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已有 2432 次阅读 2023-2-3 14:58 |个人分类:科研心得|系统分类:教学心得







今晚八点,iCANX Talks正式拉开序幕,本期将为您介绍2023年iCANX日程安排,更有全新栏目“Youth Talks”的介绍!同时,还有两位优秀的青年科学家奖获得者为大家带来精彩的报告分享!




Nako Nakatsuka

ETH Zürich

Nanoscale Aptamer Biosensors to Monitor Brain Chemistry


为了促进对大脑(功能障碍)功能的理解,我们需要创新的纳米尺度传感器,这些传感器要能以纳米级空间分辨率(接近神经突触尺度)监测化学信号。目前记录神经元电信号的先进方法很普遍,但监测化学信号的工具却很有限。我们通过将具有特异选择性的DNA 适体与开口约10纳米的纳米管结合来应对这一挑战。DNA适体是系统设计的寡核苷酸受体,具有对靶向分子的高度特异性和选择性。近期分离出的DNA适体能够分别识别如血清素和多巴胺等小分子神经递质。通过与靶向分子的可逆性结合,适体的负电骨架会重排导致其空间动态结构的变化,该变化可转换为通过纳米孔的电流变化进行测量。由于传感器表面的纳米限域具有单分子灵敏度,同时减少了复杂环境中长期记录的生物污染,克服了临床生物传感器的关键瓶颈。我们已经证明了能够以前所未有的灵敏度检测活性神经元在复杂介质和脑切片中释放的神经递数量的生理差异。基于直接能感知未稀释体液的能力,该生物传感器正在为帮助患有神经退行性疾病(如帕金森病)的患者打开新的大门。

Advancing our understanding of brain (dys)function necessitates novel nanotools that can monitor chemical signaling at spatial resolutions that approach nanoscale synapses. While advanced methods to record electrical signaling from neurons are prevalent, tools to monitor chemical signaling have been limited. We have tackled this challenge by coupling the inherent selectivity of DNA-based recognition elements termed aptamers, with nanoscale pipettes with openings of ~10 nm. Aptamers are systematically designed oligonucleotide receptors that exhibit highly specific and selective recognition of targets. Aptamers that recognize small-molecule neurotransmitters, including serotonin and dopamine, have recently been isolated. Upon reversible target binding, aptamers undergo a rearrangement of the negatively charged backbone, and these dynamic structural changes can be transduced as measurable changes in current through the nanoscale orifice of the sensors. Nanoscale confinement of the sensor surface results in single molecule sensitivity while simultaneously reducing biofouling for long-term recordings in complex environments, overcoming a critical bottleneck for clinical biosensors. We have demonstrated the capacity to detect physiologically relevant differences in neurotransmitter amounts released by live neurons in complex media and in brain slices with unprecedented sensitivity. The capacity to sense in undiluted biofluids directly, is opening new doors to helping patients with neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease.


Nakatsuka博士目前是苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH)生物传感器和生物电子实验室的高级科学家 (senior scientist)。出生于日本东京,本科就读于福特汉姆大学(纽约·布朗克斯)获化学学士学位,在加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA,加利福尼亚·洛杉矶)获博士学位。此后在苏黎世联邦理工学院获博士后奖学金并从事博士后研究,目前带领一个团队专注于将基于 DNA 的受体 (DNA适体) 与纳米尺度生物电子传感器相结合以检测各种小分子(如神经递质)的相关研究。鉴于这方面的工作,她在 2021 年被评为 MIT Under 35 Pioneer。她在苏黎世联邦理工学院指导了近 40 名学士、硕士和博士从事各类相关研究,从小分子生物传感到单分子肽测序,以及利用先进表面化学的神经元网络。

Nakatsuka 博士还热衷于社会正义、外展服务和教育。2018 年,由于她在社区外展服务方面的贡献以及她的科研成就,她获得了 Norma Stoddart 学术卓越奖和杰出公民奖。2015 年,她还因其出色的教学和对学生的奉献而获得了 Hanson-Dow 卓越教学奖。她目前是瑞士 ETH 多元化团队的成员,并旨在为提高人们对反歧视的认识和相关讨论的倡议做出贡献。她还为一本儿童化学书作了插图: “A is for Atom: ABCs for Aspiring Chemists”。

Dr. Nakatsuka is a senior scientist at the Laboratory of Biosensors and Bioelectronics at the ETH Zürich. She was raised in Tokyo, Japan and moved to the U.S.A. for her Bachelor's in Chemistry at Fordham University (Bronx, NY) and pursued her Ph.D. at UCLA (Los Angeles, CA). Upon receiving the prestigious ETH Zürich postdoctoral fellowship, she moved to Switzerland and now leads a team focused on interfacing DNA-based receptors (aptamers) with nanoscale electronic biosensors to detect diverse small molecules such as neurotransmitters. For this work, she was named an MIT Under 35 Pioneer in 2021. She has mentored almost 40 Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Ph.D. students at the ETH Zürich in diverse projects ranging from small-molecule biosensing to single-molecule peptide sequencing, and navigation of neuronal networks using advanced surface chemistries.

Dr. Nakatsuka is also passionate about social justice, outreach, and education. She was awarded the Norma Stoddart Prize for Academic Excellence and Outstanding Citizenship in 2018 for her contributions in community outreach combined with her scientific achievements. She also received the Hanson-Dow Excellence in Teaching Award for her exceptional teaching and dedication to students in 2015. She is currently an active member of the Diversity Team at ETH and has contributed to initiatives that raise awareness and spark discussion about anti-discrimination within Switzerland. She has also illustrated a children’s chemistry book: “A is for Atom: ABCs for Aspiring Chemists”.

Quanyin Hu

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Engineering Cells for Cancer Immunotherapy


免疫疗法正在引领包括癌症在内的各种疾病的治疗模式的转变。然而,有限的客观响应率和副作用阻碍了免疫疗法的临床应用。作为重要的生物实体和蛋白质和小分子的天然载体,具有低免疫原性和低毒性的细胞在生物医学应用方面引起了相当大的关注,尤其是在肿瘤免疫治疗方面取得了令人鼓舞的进展。多个学科的交叉使细胞工程化具备了对其时空分布的控制能力,以提高治疗效果,减少副作用。在这次讲座中,我将介绍我们最近的研究工作, 包括在肿瘤部位将肿瘤相关巨噬细胞工程化为CAR-巨噬细胞用于术后胶质瘤的治疗,工程化血小板递送免疫检查点抑制剂,以及通过细菌递送系统来阻止ESCRT介导的细胞膜修复以增强肿瘤细胞的焦亡作用。

Immunotherapy is leading a paradigm shift in the treatment of various diseases, including cancer. However, the limited objective response rate and side effects impede the clinical applications of immunotherapy. As important biological entities and natural carriers for proteins and molecules, cells with low immunogenicity and toxicity have attracted considerable attention for biomedical applications and have achieved encouraging progress, especially in tumor immunotherapy. The convergence of multiple disciplines has equipped cell engineering with control over their spatiotemporal distribution to enhance treatment efficacy and reduce side effects. In this talk, I will introduce our recent efforts in locoregionally engineering tumor-associated macrophages to CAR-Macrophages for post-surgery glioma treatment, engineering endogenous platelets for delivering immune checkpoint inhibitors, and enhancing tumor cell pyroptosis by preventing ESCRT-mediated cell membrane repair with bacteria-based delivery systems.


胡全银博士是威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(UW-Madison)药学院的助理教授。他于2014-2018年在北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(UNC-CH)和北卡罗来纳州立大学获得生物医学工程博士学位。在加入威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校之前,他于2018-2020年在麻省理工学院(MIT)的Koch综合癌症研究所完成博士后研究。胡博士目前担任Journal of Nanobiotechnology的副编辑和Nano Research的青年之星编辑。胡博士已经发表了80多篇研究论文,包括《Nature Biomedical Engineering》、《Science Translational Medicine》、《Science Advances》和《Nature Communications》,引用次数超过10000次。胡博士被评为2023年BMES-CMBE新星青年教师、2023 Journal of Nanobiotechnology新星科学家,2022 iCANX 年度青年科学家,2022 Clarivate高引学者,2022 Badger Challenge 学者,世界2%顶尖科学家(自2019年起),2022年Journal of Materials Chemistry B新锐研究员、Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF)创新奖入围者等,并获得METAvivor基金会早期职业研究者奖,2022威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校 Fall Research Competition Award,Journal of Nanobiotechnology优秀编辑奖、BMES职业发展奖等。

Dr. Quanyin Hu is an Assistant Professor at the School of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison). He received his Ph. D. degree in Biomedical Engineering at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) and North Carolina State University from 2014-2018. Before he joined UW-Madison, he was a postdoc associate at the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) from 2018-2020. Dr. Hu is currently serving as the Associate Editor for the Journal of Nanobiotechnology and Young Star Editor for Nano Research. He has published more than 80 research papers, including Nature Biomedical Engineering, Science Translational Medicine, Science Advances and Nature Communications, with over 10,000 citations. Dr. Hu is recognized as the 2023 BMES-CMBE Rising Star Junior Faculty, 2023 Journal of Nanobiotechnology Rising Star, 2022 iCANX Young Scientist, 2022 Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers, 2022 Badger Challenge Scholar, The World's Top 2% Scientists (since 2019), 2022 Emerging Investigator in the Journal of Materials Chemistry B, Finalist of Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) Innovation Award, etc., and won METAvivor Foundation Early Career Investigator Award, 2022 Fall Research Competition Award from VCRGE at UW-Madison, Outstanding Editor Award for Journal of Nanobiotechnology, BMES Career Development Award, etc.




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