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The Centrality Of Chemistry: Our Challenges And Opportunities[ZZ]

已有 3875 次阅读 2008-1-7 12:49 |个人分类:科研研究

The Centrality Of Chemistry: Our Challenges And Opportunities

Let's celebrate and communicate the centrality of chemistry and advocate for science education

Bruce Bursten, ACS President

EVERY YEAR AT THIS TIME, the new president of ACS is asked to reflect on what she or he hopes to accomplish during the coming year. I am deeply honored to have the privilege of serving as president in 2008. Like my immediate predecessors—Katie Hunt, Ann Nalley, Bill Carroll, and Chuck Casey—I realize that a year is a short time in which to make a difference in a field as rich and varied as chemistry and in a society as complex and multifaceted as our ACS. But it is my hope that during this year, we will be able to work together to make a difference in the future of chemistry. And that is my hope not only as ACS president but also as a world citizen who passionately believes that chemistry is essential to solving some of our most vexing current problems in society and ensuring the future of humanity.

During this year, I will focus our efforts in two arenas that affect all areas of the chemical enterprise, namely communication and education. These are hardly original themes for ACS presidents; in fact, they build quite intentionally on Immediate Past-President Hunt's focus on education, collaboration, and innovation. It is my hope that by building on the excellent efforts of our past presidents, and with your support and that of the ACS Board of Directors, we can produce strong initiatives that are sustainable over several years and, therefore, through several presidential terms. I will be collaborating closely with Hunt and the newest member of our leadership, President-Elect Tom Lane, so that our efforts in starting new activities gain the necessary momentum to have the desired impact.




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