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特温特大学光子学实验解决量子悖论 精选

已有 5105 次阅读 2023-7-5 08:30 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:论文交流




Fig. 2: Overview of the setup

荷兰特温特大学(University of Twente简称UT)202373日提供的消息,UT光子学实验解决了量子悖论(UT photonics experiment resolves quantum paradox)

量子力学和热力学似乎不能同时成立。在一份新出版物中,特温特大学研究人员使用光学芯片中的光子来证明这两种理论如何同时成立。他们的研究结果于202371日已经在《自然通讯》(Nature Communications)杂志网站发表——F. H. B. SomhorstR. van der MeerM. Correa AnguitaR. SchadowH. J. SnijdersM. de GoedeB. KassenbergP. VenderboschC. TaballioneJ. P. EppingH. H. van den VlekkertJ. TimmerhuisJ. F. F. BulmerJ. LuganiI. A. WalmsleyP. W. H. PinkseJ. EisertN. WalkJ. J. Renema. Quantum simulation of thermodynamics in an integrated quantum photonic processor. Nature Communications, 2023, 14, Article number: 3895. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-38413-9. Published: 01 July 2023. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-38413-9

参与此项研究的来自荷兰特温特大学(University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands)的研究人员之外,还有来自德国柏林自由大学(Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany)、荷兰恩斯赫德市的奎克量子力学公司(QuiX Quantum B.V., Enschede, The Netherlands)、英国布里斯托大学(University of Bristol, Bristol, UK)、德里印度理工学院(IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India)、英国伦敦帝国学院(Imperial College London, London, UK)、英国牛津大学(University of Oxford, Oxford, UK)、德国柏林亥姆霍尔茨材料与能源中心(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie,Berlin, Germany)、德国柏林弗劳恩霍夫·海因里希·赫兹研究所(Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, Berlin, Germany)的研究人员。
在量子力学中,时间可以逆转,信息始终得以保存。也就是说,我们总能找到粒子先前的状态。长期以来人们一直不知道这如何能与热力学同时成立。在那里,时间有方向,信息也可能丢失。想想两张放在阳光下太久的照片,过了一段时间你就无法区分它们了,作者杰尔默·雷内玛(Jelmer Renema)解释道。


子系统的纠缠(Entanglement of subsystems


杰尔默·雷内玛博士是自适应量子光学(Adaptive Quantum Optics)研究小组的助理教授。他也是特温特大学的特色科学家之一(one of the featured scientists at the University of Twente)。他与一个团队一起进行了这项研究,其中包括柏林自由大学的延斯·艾泽特(Jens Eisert)研究小组,该研究小组在证明实验的可逆性方面发挥了重要作用。

本研究得到了德国联邦教育与研究部{ BMBF (QPIC-1, PhoQuant)}、德国科学基金会{ DFG (specifically EI 519/21-1 on paradigmatic quantum devices, but also CRC 183, project A03, on entangled states of matter, and FOR 2724 on quantum thermodynamics)}、基本问题研究所(Foundational Questions Institute简称FQXi)、爱因斯坦基金会{ Einstein Foundation (Einstein Research Unit)}、德国慕尼黑谷{ Munich Quantum Valley (K-8)}、德国人民研究基金会(Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes)、欧盟“地平线2020”研究和创新计划{ European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 817482 (PASQuanS, PASQuanS2) on programmable quantum simulators}、荷兰国际组织{ Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) via QuantERA QUOMPLEX (grant No. 680.91.037) and Veni (grant No. 15872)}、欧洲研究理事会{ European Research Council (QUCHIP, H2020-FETPROACT-2014; Advanced Grant MOQUACINO)}、工程与物理科学研究委员会{Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (projects N509711, K034480, P510257, and T001062)}以及H2020玛丽·斯克洛多夫斯卡·居里行动项目{ H2020 Marie–Sklodowska–Curie Actions (project 846073)}的资助。



One of the core questions of quantum physics is how to reconcile the unitary evolution of quantum states, which is information-preserving and time-reversible, with evolution following the second law of thermodynamics, which, in general, is neither. The resolution to this paradox is to recognize that global unitary evolution of a multi-partite quantum state causes the state of local subsystems to evolve towards maximum-entropy states. In this work, we experimentally demonstrate this effect in linear quantum optics by simultaneously showing the convergence of local quantum states to a generalized Gibbs ensemble constituting a maximum-entropy state under precisely controlled conditions, while introducing an efficient certification method to demonstrate that the state retains global purity. Our quantum states are manipulated by a programmable integrated quantum photonic processor, which simulates arbitrary non-interacting Hamiltonians, demonstrating the universality of this phenomenon. Our results show the potential of photonic devices for quantum simulations involving non-Gaussian states.


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