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已有 2005 次阅读 2020-7-26 19:24 |个人分类:[Graduate Gate]|系统分类:科研笔记


《Galois cohomology》


* * * 15:20


1) If ks denotes a separable closure of k, the group A(ks) is well-defined, and it is a Gal(ks/k)-group. 

 ---- 若 ks 是 k 的可分闭包,则 群 A(ks) 有定义,并且它是 Gal(ks/k)-群.


评论:给出了一个特例 A(ks) = Gal(ks/k).

---- 自己作用于自己,仍然是自己.

---- 这是 函子(或 Galois 群) 本身是 Galois cohomology 的例子.


哲学:对于一般的形式 (X, B) 可尝试找 X = B 的例子.


To know it is the same as knowing the functor A (up to an isomorphism of functors).

---- 知道它与知道函子 A 是一样的 (同构).

---- “it” 指什么?

---- 应该是指上述 群A 作为 函子A.


2) It is often the case that the functor A can be defined for all extensions of k (not necessarily algebraic nor seperable), and in such a way as to verify (1), (2), and (3).

---- 函子A 可以对 k 的所有扩展 (不必代数的或可分的) 给出定义,并且符合三条公理.

---- 强调了定义函子A 的自由度.


The most important example is that of “group schemes”: if A is a group scheme over k, locally of finite type, the points of A with values in an extension K/k form a group A(K) which depends functorially on K, and this functor verifies the axioms (1), (2), and (3) [axiom (1) follows from A being locally of finite type].

---- k 上的群概型 A 可形成 群A(K) 此函子符合三条公理.

---- 群概型A 是局部有限型的(从而符合公理(1)).

---- 群A(K) 泛函地依赖于 K.


疑问:“the points of A with values in an extension K/k...

---- 这半句意思不清楚 (?)


This applies in particular to “algebraic groups”,that is,to group schemes of finite type over k.

---- 这对于 “代数群” 尤其适用.

---- 代数群即 k 之上的有限概型. 


小结:给出了两类 (三种) 典型的例子.

* * * ??


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2 朱晓刚 郑永军

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