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已有 3060 次阅读 2015-5-4 22:26 |系统分类:观点评述






Du, Xiang-Jun (杜向) 中国科学院生物物理研究所

Mr. Du majored in physics in college. Out of curiosity aboutlife sciences, he began his Ph.D. study under the direction of Dr. 蒋太交 at Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research focus is onthe bioinformaticsof influenza viruses. His earlier work was published in Genome Research.Furthermore, he has developed a new method for influenza antigen prediction andinfluenza monitoring, which is thought to be superior to the current methodused by WHO. A patent based on this work is being filed and a publication isbeing prepared. The prize committee recognizes his research on influenza virusbioinformatics superior to the method currently used by the field. He appearedto be very sharp and knowledgeable about your field. He showed a leadershipquality and a broad view.


Tiannan Guo

Background: Mr. Guoreceived his medical training in a 7-year program in Tongji Medical School inWuhan, and graduated in 2006. After doing research in the last 2 years incollege, he decided to pursue a research career rather than practicingmedicine. He went to Singapore to do research and later entered the graduateprogram of Nanyang Technological University under the direction of Dr. Siu KwanSze. He is interested in proteomicsand systems biology. One of his current research topics is on METoncogene addiction of cancer cells and its relation with metabolism in themitochondria.

Citation:  He demonstrated a mature thinking about his research topic andrecognized important issues pertinent to his research. Although trained inmedicine, he is taking on the challenge of broadening his experience inchemistry, physics and computer programming. He plans to obtain postdoctoraltraining in bioinformatics and statistics because he believes that these arethe new challenges once huge amounts of data are acquired. Although hispublications are not in high profile journals and are mostly aboutmethodologies, he is quite productive. He hopes to use systems biologyapproaches in cancer therapy. The committee believes that he is likely to makeimportant contributions in this new area of biomedical sciences.


Chuanchao Wang

Background:  Mr.Wang received his BS from Ocean University of China in 2010, and is conductinghis Ph.D. study in the field of anthropology under the direction of Dr. Hui Liat Fudan University. During the past two years, he mainly studied the originand diversification of the Chinese and other East Asian populations utilizing genomic tools as well asarchaeological, linguistic, historical, and ethnological methods. He alsoapplied biostatistic and bioinformaticmethods to investigate the development rules of the languages.

Citation:  Mr. Wang is an outstanding student and has accomplishedsignificantly in a short period of time (He is only a second year student). Hemade a very good impression during the interview by offering clear and conciseanswers to all the questions. His broad knowledge in genomics andbioinformatics would benefit greatly for his future research in the field. Hiswork is unique in China and is important for anthropology of Chinese. Hedemonstrated independent thinking and a strong desire to have a career inscience.


Xiaoqian Jiang

Background: Ms. Jiangreceived her bachelor degree from Shaanxi University of Science and Technologyin 2007, and entered the Ph.D. program in the laboratory of Dr. Shiheng Tao atNorthwest Agriculture and Forestry University in 2007. Her research focuses onevolutionary biology usingcomputer-simulation methods. She revealed that the mutation rate inasexual populations was determined by both population size and mutationeffects. Furthermore, she found that in the ‘‘strong-selection weak mutation(SSWM)’’ regime or in the ‘‘clonal interference (CI)’’ regime, deleteriousmutations rarely influence the distribution of ‘‘selection coefficients of the fixedmutations (SCFM)’’; while in the ‘‘multiple mutations’’ regime, theaccumulation of deleterious mutations would lead to a decrease in fitnesssignificantly.

Citation: She was able to accomplish a complicated project and is productive.She is very independent as most of her work was done by herself. Oneinterviewer thinks she has the potential for innovation. She is knowledgeablein many aspects. She answers questions clearly and is passionate about herresearch topic.


Jun Lv

Background: Mr. Lv received his Bachelor of Science degree fromBeijing Normal University in 2009 and entered the Ph.D. program in KunmingInstitute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Science in 2011. His advisor is Dr.Wen Wang. For the past three years, he has been working on rice domesticationand improvements using a genomic approach combining next generation sequencing (NGS) andbioinformatic analysis. He comes up with a novel idea of allele mining,which termed as ETAS (elite variety tag SNPs) strategy.

Citation:  Mr. Lv is a mature student with good analytical skills andin-depth knowledge in his field. He was able to independently designcomputational methods to identify elite variety tag SNPs. His work contributedto significant progress in the field. He knows well in related plant fields.Interviewers think that he has good general knowledge about Dr. Ray Wu'scontributions. He offered a good presentation, and appears to have ambition tobecome an academic leader.

吴瑞奖复盖所有生命科学领域。与生物信息学相关的历届获奖人占总数5/58(8.6%),远高于其文献所占比例(见 https://www.coursera.org/learn/sheng-wu-xin-xi-xue/lecture/iuqab/zhong-guo-da-lu-de-sheng-wu-xin-xi-xue)。

罗明,  多届吴瑞奖评委


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5 王传超 蔡小宁 付福友 Ivory1977 wuqunan

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