Figure 1 Sketch map of meridian-like tracks(类似经络的示意图).
BMT1 is the surface branch of back middle track along the dorsal fin. LMT1 is the superficial part of lateral middle track. BLT1 and BLT2 are the two tracks between LMT1 and BMT1. AMT1 and AMT2 are the two segments of the abdomen middle track. ALT1, AlT2, and ALT3 are three tracks between LMT1 and AMT1. AMT Z abdomen middle track; BMT Z back middle track; BLT Z back lateral track; LMT Z lateral middle track.
Figure 2. (A) The governor meridian on the middle back of human body (在人体中央的督脉).
(B) BMT including BMT1 (arrow-), BMT2 (blue -arrow), and BMT3 (red -arrow) distributes on the middle back of fish body in different layers. BMT Z back middle track.
瑞典皇家科学院院士、瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院著名神经科学家Fuxe(福克斯)教授提出的 “经络信号的容积传传输” 理论,对经络的基础提出了新的学说。在该理论假设的前提条件下,他们对鱼的经络进行了标记,获得了经络途径的显示。同时,他们也证明了督脉在黑裙鱼体内的存在和分布。
Weibo Zhang 1, Ze Wang 1, Shuyong Jia 1, Yuying Tian 1, Guangjun Wang 1, Hongyan Li 1, Kjell Fuxe 2,*Is There Volume Transmission Along Extracellular Fluid Pathways Corresponding to the Acupuncture Meridians? JAMS 2017;10(1):5e19
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