(1)Patek_2004_皮皮虾-出击速度.pdf (2)Weaver_2012_Mantis-shrimp_皮皮虾鳌爪材料_o.pdf (3)作者对于皮皮虾的鳌爪材料组成的性质作用的描述: These characteristics include a pitch-graded
helicoidal architecture constructed from mineralized chitin fibers that
can dissipate
the energy released by propagating microcracks; an
oscillating elastic modulus that provides further shielding against
crack propagation; a modulus mismatch in the impact
region that acts as a crack deflector near the impact surface; and an
ultrahard outer layer correlated with a high level
of mineralization and a radial organization of apatitic crystallites.