


已有 10914 次阅读 2016-10-2 11:40 |系统分类:科研笔记


上周,应会议主席邀请参加了在墨尔本举办的第一届岩土力学,岩土能源与岩土资源国际会议 (IC3G2016。:International Conference on Geo-mechanics, Geo-energy and Geo-resources - 28, 29 September)。 话说现在但凡跟能源靠上点边都是热点,都不愁基金支持,火的要命,也因此这次会议吸引了全世界各地相关领域的学者学生两百多人,齐聚墨尔本,华山论剑。还是颇有些感触。

1. 先说会议组织,虽然大会主席之一是著名华人岩石力学专家赵坚教授,而且估计有超过一半的参会人员都是中国人,但大会办地却非常国际化。国际化的最大的标志就是对于参会人员啥也不管。这不像国内举办个国际会议,对国外的来宾,那可是远接近送,极尽地主之谊,那些老外个个被服侍地跟那啥似的。我都担心,这要是哪天在中国举办国际会议啥也不管了,没人接,没人送,没人围着合影,没人陪着观光旅游,他们都有上访的可能。所以这次开会,当我看到那些风光无限的学术大佬跟我一样在雨中等出租车回酒店的样子,很是欣慰。一方水土,养一方人,啥也不说了,毛病都是惯出来的。

2. 不得不感慨我们伟大祖国之魅。中国的崛起势不可挡。就从这样一个国际会议上也能看出点倪端。以前参加国际会议,都是中国人粉老外。现在的情况,不敢说调过来了,也差不多。很多国内的大教授已经非常自信,身边围绕着的都是那些曾经居高临下,不可一世的国际大牛。这里不能不说,就岩土这个专业来讲,中国已然是世界的中心。无论国外的大牛,小牛,还是非牛都争先恐后地往中国跑,搞合作,拜码头。原因很简单,土木这个专业在很多国家已经是夕阳产业,而在中国还是八九点钟的太阳,到处大兴土木,天堑变通途。中国速度已经征服了世界。这让几十年不挖个隧道,不建座桥的老外们,彻底傻眼了。

3. 前面说的都是大好形势,但就纯学术而言,我们虽然气势很盛,大工程很多,但很多人的报告还不够顶级,不够特色,绝大多数研究领域的话语权还是被白人把持着。这也是事实,必须承认。然而,即使这样,我也观察到不少国内的年轻学者,尤其那些多年来一直很专注,很系统地做自己的研究,当他们汇报成果的时候,委实吸引了全世界学者的关注和认可。很多老外也围过来讨论。这一点让人更有了信心。

4. 因为我是一个分会场的chair,对大家用英文做报告,和主持会议确实做了一些功课。可能不是母语的原因,更重要的是平时用英语交流的机会不多,很多国内学者自己讲的时候还不错,但在回答问题,讨论环节,经常听不懂对方的问题。但也有不少年轻学者,英文非常流利,挥洒自如。另外,当一个年轻学者,混到一定水平的时候,会被邀请去主持一个分会场。作为主持人,以我的观察和积累,有一些套路还是要学会,现分享如下:


Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. It is a pleasure for meto welcome you to Session 5. I am Dr Shanyong Wang from the University ofNewcastle. I will be one of the chairs of this session. First of all, I would like toremind you of the basic rules. As you know, there are 10-12 minutes for paperfollowed by 3-5 minutes of discussion. We will give a waring at 9 minutes sothat you have a minute to wrap up. We will be very strict about timing and willstop you when your 12 minutes time is up even if you have not finished.


It gives me great pleasure to introduce ourguest speaker today. Dr. A is a professor of chemistry at University ofNewcastle. He was born in Beijing in 1932. He received his Ph.D in organicchemistry from Norhteastern Unversity 1962. Then he moved to UVW Uninversitywhere he taught for weveral years. Dr. A joined the University of Newcastle in1975. His main research interest is in DEM, and he is a distinguishedinvestigator in this important field. This morning he is going to tell us aboutDDA. Dr. A, please.

This first paper this morning will be presentedby Dr. A, from the University of Newcastle, and his topic is “…”. Dr. A please.

3)控制发言时间   Well, I am sure we could discuss this longer,but unfortunately time is up (we are running out of time). Our next paper is…

Mr. A, would you wind up your statement? Forreasons of time (because of the shortage of time), we have to move on to paperNo. 6.

Dr. A, I am sorry, but we do have to move on; weare running short of time. I think perhaps we had better close the discussionnow and move on.


We now have 3-5 minutes for discussion. I youwant to ask your question, please raise your hand. I will try to take thequestions in order. If you wish to direct your question specifically to one ofthe speakers, please do so.If you have a question or a comment, please goto the nearest microphone and turn it on and then give your name, youraffiliation and your country.

Any questions for Dr. A’s paper?

Well, since nobody seems willing to start theball rolling, I will just lie to make a small comment.

I think in the interest of time we have to stop.If you have any other questions or comments, you may have some time at the endof the meeting or you may talk with Dr. A personally.


This session is now closed.

We would lie to close this session by thankingall the speakers and participants.

In closing the meeting. I’d like to express mysincere thanks to the participants for their thoughtful presentation, and alsogive my personal thanks to my co-chairman, Dr. A, Miss B, timekeeper, and tothe people who handled the slides.


Unfortunately, there are slight changes in theprogram because Dr. A has not arrived. The first speaker, therefore, will beDr. B. There will be some changes in the order of the presentations. Dr. A’spresentation will remain paper No. 1, followed by Dr. B’s presentation. Thethird paper will be presented by Dr. C. Dr. D’s paper is No. 4.

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