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[转载]JMCB特别专辑│p53, 辉煌40年

已有 2819 次阅读 2019-9-9 16:29 |个人分类:新文推荐|系统分类:论文交流|文章来源:转载


p53自1979年被发现以来,已历经40年的岁月,每当我们感到p53的神秘面纱即将被揭开之时才发现,p53仍是我们最熟悉的陌生人。为了纪念p53发现40周年,为了向那些将整个职业生涯都奉献给p53研究的科学家致敬,为了带领读者更好地了解p53辉煌的40年之路,Journal of Molecular Cell Biology (JMCB) 为读者带来了一期特别专辑。我们有幸邀请到了对p53研究做出开拓性贡献的科学家,以Perspective、Review、Retrospect、Meeting Report等形式为您讲述p53的发现历史、研究进展、临床应用及未来方向,与您分享p53研究之路中鲜为人知的传奇故事,同时也给青年科学家带来职业发展的宝贵建议。


The cover image 'p53 on top of Mount St. Helen in sky' metaphorically illustrates the year of 1979 when 'the p53 airship' was 'launched', which coincidentally was a year ahead of the 1980 volcanic eruption of Mount St. Helen that resides by the Columbia River in Skamania County, Washington, USA. This image also emblematically depicts how p53 acts via interaction with spring-like nuclear chromatin structures, but the whole picture of its functions in protecting human from cancer remains unfinished and mysteriously sky high still beyond the full reach of human scientists on earth, although tremendous progresses have been made to understand p53. The image was contributed by Timothy Z. Lu.





A picture of Levine lab in 1979 (Arnie is not in the picture). The bearded guy in the center is Daniel Linzer.


Members of the Vogelstein Lab, circa 1989. Front row: Bert Vogelstein, Janice M. Nigro, Ann C. Preisinger; middle row: Suzanne J. Baker; back row: J. Michael Ruppert, Eric R. Fearon, Kenneth W. Kinzler.


A group picture of the attendees at a joint Levine–Weinberg laboratory retreat in northwest Connecticut in the spring of 1998.


Arnie with some Chinese colleagues after giving a seminar at Tsinghua University on November 3, 2011. From left to right: Yigong Shi, Yi Zhang (a biochemist), Arnold Levine, Yixin Zeng (a cancer biologist), and Yuxin Yin (a former postdoc in Arnie's lab).


Arnie Levine's ‘scientific family’ (partially represented) at 6th International Mutant p53 Workshop in Toronto (June 2013). Front row: Gerry Zambetti, Varda Rotter, Arnie Levine, Gigi Lozano, Moshe Oren; middle row: Hua Lu, Elke Markert, Darren Carpizo, Xin Yu, Ute Moll; back row: Alexel Vazquez (middle), Chang Chan (right).


Carol Prives, Jill Bargonetti, and Arnold Levine at the 2014 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories Meeting: Mechanisms and Models of Cancer.


Jamil Momand and Arnie Levine (July 2017)


Left:Daniel Linzer at Princeton in 1979

Right: Daniel Linzer in 2018, with a slight difference over 40 years








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