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已有 10699 次阅读 2012-9-8 00:26 |个人分类:工作笔记|系统分类:科研笔记| 数学, 生物, 模型, 计算, 定量

前两天有博主讨论数学公式和引用率的问题。我今天偶然看到一篇题目叫做“数学在生物中的应用和滥用”的发在Science上的2004年的老文章(英文原名 "Uses and Abuses of Mathematics in Biology",原文PDF在博文最下方下载)。觉得里面的东西在今天读来还是有些意义。


1. 数学在生物学发展的历史上起到过重大的作用。譬如Hardy and Weinberg equilibrium 对种群遗传的公式描述和Fisher, Haldane, and Wright等人在20世纪初期对于生物数学做出了进一步的发展。这里顺便说一句,Fisher(费希尔)这个名字可能对于大多数人来说是作为一个著名的统计学家出现的。他其实还是一个生物遗传学家。
6.复杂的模型不一定是更有意义的,更接近现实的,更有预见力的。对于不知道的参数做出假设是危险的。作者举了世界卫生组织和纽约人口协会做的一个研究艾滋病在非洲传染机率的例子。这个研究应用了复杂的公式,但其中的一个假设是没有意义的:一个人和10个不同的人性交后被传染机率跟和同一个人性交10次的机率是相同的。很显然,前者的机率应该是更高的。第二个例子是英国做的一个关于食用带骨牛肉对于克雅氏病传染率的研究。研究者运用了数学模型,其结论是如果禁止食用带骨牛肉,就最少可以避免一例感染。结果,英国政府就颁布了这个禁令。而这个研究里面对于一个参数 - 食用了一定量感染病毒的牛肉后会被传染的机率 - 做了没有根据的泛泛的假设。但是在当时是不知道这个参数到底是多少的。本文的作者用了另外一种办法做了估计,结论是禁止食用带骨牛肉只会减少一个传染例子的一千分之一[也就是把一个人劈成一千份儿]。事实证明,英国的群众的眼睛是雪亮的,大家都觉得这个禁令是无理取闹,极其可笑的。

“The virtue of mathematics in such a context is that it forces clarity and precision upon the conjecture, thus enabling meaningful comparison between the consequences of basic assumptions and the empirical facts.”
“A point that arguably deserves more emphasis than it usually gets is that, in such exploration of mathematical models [of biological/evolutionary questions], the understanding emerging from complex computer-based simulations can often be substantially less complete than that from the analytic methods of classical applied mathematics and theoretical physics.”
"...an increasingly large body of work ... are drawn from the alleged working of a mathematical model, without clear understanding of what is actually going on"
“Sadly, examples of the application of statistical “confidence intervals” to distributions resulting from making arbitrary assumptions about essentially unknown parameters, and then endowing this with reality by passage through a computer, continue to proliferate.”
“...there is as yet no agreed explanation for why there is so long, and so variable, an interval between infection with HIV and onset of AIDS...It may even be that the design of effective vaccines against protean agents like HIV or malaria will require such population-level understanding."
"More familiar in some areas than others are the benefits of mathematical studies that underpin pattern seeking and other software that is indispensable in elucidating genomes, and ultimately in understanding how living things assemble themselves. Very generally useful are still-unfolding advances that illuminate the frequently counterintuitive behavior of nonlinear dynamical systems of many kinds."
"Mathematics, however, does not have the long-standing relation to the life sciences that it does to the physical sciences and engineering."
"Particularly tricky are instances in which conventional statistical packages (often based on assumptions of an underlying Gaussian distribution—the central limit theorem) are applied to situations involving highly nonlinear dynamical processes (which can often lead to situations in which 'rare events' are significantly more common than Gaussian distributions suggest)"
"Perhaps most common among abuses, and not always easy to recognize, are situations where mathematical models are constructed with an excruciating abundance of detail in some aspects, whilst other important facets of the problem are misty or a vital parameter is uncertain to within, at best, an order of magnitude. It makes no sense to convey a beguiling sense of “reality” with irrelevant detail, when other equally important factors can only be guessed at. Above all, remember Einstein’s dictum:'models should be as simple as possible,but not more so.'"

In the physical sciences, mathematical theory and experimental investigation
have always marched together. Mathematics has been less intrusive in the life
sciences, possibly because they have until recently been largely descriptive,
lacking the invariance principles and fundamental natural constants of physics.
Increasingly in recent decades, however, mathematics has become pervasive in
biology, taking many different forms: statistics in experimental design; pattern
seeking in bioinformatics; models in evolution, ecology, and epidemiology; and
much else. I offer an opinionated overview of such uses—and abuses.


May 2004 Uses and abuses of mathematics in biology.pdf


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