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已有 3339 次阅读 2010-1-5 14:12 |个人分类:其它方面|系统分类:海外观察| 机器昆虫的用途

Robotic Insects Could Pollinate Flowers and Find Disaster Victims

Anatomy of the Robobee Brain: Simple circuits handle basic functions, including balance and hovering. A microprocessor runs the bee’s high-level functions, such as processing data from sensors. Eyes: Ultraviolet sensors scan for natural UV patterns on flowers. Digital cameras track objects below the bee to determine how fast and far it’s flying. Light sensors follow the sun to tell if the bee is flying north or south. Wings: An actuator flaps two lightweight carbon-fiber wings. Antennae: The antennae beam data between bees and could act like whiskers to prevent the ’bot from bumping into things. Feet: In the hive, three pronged feet lock the bee into a docking station to recharge its micro fuel cell and upload sensor data to a computer. The feet could also help grab pollen from flowers. Graham Murdoch

Teamwork among honeybees keeps a hive running smoothly. Worker bees collect pollen, nurse bees care for larvae, and male drones spread the colony’s genes. Each insect’s efforts ensure the colony’s success. That strategy led Gu-Yeon Wei to suggest that Rob Wood morph an almond-size robotic fly he had developed into a fleet of autonomous bees, each capable of carrying out specialized tasks. Perhaps, they speculated, the “RoboBees” could supplement the pollinating duties of bees stricken by a mysterious affliction that’s killed 36 percent of America’s 2.4 million hives. If you build the bee body, Wei told Wood, I can make the brain.

In five years, the group hopes to have dozens of RoboBees that fly and coordinate with one another. Down the road, the ’bots could monitor environmental hazards or search for survivors after a natural disaster. Collaboration is key for bees and the scientists, Wood says: “No one bee would be successful with these missions on its own. The same is true for us.” Here, a look at how a hive of RoboBees might operate.

How RoboBees Pollinate an Orchard

STEP 1: Establish Home Base
A farmer sets up a mobile RoboBee “hive.” In the future, an autonomous robot could haul the hive from field to field.

STEP 2: Survey the Landscape
Scout RoboBees leave the hive first and use their ultraviolet sensors to locate the same UV patterns on flower petals that real bees look for. Cameras on the bee’s head record landmarks underneath the bee to give it a sense of where and how far it has traveled.

STEP 3: Make a Map
The scouts return to the hive to recharge and upload flower locations to a central computer, which maps the entire orchard as more scouts report in.

STEP 4: Get Pollinating
Worker bees, outfitted with fewer sensors and bigger batteries for longer trips, head directly for the flowers, picking up pollen from one and delivering it to others.

信息来源于: http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2009-12/flight-robobee


上一篇:Harvard 计算机科学与经济学交叉研究组20100104
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