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从农业废料中提取可持续塑料 精选

已有 3057 次阅读 2024-3-19 20:17 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:科普集锦




Fig. 1 The dyed and natural polyamide fibers after extrusion. Credit: Lorenz Manker/EPFL


Fig. 2 A transparent film made from the polyamide. Credit: Lorenz Manker/EPFL


Fig. 3 An iPhone case printed with the sustainable polyamide material. Credit: Lorenz Manker/EPFL

据瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne / école Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne简称EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland2024318日提供的消息,从农业废料中提取可持续塑料(Sustainable plastics from agricultural waste)


现在,由瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院EPFL的杰里米·卢特巴赫(Jeremy Luterbacher)团队领导的一项研究揭示了一种利用可再生资源生产高性能塑料的开创性方法。相关研究结果于2024313日已经在《自然·可持续发展》(Nature Sustainability)杂志网站发表——Lorenz P. Manker, Maxime A. Hedou, Clement Broggi, Marie J. Jones, Kristoffer Kortsen, Kalaiyarasi Puvanenthiran, Yildiz Kupper, Holger Frauenrath, François Marechal, Veronique Michaud, Roger Marti, Michael P. Shaver, Jeremy S. Luterbacher. Performance polyamides built on a sustainable carbohydrate core. Nature Sustainability, 2024. DOI: 10.1038/s41893-024-01298-7. Published: 13 March 2024. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41893-024-01298-7

参与此项研究的除了来自瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(EPFL)的研究人员之外,还有来自瑞士西部应用科学与艺术大学(University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland / French: Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale简称HES-SO)、英国曼彻斯特大学(The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK)的研究人员。

此文介绍了一种利用从农业废料中提取的糖芯(sugar core)制造聚酰胺(polyamides)的新方法。聚酰胺是一种以强度和耐用性著称的塑料,其中最著名的是尼龙(nylons)。新方法利用可再生资源,有效地实现了这种转化,对环境的影响最小。

杰里米·卢特巴赫说:“典型的化石基塑料需要芳香族来增强塑料的刚性,这就赋予了它们硬度、强度和耐高温等性能。在这里,我们得到了类似的结果,但使用糖结构(sugar structure),它在自然界中无处不在,通常是完全无毒的,以提供刚性和高性能。”

该研究论文的第一作者洛伦兹·蒙克尔(Lorenz Manker)和他的同事开发了一种无催化剂的工艺,可以将二甲基乙醛酸木糖(dimethyl glyoxylate xylose简称DMGX) 转化为高质量的聚酰胺(polyamides)。DMGX是一种直接从木材或玉米芯等生物质中提取的稳定碳水化合物。该工艺达到了令人印象深刻的97%的原子效率,这意味着几乎所有的起始材料都用于最终产品,这大大减少了浪费。

生物基聚酰胺(bio-based polyamides)表现出可以与化石材料竞争的特性,为各种应用提供了有前途的替代品。更重要的是,通过多次机械循环,材料表现出显著的弹性,保持其完整性和性能,这是管理可持续材料生命周期的关键因素。这些创新聚酰胺的潜在应用是巨大的,从汽车零部件到消费品,所有这些都大大减少了碳足迹。该团队的技术经济分析和生命周期评估表明,这些材料在价格上可以与包括尼龙如尼龙66nylon 66)在内的传统聚酰胺相比具有竞争力,可将全球变暖潜力降低75%

这些材料的生产现在正由EPFL的分支机构布洛姆生物可再生能源公司(Bloom Biorenewables)扩大规模,努力将它们推向市场。

本研究得到了瑞士国家科学基金(Swiss National Science Foundation through grant CRSII5_180258)、瑞士国家催化能力中心(National Competence Center Catalysis grant no. 51NF40_180544)、玛丽·斯克洛多夫斯卡-居里基金(Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 945363)、ISCF智能可持续塑料包装基金(ISCF Smart Sustainable Plastic Packaging fund NE/V01045X/1)、可持续材料创新中心(欧洲区域发展基金){ Sustainable Materials Innovation Hub (European Regional Development Fund OC15R19)}的资助。



Sustainably producing plastics with performance properties across a variety of materials chemistries is a major challenge—especially considering that most performance materials use aromatic precursors that are still difficult to source sustainably. Here we demonstrate catalyst-free, melt polymerization of dimethyl glyoxylate xylose, a stabilized carbohydrate that can be synthesized from agricultural waste with 97% atom efficiency, into amorphous polyamides with performances comparable to fossil-based semi-aromatic alternatives. Despite the presence of a carbohydrate core, these materials retain their thermomechanical properties through multiple rounds of high-shear mechanical recycling and could be chemically recycled. Techno-economic and life-cycle analyses suggest selling prices close to those of nylon 66 with a reduction of global warming potential of up to 75%. This work illustrates the versatility of a carbohydrate moiety to impart performance that can compete with that of semi-aromatic polymers across two important materials chemistries.


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