

请看Nature亚太通讯员David Cyranoski的查实真相

已有 12359 次阅读 2008-12-10 22:32 |个人分类:未分类|系统分类:观点评述| 科学, nature, 新闻, 态度, 通讯员

科学网摘译了Nature杂志就我与饶毅的辩论所发的“社论”,此前Nature亚太通讯员David Cyranoski曾与我通了几封E-mail查实情况,但又不给我回答的时间,急忙发了出来,为了让网友了解他们的“科学态度”,现将我们两人的全部通信公布于下,随后我将会将此社论翻成中文,并就此文发表我的评论,由于本人年老,反应慢,易于疲劳,可能要稍等数日,请关心者原谅:

星期四, 十二月 4, 2008 下午7:52
回复:Re: 回复:Re: 回复:Re: 回复:Nature/Peking University controversy

Dear David,

The attachment is my answer for your questions in Chinese. I wish that
could be using for you.

Cui, Keming


星期三, 十二月 3, 2008 下午12:59
Re: 回复:Re: 回复:Re: 回复:Nature/Peking University controversy

Dear Dr. Cui,
I had to write the story based on what I had. The story is already
----- Original Message -----
From: "
崔克明" <>
To: "d.cyranoski" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 1:54 PM
回复:Re: 回复:Re: 回复:Nature/Peking University controversy

Dear David,

How long time can you wait? I do that as soon as possible.

原邮件 -----
: "d.cyranoski" <>
日期: 星期三, 十二月 3日, 2008 上午11:27
主题: Re: 回复:Re: 回复:Nature/Peking  University controversy

> Dear Dr. Cui,
> I do hope however that we can discuss this important matter at
> some point.
> Best regards,
> David
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "d.cyranoski" <>
> To: "
崔克明" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 12:21 PM
> Subject: Re:
回复:Re: 回复:Nature/Peking University controversy
> > Dear Dr. Cui,
> > We will not be able to wait that long, so please do not bother.
> > Best regards,
> > David
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "
崔克明" <>
> > To: "d.cyranoski" <>
> > Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 11:42 AM
> > Subject:
回复:Re: 回复:Nature/Peking University controversy
> >
> >
> > Dear David,
> >
> > Do you agree with me on my plan, if you do not agree with me,I will
> > not do that.
> >
> > Keming Cui
> >
> > -----
原邮件 -----
> >
: "d.cyranoski" <>
> >
日期: 星期二, 十二月 2日, 2008 下午2:47
> >
主题: Re: 回复:Nature/Peking University controversy

Dear Dr. Cui,
Please let me know if you will be able to respond to
the comments below. I need to finish this by the end
of the day.
Best regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: "d.cyranoski" <>
To: "
崔克明" <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 12:04 PM
Subject: Re:
回复:Nature/Peking University controversy
Dear Dr. Cui,
Thank you very much for getting back to me. I understand your hesitation to
exchange ideas in English.
But can you please answer the following questions and confirm or correct the
statements below?
You can answer in Chinese if need be.

(1) From what I understand, in the past, Peking University did not have
clear guidelines on what happens to a laboratory when a professor retires.
But Yi Rao, when he became Dean, was given that power. Is that correct?
不是这样,北大对教授的退休有明确规定,但并不完全一刀切。当教授退休时要将实验室交回所在院系。一般教授、副教授年满60岁退休,教授博导可到63岁退休,但如果退休时承担的国家重要科研项目(973项目课题负责人、863项目课题负责人、国家自然科学基金重点项目项目负责人)没有结束可适当延后退休时间,我就是因为承担的国家重点基础研究和发展规划项目(State Key Basic Research and Development Plan of China,即973项目)没有结束,而延长至65岁退休的。我64岁那一年(2005年)又作为项目负责人申请到一项国家自然科学基金重点项目( National Natural Science Foundation of China),这个项目是4年完成(至200912月底),按照申请基金时北大在申请书上的承诺,为完成项目提供实验室和主要仪器设备,所以保留我的实验室至今,到明年底项目结题后,即使没有饶毅的改革我也要交回实验室。

(2) From what I understand, Dr. Rao, as Dean, has been given the right to
make decisions about how to run laboratories. Is that true? If so, why do
you resist that authority?
不完全是这样。原来的院长也有这个权利,而且不是一个人说了算,都是在院务会议上决定后才执行的,实验室的收费办法也是新生物大楼建成后就定了的,收费是为了支付物业管理费用,各种人可占有的面积数(院士和长江教授200m2, 杰出青年基金获得者150m2,普通教授100m2)也是上届领导就定了的,只不过原来规定如果院里还有实验室,PI又需要,又能支付其物业费,可以再借用适当的面积,借用部分的物业费与应占有的一样。我原来的175m2实验室中的75 m2就是借用的,如果院里有需要随时都要交回。饶毅这届院领导班子新公布的规定与前两届相比有两点大的区别,一是超出规定面积加倍收费,二是如果退休后工作需要第一年只给50 m2的面积,第二年就不给了。这个规定是最近才定下来的。我作为一名退休教授是没有权利,也不可能对抗这一决定,我也从来没想这么做,但我要表达我的不同意见,这是我的权利。

(3) You were trying to place your associate professor as the successor to
head your laboratory. Is that true? Some people say that would be like
nepotism and that it restricts the integration of new and better talent. How
do you respond?
这种说法就更不准确,我不想也不可能有这个权利,我只是说他有成为教授,成为PI的潜力,要给他在原来方向上继续发展的机会,如果因为我的退休而让他到别的实验室而改变他原来的科研方向,一切从头来,对他是不公的。这与裙带关系、任人唯亲完全是两回事。而且我们原来的研究方向是木质部细胞分化、脱分化和转分化的细胞和分子机理,是与现在动物中研究的干细胞(stem cell)是一样性质的,我们提出的“细胞分化的阶段性理论”,特别是有关细胞分化过程中存在一个临界期(此前容易脱分化,此后不能再脱分化)的假设,动物和人类干细胞的研究也越来越证明我们的预言是正确的,如果能准确确定临界期的特点将对植物中细胞和组织培养的研究及动物中干细胞的研究都具有着十分重要的意义。这是我们前两代人研究的继续,在看到胜利的曙光的时候,为什么要因为我的退休而中断它呢?

(4) You compare Yi Rao's efforts to those of Lysenko. That seems to be an
exaggerated comparison. How do you justify it?

Can you please CONFIRM OR CORRECT the following?

(a) Cui retired from Peking University four years ago but kept his
laboratory even after retiring.
(b)This year he tried to get his associate professor to formally take over
the laboratory.
(c) Rao refused to acknowledge the promotion. Instead he planned to cut the
size of the laboratory by 100 square meters (from 175 m2).

(d) Rao says the associate professor will have a few years to prove himself
before he is evaluated for promotion and for keeping the laboratory.

(e) On October 9, Cui started a string of entries into his blog which became
widely read when copied by other websites and the on-line BBS of Peking
(f) Cui described Rao' as belittling his field of science, plant anatomy,
just because it was not a "hot" field.
不完全对,饶的改革并不是针对某个学科,我是说按他的改革思路进行下去是使基础学科没法生存,那些有巨大潜力而还不是热门的学科失去发展的机会。我原来出身于植物解剖学(plant anatomy),但我近十几年来的研究已从纯植物解剖学发展到植物发育生物学,接受了植物生理学、植物生物化学和植物分子生物学的研究思路和方法,但是以植物形态学为基础研究发育生物学问题,其中最主要的是木质部细胞的分化、脱分化和转分化的细胞和分子机理。
(g) The blog drew some sympathetic comments from students who copied it to
more widely read student blogs.

(h) After alleging that Rao was trying to cut off support for a discipline
of science, Cui compared Rao’s efforts with the activities of Lysenko.

(i) But Peking University lacks clear guidelines on how to proceed in such
(j) When Rao took over as dean in September 2007, the university made clear
in writing that such decisions would be the Dean’s.

(k) Cui worked at Peking University for more than 40 years.
(l) Cui told Rao that he would bring the matter to the university president.
Cui claims to have a close relationship with the university president.


----- Original Message -----
From: "
崔克明" <>
To: "d.cyranoski" <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 9:08 AM
回复:Nature/Peking University controversy

Dear David,

Thank you very much for your interesting in the controversy between me
and Yi Rao.Would you please read our blog article  carefully before
your writing about the controversy. You can discuss some questions
with me by E-mail. I am living in my daughter's home in Australia.I do
not speak and hear in English very vell because I have been studing
English from 46th years old, I studied Russion in my University.

Best regards,
Keming Cui(Ke-Ming Cui)
Prof. of Botany

原邮件 -----
: "d.cyranoski" <>
日期: 星期一, 十二月 1日, 2008 下午1:57
主题: Nature/Peking University controversy

> Dear Dr. Cui,
> I am the Asia-Pacific correspondent for Nature. I am writing about
> the controversy between you and Dr. Yi Rao concerning the choice of
> successor to head your laboratory.
> I would like to discuss this with you. Please let me know if you
> might
> have time for a short discussion. I can be reached at 136-8321-
> 2330
> or by email.
> Best regards,
> David
> David Cyranoski
> Asia-Pacific Correspondent
> Nature
> Tel (editorial): 81-3-3267-8763
> Fax: 81-3-3267-8754
> Tel (general): 81-3-3267-8751
> email:
> NPG Nature Asia-Pacific
> Chiyoda Building
> 2-37 Ichigayatamachi
> Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0843
> Japan

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