angular-momentum states are constructed. In
the second, coherent superpositions of states with different charge are constructed in ...
Cited by 55 - Related articles - All 3 versions


Y Aharonov, A Stern - Physical review letters, 1992 - APS
We consider the dynamics of a particle carrying a magnetic moment in a strong magnetic field
whose direction varies slowly in space. In particular, we discuss the geometric Lorentz-type and
electric-type forces that were discovered in studies of Berry's phase. We show that the ...
Cited by 53 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions









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