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已有 4636 次阅读 2013-7-8 23:50 |个人分类:研究心得|系统分类:观点评述| 平衡, 对立, 一体


A gaol is a goal, a goal is a gaol. The reader can digest this clever pun in his own manner.What I like in it is the smart manner to show, with a slight exchange of two letters, the beauty of an eternal dual transformation between two opposite but complementary things, a duality dynamics, an eternal recurrence, illustrating well a characteristic of the metamorphosis of the world. Indeed, many scientists especially philosophers believe in the ubiquity of the duality description of the world. Many believe that the interplay of pairs of key opposite elements is just the origin of the diverse dynamics and transformations of the world, and numerous tasks, if not all, attributed once to God can be just the product of this dual interplay. However, this picture is to date only a conceptual understanding of the world. A great step will be to formulate it into exact science with mathematics. To me this is the only way to distinguish this extraordinary conception from other conceptual interpretation of the world, religious or metaphysical, and to fashion it into useful tools to give quantitative prediction but not merely qualitative and behindhand understanding. This fractal picture we created from the ancient figure of Yin-Yang duality was inspired by this reflection. It shapes an eternal dynamics with the opposite-complementary mechanism of duality at every scale of the world. We thank Dr. OU Congjie (欧聪杰) from Huajiao University for his help in the mathematical computations for a set ofthese fractal structures in our laboratory at ISMANS in 2008, one of them is shown here.

For understanding the normalization formula with a power in the figure, please see the incomplete statistics and its multifractal application.





没有数学演算,没个祸福几率分布函数,空口无凭,只好听老子高调。没有数学参与,任何高论都不是精确科学(exact science)。既然此辩证哲学原理放之四海而皆准(如老子黑格尔马克思所说),不变成精确科学,甚为可惜。能否从它导出个量化的原理。拉它从天上下凡,作精确科学的一个基本原理。此乃一梦想。七月四日的博文,既与此意相关。是第一步尝试,从经典物理入手。欢迎批评讨论。







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