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Generic behavior of master-stability functions in coupled nonlinear dynamical sy

已有 5192 次阅读 2009-12-29 18:40 |个人分类:文献阅读|系统分类:科研笔记| networks, synchronization, MSF

这是一篇PRE 80, 030624(2009)的文章,作者为Liang Huang等。
摘要:Master-stability functions (MSFs) are fundamental to the study of synchronization in complex dynamical systems. For example, for a coupled oscillator network, a necessary condition for synchronization to occur is that the MSF at the corresponding normalized coupling parameters be negative. To understand the typical behaviors of the MSF for various chaotic oscillators is key to predicting the collective dynamics of a network of these oscillators. We address this issue by examining, systematically, MSFs for known chaotic oscillators. Our computations and analysis indicate that it is generic for MSFs being negative in a finite interval of a normalized coupling parameter. A general scheme is proposed to classify the typical behaviors of MSFs into four categories. These results are verified by direct simulations of synchronous dynamics on networks of actual coupled oscillators.

1. The MSF can be obtained independent of the topoloty of the underlying network that supports a large number of such oscillators.这是否意味着,我们没办法用MSF方法来讨论具体一个网络中,某些特定的点对稳定同步的作用呢?如度数最大的点,n个点构成的团簇等子网络等。

2.A necessary condition ofr synchronization to occur is that the MSF be negative and the corresponding normalized coupling parameters fall in the negative region of the MSf. 这将意味着存在某类动力系统,其特定拓扑结构的网络,用MSF分析可以完全同步,但实际上却不可能同步。这篇文章说的都是成功的例子,可曾有实例反倒?

3.由normalized parameter引起的:正则(canonical)、正规(normal,regular)、重整(renormal)、归一之间的关系问题。汉语对应翻译是不是有点乱?

4. For nonlinear oscillators, the Jacobian matrix DF typically depends on the trajectory S(t). 这里没有指出同步解S(t)是唯的,所以当非线性振子是多稳振子时,MSF应用时会是怎么样的呢?这可不可以作为问题2的一个回答?因为可能对一个稳态是可同步的,另一个稳态是不可同步的。如果两个态都是稳定同步态,系统最终选择哪个稳定性也要取决于初始条件。

5.The Turing bifurcation 看到这个词颇感亲切,当年做复杂系统中的斑图嘛!但发现图3的最后一个图,可能是作者没画全吧?当K进一步增大时Phsi要小于0才行呢。(从表中可知,的确如此)

6.synchronization 在这里指完全同步,而且说一个系统是不是同步的,指的是非完全同步状态作为初始状态,或完全同步状态下给一定的扰动后,系统还能不能再同步。那么如Rossler等方便定义相位的系统,其在一定情况下出现的相同步能不能用MSF方法来讨论?


8. 第四部分的讨论, 是否可以用数值模拟进行验证?


下一篇:Hierarchical synchronization in complex networks with heterogeneous degrees
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