Liu Jian-lin
Department of Engineering
Mechanics of Materials is a bridge or ligament between the fundamental and professional courses, which is the basis course of almost all engineering majors. The classical mechanics of materials is based upon the linear elasticity, infinitesimal deformation, and isotropic hypotheses, which has big constraints. High speed of high technologies, such aerospace, computer, and new materials, makes the now-used teaching materials and teaching system not adapt to cultivate the graduates with high diatheses. To compile the teaching materials about mechanics, we must adapt the developing of society. All kinds of complex constitutive relations about the new materials, new experiments, computational software, application of the theory and history of mechanics should be considered further.
Key word:
Mechanics of materials; new materials; new experiments; computational software; history of mechanics
1. 引言
材料力学(mechanics of materials)作为机械、土木、采矿、航空航天、石油工
程、地质勘探、海洋工程等领域的基础学科,在设计、制造与生产、技术创新、增产措施等方面具有重要的作用,是理工科大专院校相关专业的一门重要的专业基础课程。材料力学是基础课和专业课之间的桥梁和,起到承上启下的作用。它既具有基础概念和理论的特点,又具有钱学森所提倡的“技术科学(engineering mechanics)”有重要应用价值的一面;但它既不同于数理化生物等学科的更加侧重于基础性,又不同于更加实用的具体的应用学科。因而,关于材料力学课程如何来讲,以及材料力学教材如何编写,一直是一个争论不休的并且难度很大的话题。