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[拾旧]Touring for Study

已有 3032 次阅读 2010-5-8 22:43 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:生活其它| 武大, 游学, 华农, 华科

I’ve been in Wuhan for a week. Being a student again, especially the student of the mother school, makes me live a new life, the life I hanker after for around 3 years. Besides, I was keeping touching the unknown area of economics and gaining some new theories and methodologies for my further research. So I was always excited these days.

I didn’t waste even a quarter for study, just as what I did during the four years in Huazhong Agriculture University. There is no difference between three years ago and now. I have to cherish every minute and work hard in the university, for my future and for my life. One of my respectable teachers Mr. Cao said to me yesterday that a researcher for the science should think in a free and relaxing atmosphere, without any pressure or disturbing. Unfortunately, I still can’t achieve this situation now. I guess maybe I can’t make it all my life, for I have too much willingness in my mind and cannot be a such monomaniacal person, however, if I can make myself focus on the point I am interested in, I don’t think it will harm my dream to be a successful economist.

More investment normally expects more return. The cost of my study is more others’, thus I need learn more in order to obtain at least the same average return. I make a learning plan which includes the lectures of WHU, HUST and ZU, not only the ones of HZAU. I hope to catch all the best lectures in these universities and make my study more effective. So I searched for the all the timescales of the lectures I wish to attend in all the four universities and listen to them one by one. I usually arrange the classes of one university in one day, so I don’t need to get to two universities one day. A doctor in WHU called this “study tour”. According to the arrangement, I need to travel to other universities for three days a week. And I choose to ride the electronic bicycle rather than take the bus to save money. Sometimes it takes nearly an hour to get to a university and not all the roads are good for riding. Although the “transition cost” is higher, it will be worthy if the return is a wonderful lecture. And I will study with the normal students and take some notes. However, if you go for a lecture enthusiastically, and receive a message of canceling or postponing the lecture five minutes before the it start, you will be totally disappointed and just like a investor who have made a lost investment. To tell the truth, I have just experience the loss for four times today in WHU.

Sep.19th, 2009


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