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已有 5489 次阅读 2011-3-10 18:35 |个人分类:ACM图灵奖|系统分类:博客资讯| 2010届图灵奖

Leslie Valiant
T. Jefferson Coolidge Professor of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics,
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University.

Contact Info:
Email: valiant seas harvard edu

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Read more about the 2010 A. M. Turing Award Winner's Achievements

Recent Publications:

71. Circuits of the Mind, Oxford University Press, (1994, 2000).

72. Robust logics, Artificial Intelligence Journal, 117 (2000) 231-253.

73. A neuroidal architecture for cognitive computation, J. Assoc. Computing Machinery, 47:5 (2000) 854-882.

74. Quantum circuits that can be simulated classically in polynomial time, SIAM J. on Computing, 31:4 (2002) 1229-1254.

75. Expressiveness of matchgates, Theoretical Computer Science, 289:1 (2002) 457-471 (and 299 (2003) 795.)

76. Three problems in computer science, J. Assoc. Computing Machinery, 50:1 (2003) 96-99.

77. Holographic algorithms (extended abstract), Proc. 45th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, Oct 17-19, Rome, Italy, (2004). IEEE Press, 306-315.

78. Memorization and association on a realistic neural model, Neural Computation, 17:3 (2005) 527-555.

79. Holographic circuits, Proc. 32nd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, July 11-15, Lisbon, Portugal, LNCS, Vol. 3580, (2005), Springer-Verlag, 1-15.

80. Completeness for parity problems, Proc. 11th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference, Aug 16-19, Kunming, China, LNCS, Vol. 3959, (2005), Springer-Verlag, 1-9.

81. A quantitative theory of neural computation, Biological Cybernetics, 95:3 (2006) 205-211.

82. Knowledge infusion, Proc. 21st National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI06, Jul 16-20, Boston, MA, AAAI Press, (2006), 1546-1551.

83. Accidental algorithms, Proc. 47th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, Oct 22 -24, Berkeley, CA, IEEE Press, (2006), 509-517.

84. Holographic algorithms, SIAM J. on Computing, 37:5 (2008) 1565-1594. (Earlier version: Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity, Report TR05-099, (2005).)

85. A first experimental demonstration of massive knowledge infusion, (with Loizos Michael), Proc. 11th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Sept. 16-20, 2008, Sydney, Australia, 378-389.

86. Knowledge infusion: In pursuit of robustness in artificial intelligence, Proc 28th Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, Dec 9-11, 2008, Bangalore, India, Indian Association for Research in Computing Science, 415-422.

87. Evolvability, J. Assoc. Computing Machinery, 56:1 (2009) 3:1 - 3:21. (Earlier version: Proc. 32nd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Aug. 26-31, Český Krumlov, Czech Republic, LNCS, Vol 4708, (2007) Springer-Verlag, 22-43.)

88. Experience-induced neural circuits that achieve high capacity, (with Vitaly Feldman), Neural Computation, 21:10 (2009) 2715-2754.

89. A bridging model for multi-core computing, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 77:1 (2011) 154-166 . (Earlier version: Proc. 16th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, Sept. 15-17, 2008, Karlsruhe, Germany, LNCS, Vol 5193, (2008), Springer-Verlag, 13-28.)

90. Some observations on holographic algorithms, Proc. 9th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium, LATIN 2010: Oaxaca, Mexico, April 19-23, 2010, LNCS, Vol 6034 Springer-Verlag (2010), 577-590.

91. Evolution with drifting targets, (with Varun Kanade and Jennifer Wortman Vaughan), Proc, 23rd Annual Conference on Learning Theory, (COLT 2010).


 Leslie Valiant was educated at King's College, Cambridge; Imperial College, London; and at Warwick University where he received his Ph.D. in computer science in 1974. He is currently T. Jefferson Coolidge Professor of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in the Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard, where he has taught since 1982. Before coming to Harvard he had taught at Carnegie-Mellon University, Leeds University, and the University of Edinburgh.

 His work has ranged over several areas of theoretical computer science, particularly complexity theory, computational learning, and parallel computation. He also has interests in computational neuroscience, evolution and artificial intelligence.

 He received the Nevanlinna Prize at the International Congress of Mathematicians in 1986, the Knuth Award in 1997, and the EATCS award in 2008. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society (London) and a member of the National Academy of Sciences (USA).

List of publications from the DBLP


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